Summary of The Hindu 13 August 2023 Current Affairs — —

4 key laws , including Data Protection Act , get
President’s assent

President Draupadi Murmu on Saturday gave
assent to four key laws Digital data protection Act , The registration of Birth
and Death (Amendment)  Act , Jan Vishwas
( Amendment ) act and  Delhi Services act

Digital data Protection. act deals
with securing online data of users .

Registration of Birth as
Death  (Amendment) act  makes it mandatory to Register birth and
death . These will be linked with Aadhar . And only this will be used for date
of birth verification at various stages

Jan Vishwas Act lowers punishment
in cases of Manufacturing , import of medicines and cosmetics .

Delhi Services act has provision
that gives control of staff of Delhi govt 
in hand of lieutenant governor . Especially in matters related to
appointment and transfer .


Marginalised Section biggest beneficiaries of govt

 PM Modi
on Saturday laid foundation of a temple dedicated to Sant Ravidas to be build
at cost of ₹100 crore in Sagar district of Madhya Pradesh . Speaking at this
occasion PM said the marginalized Section of society was the biggest
beneficiaries of his government policies .

Ravidas was a 14 th century poet and social reformer
. He is widely revered by Scheduled Caste (
SC) in North and Central India .


Assam Rifles chief , Manipur CM meet over security issues

Assam rifles has been accused recently of
favouring Kuki zo community . Recently 40 MLAs comprising Meitie and Naga had
written to PM to withdraw Assam Rifles , while 10LAs from Kuki had written not
to withdraw Assam rifles from Manipur .

           Assam Rifles in a post on X wrote that they
discussed security situation in state and ” issues pertaining to Assam
rifles in Manipur ” .

HC asks Manipur to find ways to restore mobile internet

Manipur High court has directed state govt to
consider restoring mobile internet in the state by whitelisting devices on a
case to case basis .


Noyoma advanced landing ground in eastern Ladakh being
upgraded to handle fighter jets

As part of increasing infrastructure in Border
areas along Line of Actual Control ( LAC) work on the expansion of Advanced
landing Ground ( ALG) at Nyoma in eastern Ladakh commenced this week . The
runway will be expanded to make it capable of handling fighter jets . Engines
of IAF fighter jets is also being tweaked so that it can work in high altitude
condition where pressure is low and Temperature sometimes goes very low .

Noyoma is located at 13700 feet and is close
to Pangong Tso .IAF has airfields in Leh and Thoises and ALG in Daulat Beg
Oldie and Fuckhe .

India is working to revamp it’s border
infrastructure for strategic uses . China is also upgrading and building new
infrastructure on its side of LAC.



NCERT forms 19 member panel for textbooks revision .

The chain of this new committee will be M

C pant while Manjul Bhargava will be vice
Chairman . The committee will prepare textbooks for classes 3 to 12 under NEP ,
it will also use the help of expert committee to complete the task , a note by
education ministry said .


First Indian made MRI scanner to be launched for clinical
work in October

based company Voxelgrids Innovations private limited
has made a MRI scanner that will be first Mader in India scanner . The MRI
scanner built by Voxelgrids uses liquid Nitrogen instead of liquid Helium which
is used in MRIs .

The use of new type of MRI will make it
cheaper and thus the cost of MRI will be cut by around 30 %. Cutrently MRI scan
charges ₹5000 to ₹25000 per scan .

Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a type of scan that uses strong magnetic field
and radio waves to produce detailed images of the inside of the body .


Govt Planning law on Protection of Indian Manuscript

Government is planning to introduce National
Manuscript Bill , 2023 possibly in winter session of parliament .

The primary aim of the bill is to document and
catalogue Indian Manuscript wherever they be in India or in abroad , maintain
accurate and up to date information about these . The bill will have following
provisions :

A 10 member National Manuscript
Authority (NMA) will be created .Culture minister will be it chairperson .

NMA will have power of civil court
to regulate the allocation of access of manuscript , it will also have a.
Investigation wing for the purpose of conducting an inquiry into theft and
discretion of text.

A special body will be vested to
take Manuscript from private person and sum to be paid for this will e fixed by
experts .

It will collaborate with
Universities and educational institutions for providing fellowship and scholarship
for study of manuscripts .

Manuscript  are written on materials such as palm leaf ,
paper , cloth , and bark on themes ranging from history , religion , literature
, astrology , agriculture practices etc .

currently have an estimated 10 million manuscript in 80 ancient scripts such as
Brahmi , kushan , Gaudi , Lepcha and Mairhilli


Distress should be shared by T.N., Karnataka :

On Friday TamilNadu walked off Cauvery Water Management Authority (CWMA)
meeting when Karnataka refused to agree to release 37.9 million cubic feet (
tmcft )of water that is due to TamilNadu .Tamil Nadu also told that it will
move to Suprem Court over this .

Flow of water in reservoirs of cauvery has
come down due to less rainfall in Kerala and Kodagu , said Karnataka CM .
” The distres has to be shared by both states ”


Anwaar – ul – Haq Kakar named Pakistan’s new caretaker PM

Senator Anawar ul Haq on Saturday was
appointed as caretaker Prime.Minister of Pakistan to head neutral.political set
up to run cash strapped country to until the next general election .Mr kakar
name was agreed on final day of the consultation for  names in Pakistan assembly .

Mr Kakar is a ethnic Pashtun from Balochistan
province .and a Part of Balochistan Awami Party ( BAP ) .

In his first reaction Mr Kakar tweeted “
Thank you Allah Almighty for the opportunity to serve the nation as caretaker
Prime Minister .

NATO – Calibre weapons are being given to IS-K by terror

17 th report on security general on threat posed by ISIL ( Daesh ) to  International peace and security has told UN
that  NATO calibre weapons that it had
given to Afghan Army is being provided to IS – K ,TTP and it’s associates after
Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in 2021 .

” With the Taliban takeover in
Afghanistan , member states expressed concerns over the proliferation of large
quantities of of weapons and other military equipment within Afghanistan and
its neighboring countries ”

Daesh ) – Islamic States of Iraq and Levant .It is active in regions of Syria
,Iraq and neighboring countries . It has many other division which are active
in Africa and other parts of Asia mainly western Arab.

weapons means weapons that fire bullets mainly guns , machine guns , AK47

Albanese condemns ‘ scare ‘ tactics on Indigenous reforms

Australia. PM attacked opposition’s “
scare campaign ” agianst  his plan
to give Indigenous people a constitutional right to be consulted on laws that
impact  them .

Australia will vote on it in a referendum in
mid October .

The 2023 Australian
Indigenous Voice referendum will ask voters to approve an
alteration to the Australian
, creating a body
called the
and Torres Strait Islander Voice
that “may make representations to
the Parliament and the Executive Government … on matters relating to
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples”.

 Australian aboriginal
are those who were in Australia before colonization by British

 They mainly resided
on Tasmania and Torres strait island . Currently aboriginals make about 3.7 %
of 2.64 crore Australian .

Taiwan Vice President leaves for Paraguay amid China’s

vice president William Lai will leave on Solo trip to Paraguay to reinforce
relations with his government’s last diplomatic partner in South America when
China is trying to isolate Taiwan . William Lai’s trip includes stops in New
York and San Francisco , Beijing has criticised the US for granting permission.

There are only 12 country in world
with whichTaiwan has diplomatic relations .

Ukrainian missiles
shot down over Crimea bridge , says pro Russia official

Air defense shot down three Ukrainian missiles over kerch  bridge connecting mainland Russia to Crimea ,
Russian defence sources has said .


Death toll hits 80
as Hawaii starts investigation into wildlife handling

toll crossed 80 , as residents of Lahaina town were allowed back in the town
first time after fire broke .


Armenia calls for
help from UN on Nogorno Karabakh region

Armenia has urged UN security council to
hold an emergency meeting on Nogorno Karabakh ,citing ” deteriorating
humanitarian situation ” after Accusing Azerbaijan of blocking supplies in
the region .

Nagorno Karabakh is disputed
territory between Armenia and Azerbaijan .It is landlocked and is
internationally recognised as part of Azerbaijan but it has its own goverment
which is supported by Armenia .

Azerbaijan is a Muslim dominated
country and is supported by Turkey and Pakistan .

India had sold Pinaka Multi barrel
launch system to Armenia in this .


Six person dead
after Migrant boat capsizes in English Channel


India rides on fitness and dash of clash to clinch the

Hocky Asian Games 2023

India defeated Malaysia
in final of Asia
games Hockey 2023  . The final played in Chennai saw India
defeating Malaysia 4 – 3.

Japan came to third place after defeating
South Korea for bronze .

Six Asian teams had participated – India ,
Pakistan , China , South Korea ,Malaysia and Japan .


India looking to host the 2036 Olympics

Sports Minister Anurag
Thakur reiterated India’s desire
to host Olympics 2036 .

Ahmedabad is a contender in hosting Olympics
2036 .

Summer Olympics in 2024 will be hosted by
Paris , in 2028 it will be hosted by New York , in 2032 it will be hosted by
Brisbane .Winter Olympics in 2026 will be hosted by Milan and Cortina in Italy

Football , women’s World Cup

Semi Finalist – Australia vs England. ,  
Spain vs Sweeden

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