Summary of The Hindu 22th OCTOBER 2023

Ganganyaan test  flight successful

ISRO on Saturday successfully performed its first test flight demonstrate a crew escape system (CES ) and Crew Module ( CM functioning  for the Gaganyaan mission .

The test vehicle Abort Mission ( TV D1 ) , flight was meant to stimulate an abort situation , and demonstrate the system to safely carry crew Module out of emergency situation .

The mission was scheduled at 8:00 am ,but was rescheduled for 8:45 a.m. , but it was against scheduled at 10:00 , as some anomaly was detected .

The flight lifted to 17km where CM got separated from CES . CM then landed in Bay of Bengal with help of Parachutes .

After the successful launch , the ISRO chairman announced that the first unmanned Gaganyaan vehicle mission would take place in the beginning of 2024.

Sharif returns to Pak ahead of 2024 poll

Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif returned home on Saturday , ending four years of self exiled to London .

On his return he addressed a rally where he put the country on the path of growth , maintain good relations with neighbour and find good relations with neighbors , and find good solution to the issues , including Kashmir .

Nawaz Sharif stepped down as Prime Minister of Pakistan after he was disqualified for life for holding public office , following an investigation into his family’s wealth after 2016 Panama Papers leak.

Later anti corruption court sentenced him 10 years jail for graft Charges . He was though allowed to travel abroad . He we t to London and did not return . In 2020 a anti corruption court issued warrant for his arrest when he failed to return . On Thursdays Supreme Court of Pakistan  granted Nawaz Sharif protecting n from arrest till October 24 .

Elections in Pakistan in scheduled on february 24 , Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan who is currently is in jail is thought to be the main contender in this .

Trucks carrying aid enters Gaza from Egypt

The first aid truck in Gaza arrived from Egyptian side through Fatah town of Gaza .About 20 trucks crossed the Egyptian border for Fatah . Trucks carrying humanitarian aid were stuck at the border from days . It was only after Israel granted permission on UN request that the trucks entered Gaza . The border has been closed again .

UN chief Antonio Guetteras has said that much more aid need to be sent .

Israel military campaign against Hamas has levelled entire city blocks in Gaza , killing more than 4300 Palestinians .

As international tensions soar , Egyptian President Abdel Fatah Al Sisi hosted was hosting a peace summit in Cairo on Saturday attended by Regional  and western leaders .

Egypt generally acts as a meditator between Israel and Hamas . But this summit holds little gravity because Israel and Iran who supports Hamas was absent from summit .

Israeli military told that it dropped more than 100 bombs over Gaza .

NGAT pills up Delhi , Punjab over bad air violated on of GRAP norms

National Green Tribunal has issued notices to officials in  Punjab and Delhi over deterioration of air quality in National Capital Region and Neighboring states .

Notices were issued for violation of Graded Response Action Plan ( GRAP ) .

GRAP  is a set of emergency measures taken to reduce air pollution in NCR .

NGT had taken cognisance of reports in The Hindu that stubble burning in Punjab rose by 63 % than previous year by October . It noted that Smog towers in Delhi which was built at cost of ₹22.9  crore was lying unused .

Army’s project Udbhav to tap indigenous military knowledge

Defence Minister Rajnath  inaugurated Project Udbhav .

The project aims at integrating ancient military wisdom with modern military through interdisciplinary research and leadership seminars , it will also facilitate the emergence of under explored theories related to strategic thinking .

Project Udbhav is collaboration between India. army and United Services Institutions of India ( USI )  a defence think tank .

India Canada spat aggravates visa woes for Indian travelers

The diplomatic row may increase visa waiting period and rejections for Indians seeking to travel to Canada ; despite many embassies saying that they have streamlined their clearance process , Indian Visa seekers often face long wait .

India earlier had direct 41 Canadian diplomats to leave country sitting parity in number of diplomats .

The UK and US have expressed concern over the departure of 41 diplomats saying it disagrees with Indian government decision which it believes is behind their exit .


Pro palestinian protesters hold March in UK as Gaza war enters a third week

Tens of thousands of Pro Palestinian demonstrators marched in London and other parts of the city on Saturday to demand Israel stop it’s strike in Gaza .

In central London crowd of protesters crossed 1,00,000 according to police estimates .

British authorities has said the protesters to be mindful of the pain by Jewist people .

War has raised tension around the world .

Germany has banned similar protest  citing violence mmî

Overnight Russian attacks in frontline  areas leave 2 dead , several injured , says Ukraine

At least two civilians and others wounded across Ukraine as Russian forces continued to shell frontline areas of Ukraine .

EU , US envoys urge kosovo and Serbia to resume dialogue .

The envoys of European Union ( EU ) and United States urged in Saturday Kosovo and Serbia to resume talk as the only way to escalate  the tension between the two nations .

In 2008 Kosovo declared Unilateral independence from Serbia . Many European countries and US recognise Kosovo as independent nation.  India does not recognise Kosovo .

Violence often erupt between the two , EU forces are deployed in Kosovo for its protection from Serbia ..


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