Summary of The Hindu 8th APRIL 2024



Traders rue underpriced onion export to UAE

Amid the extended ban on Onion , govt sold tonnes of Onion to the UAE at a very low price compared to international prices . This has given quite less profit to farmers and traders .

An Indian farmer is being paid ₹12 to ₹15 per kilogram for a kilogram of Onions procured for exports ,which are then sold at₹120 per kilogram at the UAE stores  , exporters alleged .

The export in India is handled by NCEL ( National Cooperative Export Ltd ) , a government owned body by the Ministry of Cooperation .

On March 1 ,the center permitted the export of 14,440 tonnes of Onion to the UAE .

The election season , MSMEs pursues candidate with GST reform demands

High GST charges is a bone of contention of functioning MSMEs .

There is a demand by different sections of MSME for the new govt to decrease GST on MSME .

Modi , Mamta exchange barbs over attack on NIA in Bhupatinagar

A team of National Investigation Agency ( NIA ) was attacked in Bhupatinagar area of West Medinipur district of West Bengal . The NIA team was visiting the area to conduct a search operation in a “ December 2022 “blast case .

On Sunday PM Modi attacked TMC over this .

“ TMC wants it’s corrupt leaders and extortionists to get a free license of terror . That is why they arrive when the central agencies arrive here . “

Trinamool Congress  in a Press Conference said that  NIA is conspicuously trying to arrest TMC candidates even on minor charges . TMC asked over the silence of election commission .

‘ Unnecessarily complex ‘ GST needs urgent reform : Kelkar

Chairman of 13th Finance Commission and key architect of GST , Vijay Kelakar has called upon the country’s next government to take urgent reform in the “ unnecessarily complex “ Goods and Services Tax ( GST ) regime .

“The genesis of the current GST structure lies in the very structure of GST rates , as high rates of GST makes  it lucrative for fraudsters to evade taxes .” He stressed .

Other proposals by him was the creation of an independent secretariat for GST .

He stressed the need for a single GST rate at 12 %  , to simplify it and to decrease evasion of taxes .

Mr Kelkar was given the TIOL Fiscal Award .

Churches screens The Kerala Story lands in a row

The Idukki. diocese of the Syro Malabar Church , stepped onto a political minefield , by screening the film for Catechism students .

The father of the church said that was the screening was to create awareness of the issue among students hailing from Syro Malabar community.

DD Telecast

Last week the movie was telecast by Doordarshan National . This has created a political row , with LDF and UDF parties of Kerala accusing BJP to decide the state .


Earlier Kerala story was banned by Kerala Government  after its release

Kerala has the largest Muslim population in India .

The percentage of Muslims residing in highest when compared among large Indian states .

Text and Context

Why are Vistara flights being canceled ?

Between March 31 and April 3 ,Vistara canceled over 150 flights and 200 flights was delayed over two hours resulting in massive disruption at the airline ,primarily due to challenges with “  Crew unavailability .

Vistara is expanding its routes , and recent situation resulted due to roster cruck as there was a mismatch between network expansion and strength of its pilots . The information was shared by the CEO of Vistara .

The TATA group is in Process to merging its four airline companies to form a Low Cost Carrier ( LCC ) to compete with Indigo .

The four companies are : Air India , Air India Express , Air Asia ,  Vistara

What would be the impact of Baltimore bridge collapse ?

The Port of Baltimore is the ninth US port by overall trade volume . It moved around 50 millions tonnes of goods between the US and other countries .

Trade through the port will largely be suspended for sometime causing  financial losses of expected 9 million dollars a day .

The immediate impact will be felt on workers also .


No Israel embassy safe , says Iran after attack on its mission

A top Iranian military advisor  General Rahim Safavi , a top military commander to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khameini signaled that the attack on a diplomatic mission could be met with Similar Response .

“ None of the embassies of Israel are safe anymore “

Gen Safavi was quoted as saying by semi semi-official Tasnim agency.

Israel to pull back some troops from South Gaza as war crossed sixth months

The Israeli military on Sunday announced that it was drawing back some forces from Israel’s stronghold in Southern Gaza . Military said that forces will recuperate and prepare for future operations .

The Israel cabinet earlier had cleared its orders for a major offensive in Rafah . Speculation is that Israel can launch a heavy strike in Rafah city .

Rafah currently holds 1.4 million Gaza residents , that is more than half of entire Gaza population . Any attack by Israel can cause heavy casualties in Gaza .

ICJ to hear Germany role in Israel’s Gaza war

Nicargua has moved to International Court of Justice ( ICJ )  against Germany’s role in “ facilitating “ acts of Genocide and breaches of international law in Gaza .

Germany is accused of facilitating military and other aid to Israel .

Nicaragua has asked ICJ to order immediate suspension of the military aid by Germany to Israel.

Germany has rejected Nicaragua’s accusation and has said that it will clear its position in court .

Israel strikes Hezbollah sites in East Lebanon

The Israeli  military said on Sunday that it’s warplanes had struck Hezbollah sites  in eastern Lannon .

The Israeli military said that the attack was in retaliation to the strike in which an Israeli drone was shot down ..

China conducts ‘combat patrols ‘ as US allies hold maritime drills

China held “ combat patrols’ ‘ in South China Sea .The same day the Philippines , the US,Japan and Australia conducted their first joint drill in South China Sea .

‘US China ties are on stable footing but more can be done ‘

US treasury secretary Jenner Yellen is in China . On Sunday she met Chinese Premier Li Quing highlighting the improvement in relations ,

“ We have more to do ,I believe that ,over the past years , we have put our bilateral relations on more stable footings, “  Ms Yellen said.


China has seen a sharp rise in trade with Russia since the start of the Russia -Ukraine conflict  . Though China does not sell military equipment , the US has expressed concern over sell of items that can have dual use , both as civilian and military products .

Ms Yellen had visited China  last year in November as well .

‘US,Britain , Australia milling expansion of Aukus Security pact ‘

An important meeting of defense ministers of AUKUS will be held on Monday .

A Financial Times report has said that US is pushing for Japan to be included in the grouping .

The talk will have other issues mainly  comprising Artificial Intelligence , Cyber Technology , Quantum Computing etc .

AUKUS – Australia ,  UK , US was created to counter China  strategically .

US and UK will be supplying military submarines to Australia in one of its agreements.

Rawanda calls out apathy that led to 1994 genocide

Rawandan President Paul Kagame blamed  international community for allowing 1994 genocide to happen .He was speaking to marks anniversary the anniversary of Genocide  .

International community failed ‘ all of us ‘ the Rwandan President said .

France , President Emanual Macron has said that  “ government lacked the will “ to stop the genocide then. France was the closest European ally to Rwanda back in 1994 .

About Rawanda Genocide :

In  1994 , Hutu community led government launched genocide against  Tutsi community .

An estimated  5,00,000 – 8,00,000 people were killed in this .

Paul Kagamae was one of the rebel fighters who overturned the government to stop genocide .

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