Summary of The Hindu 26th OCTOBER 2023

A month after suspension India partially resumes VISA services for Canadians

India on Wednesday resumed VISA services in certain categories for  Canadian citizens , health a month after they were suspended in the aftermath of Canada’s allegation on India .

Indian High commission in Canada told that it will accept VISAs for entry , business, medical , conference purposes from Thursday . Tourist VISA and e visa has still been hold in abeyance .

NCERT panel suggests replacing ‘India’ with ‘Bharat ‘  in textbooks

A high level committee set up by the NCERT has proposed that the name of the country should be changed from ” India ” to ” Bharat ” in school textbooks of NCERT .

C.I. Issac , the chair of the committee has recommended this . With controversy , NCERT on Wednesday clarified that the recommendations have not been approved yet , and it was “too premature” to comment on the issue .

Israel Palestine peace talk must resume , says India at UN

India has voiced deep concern over deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza , Nd has urged all parties to create conditions for peace and start dialogue .India’s diplomat at UN said during security council meeting .

The diplomat said India has always necessitated a negotiated two state solution for Israel Palestine issue , leading to a sovereign , independent and viable , state of Palestine side by side to Israel , taking into account of security concerns of Israel .

Time has come for India to declare Hamas a terrorist group : Israel Ambassador

Time has come for India to declare Hamas Hamas a terrorist group , Israeli Ambassador Naor Gilon said .

Countries like EU , US , Canada , Australia recognise Hamas as a terrorist group .

India , China , Russia , Brazil and many other countries don’t recognise Hamas a terrorist group .

India had described October 7 attack a ” terror attack ” .

ISA to release report on global adoption of Solar technology in November

The International Solar Alliance ( ISA ) , a 116 member countries will for the first time comokike and related a ” global solar stockate report ” . This is inspired by ”  stockate report ” released after UN COP meetings .

ISA will meet in Delhi this month .

ISA was formed to support increased adoption of Solar Energy across world . It’s headquarter is in Gurugram .

ISRO to hold more tests for Gaganyaan in coming months

After the successful test of Vehicle D1 ( TV D1 ) , ISRO has lined up for more test missions in the coming months .

Upcoming tests include TV D2 mission , the GX unmanned orbital demonstration flight , the integrated Air drop test ( IADT ) and the Pad Abort Test .

G-X mission – Crew Module with service module will be used . It will be launched with LVM3 with Vyomitra the female robot will be used  . In this mission crew support system ,and thermal protection systems and Parachutes will be used .

TV – D2 : — Similar to TVD1 ,  TV D2 will test flight abort capability but under different initial condition .

ISRO is considering whether crew Module recovered from sea water can be used for further tests .

Service module will be included in next test , Vyomitra will be used in upcomg tests

Uttarakhand dam project : Cabinet panel approves fund

Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs ( CCEA ) on Wednesday approved ₹1557 crore central support for Jamrani Dam Project in Nainital District Uttarakhand .

The multipurpose dam project is scheduled to be completed by 2028 .

A dam will be built in Jamrani village over Gola river which is tributary to RamGanga River .


Israel steps up attack ; Israel denied water and fuel

The UN aid agency in besieged Gaza warned  that it will have to stop operation by Wednesday because it is running short of fuel and water . Israel has cut off Gaza’s usual water , food and other supplies , and a fewer than 70 trucks have entered since the war started .

” a drop of aid in an ocean of need ” warned UN chief Antonio Guterras .

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to ” eliminate Hamas ” and Israeli strikes have now killed over 6500 people in Gaza , a rise of 700 on Tuesday , according  to Hamas run health ministry .

UN Chief Guterres decried the  ” epic suffering ” in Gaza and collective suffering of 2.4 million people .

Not in a vacuum

It is ” important to also recognise the attacks by Hamas  did not happen in vacuum  . The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation …. The have seen their land staedily devourde by settlement and plagued by violence ; their economy stifled ; their people displaced and their homes demolished . Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing . ” . Mr. Gieterrus said in a special UN security council meeting .

” But the grievance is Palestinian people cannot justify the appalling attack by Hamas . And those appalling attacks cannot justify collective punishment of Palestinian people ” .

His comments drew a furious response from Israel . Israel Foreign minister Eli Cohen said ” Mr. Secretary General in what world do you live ? ” , he recounted number of civilians killed in Hamas attack .

Israel ambassador to UN called Mr Guetterus to resign .

On day 19 , UN agency fo Palestinian refugees warned it can not keep UN operation without access of fuel .

Israel have been attacked many times by Arabian countries . Israel has occupied a portion of West Bank and is settling its citizens in these areas . Pakestinians territories means West bank and Gaza .


Israeli blockade in Gaza

World leaders seek pause to fighting to allow aid into Gaza

US President Joe Biden and Saudi Prince Mohammad Bin Salman spoke on phone on Tuesday and agreed on broader diplomacy ” to maintain stability across region and prevent the conflict from expanding , ” the white House said .

US is trying to free 200 plus hostages from Hamas and has advised Israel to hold off a plan for ground assault .

However when asked from media US President Joe Biden said ” Israel is making their own decision “. .

Iran’s UN ambassador told at UN security Council meeting that US had wrongly blamed Iran for Hamas Hamas war .

Russia at security council called for humanitarian ceasefire .

 Arab states firmly back a call for humanitarian ceasefire amid widespread destruction at Gaza buildings.

Lebanon’s Hezbollah holds talk with leaders of Hamas , Palestinian Islamic Jihad .

The leaders of Lebanon’s Hezbollah group held talks with on Wednesday in Beirut with senior Hamas and Palestinian Islamic  jihad  figures in a key meeting at three top anti Israel militant groups amid the war ranging in Gaza .

A brief statement released after meetings ng says that the three agreed with the next stage to be taken at this ” sensitive stage ” .

The goal was to achieve ” a real victory for the resistance in Gaza and Palestine ”  and half Israel’s ” treacherous and brutal agression against our oppressed and steadfast people in Gaza and West Bank ” . The statement said .

On lebanon border  fight is going on between Hezbollah and Israeli forces ,but not at a massive scale as in Gaza .

In neighboring Syria , state media said that an Israeli airstrike hit the airport in the northern city of Aleppo

China refuses to explain why Defense Minister was removed from office

Japan’s top court rules in favour of transgender people

Japan’s supreme court on Wednesday ruled that a law requiring transgender people to undergo sterilization surgery in order to officially change their gender is unconstitutional .

A 2003 law in Japan required removal of sex organs for a state recognised gender change .

This is thought to be partial win for transgender community .

Hong Kong will have its own National Security law in 2024 .

Palestian death toll in West Bank crosses 100 .

Since war erupted on October 7 , more than 100 Palestinian have been killed so far inWest Bank , many have died in Israeli raids , while many have died in clashed of settlers .

West Bank have both Israeli settlers  and Palestinians . Clashes erupted between the two groups causing death .

Chinese research vessel arrives in Colombo port ‘ for replenishment ‘

Srilanka’s foreign ministry said that that vessel Shi Yan 6 has arrived at Colombo port and that ” clearance will be given for vessel arrival for replenishment ”

Russia’s Shoigu is saying that Moscow is exhausting Ukrainian army


Warming ties

India must understand Bhutan’s reasoning in India’s in Trhimpbu’s talk with China

The editorial is about Bhutanese Foreign Minister first ever visit to Beijing . The main purpose of visit is to resume boundary talks .

Bhutan’s foreign ministers Tanji Dorji met Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi . Here according to joint statement both sides has agreed on a cooperation agreement  and to establish a Joint Technical team for boundary negotiations. This is quite a significant progress to expedite boundary negotiations .

China also told Bhutan that China is willing to establish diplomatic relation with Bhutan . Currently there is no diplomatic relation between the two countries .There is a possibility that Swapping of territories can be put to resolve boundary dispute .

India having special relation with Bhutan can worry about growing relation between China and Bhutan . India’s red line should be regarding negotiation about Doklam Plateau where it should be made party in discussion .

Doklam plateau is of strategic concern for India and it is near Siliguri Corridor . Indian armed forces protects Doklam on behalf of Bhutan .



China Bhutan border dispute

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