Summary of The Hindu 24th NOVEMBER 2023

Governor holds no Veto power over Bills , says SC

The Supreme Court has laid down a law that a Governor , in case he withholds the bill  , should send it back to legislative assembly “as soon as possible “ with a message to reconsider the proposed law . If the assembly reiterates the bill  “ with or without amendment s “ the Governor has no choice or descrition , and has to give assent to the bill .

The November 10 judgment released on Thursday was about a Petition was based on Punjab Governor’s action to hold back crucial bills .

The current judgment will also be useful in TamilNadu govt case against Governor R.N. Ravi .

The court in its verdict held that a Governor withholding the bill will be in contravention of constitution.

Tunnel rescue delayed as drill machine hits hurdles

Rescue operation at Silkyara tunnel in Uttarakhand was delayed for hours on Thursday as the drilling ran into an iron lattice girder , which will have to be removed manually.

. The machine only managed to drill 2 meters by 6   PM . Horizontal drilling has drilled to 45 meter which is 70 % of the width of debris to be drilled .

LeT commander accomplice killed in J&k encounter

A highly trained commander of Lashkar E Taiba ( LeT) and his accomplice were killed in a 24 hour gunfight at Kalakote in Rajauri on Tuesday . One more soldier of Indian army died of injuries on Thursday . The name of militant is Qari who  was known mastermind behind Dangri incident . In Dangri incident this year seven civilians were killed . Qari Was instrumental in reviving terrorism in these areas.

Center will bring in rules to tackle deep fakes , synthetic media  ; Vaishnaw

Minister of Electronics and Information Technology , Ashwini  Vaishnav , on Thursday said that government would make rules to tackle deepfakes , synthetix media that mimics authentic images , video and audio , and set out rules to prevent their dissemination online ..Mr. Vishnaw met with representatives from social media and technology firms on the day to discuss the subject , and said the companies were all of the view that action was warranted .

“ Within 10 days , we will come up with clear actionable items on four pillars “, they are : improving the detection of deepfakes ; preventing them from spreading rapidly on social media ; and building greater awareness about deepfakes among public .

Deepfake are generally images and videos that are fake as the person is not the same as in real videos . One cannot differentiate whether the video is fake or real  , only by use of Technology it can be detected as fake .

Recently deepfake video of actress  Rashmita Madana had gone viral .

Deepfake video of Rashmika mandana

MGNREGS audit crosses 50 % local bodies in just six states .

Social audit of MGNREGA work is to check corruption . The audit guidelines is prepared by Comptroller and Auditor General .

The audit involves quality check of infrastructure created under MGNREGA and checking for financial misappropriation  in wages and procedural deviation .

Kerala is the only state to cover 100% gram Panchayat by social auditing .

Apart from Kerala the states to cross 50% mark are Bihar ( 64.4 % ) , Gujrat ( 58.8% ) , Jammu and Kashmir ( 60.42 % )  and Uttar Pradesh ( 54.97 % ) .

The center has repeatedly reminded states that if the social audits are not conducted regularly , then the funds under MGNREGA will be withheld . The states complain that the audit is delayed because the center does not released funds  for the social units in time .

Fathima Beevi , first woman judge in Supreme Court dead

 WHO asked China for more info for rise in illness , pneumonia clusters

The World health Organization ( WHO ) says that it has made an official request from China for information about a potentially worrying spike and respiratory illness and clusters of Pneumonia in Children .

The WHO cited unspecified media reports and a global infectious disease as a reporting .

WHO noted that Chinese authorities at China ‘s National Health Commission on November 13 reported an increase in respiratory diseases , which they said was due to lifting CoVID 19 restrictions .



 Anti Islam populist Greet Wilders win Dutch polls

The party of anti Islam populist Greet Wilders has won Dutch Presidential poll .

Qatar says four day Gaza ceasefire will begin today , with aid to follow

A four day ceasefire in Gaza between Israel and Hamas will begin on Friday  morning , Qatar said . The ceasefire was to be imported from Thursday but at last moment Israeli side delayed it for one day .

On Thursday , Majeed Ansari a spokesperson for the foreign ministry .

According to the deal  Hamas will release 50 hostages , Israel will released 150 prisoners and 4 days ceasefire will be observed .

US intercepts drones launched from Yemen

A US warship patrolling the red sea intercepted the multiple attack drones launched from Houthi controlled areas i. Yemen on Thursday , the US central command said .

“ On the morning of November 23 , the USS Thomas hunder shot down multiple one way attack drones launched from Houthi controlled area in Yemen .

“ The ship and crew sustained bi damage or injuries “ , it added ..

The houthis has declared themselves part of “ axis of resistance “ of Iran’s  allies and is retaliating against Israel war on Hamas .


Houthis have control over part of Yemen


Protesters demanding restoration with Nepal’s monarchy clash with police

The protesters , waving the national flag and supporting of slogans supporting former king Gyanendra , and demanding the restoration of monarchy and nation’s former status as a Hindu state , gathered on the edge of Kathmandu . And attempted to move towards the center of the city . Riot police blocked them firing tear gas and water cannons . There was minor injuries from both sides .


WHO survey says misuse of antibiotics undermining efficacy

Misuse of antibiotics is denting their efficacy and spawning resistant bacteria which could be 10 million deaths worldwide by 2050 , it said .


Editorial 1

End of Secrecy

India must respond meaningfully against its agents

The editorial is about recent development like India resuming issuing of e Visas to Canadian citizens . And recent development in which US has warned India against plotting to kill , Gurupatnant Singh Pannu. 

After the event Canadian PM accusing India for killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar . Both sides has suspended issuance of Visas . India also told Canada to withdraw 41 diplomats from India , trade ties suffered . Foreign Minister S Jaishankar cited “situation becoming more secure “ as the reason behind withdrawal of ea Visa ban .

US has warned India against trying to assassinate Gurupatwant Singh Pannu . Pannu is a dual citizen of US and Canada , and recently had warned Sikh community to not use Air India . India’s external Affairs ministry has issued an input that said India is examining the “ US inputs “  and would take “ necessary follow up action “ while there is no doubt matters of national security .


Deceptive signals

October’s foreign trade tidings present a picture that can well be misread

The editorial is about trade figures of 2023

Last month India’s goods exports recorded only their second uptick this financial year , with a 6.2 % rise . Merchandise imports grew at 12.3% over last October .and nearly 21.3% over the September tally to hit an all time high of 65.03% billion . The trade deficit , also hit a record . The import bill was expected to go beyond the relatively tepid trends in recent months , spurred by festive demand of jewelry and high demand electronics. .

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