Summary of The Hindu 11 SEPTEMBER 2023 Current Affairs

Summit concludes ; Modi calls for virtual review meet in Nov

G 20 concluded on Sunday , with PM Modi handing over ceremonial gravel tobBtazillinan altesidebt Lulla de Silva .PM Modi proposed virtual review meeting to be held at the end of November .

New Delhi Declaration and Inclusion of African Union in G 20 were the high points of G20 this year .

PM Modi had series of meetings with visiting leaders like German Chancellor Olaf Scholaz , President Lula Da Silva , President of European Commission Ursula Van Der Leyen , Turkish President Erdogan and South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol.

RUssian Foreign Minister praises India for summit statement success

Foreign Minister of Russia Sergei Lavrov said that G 7 and EU countries were made to compromise on Ukriane by developing countries . He praised Global South for being able to uphold their legitimate interests .

In Bali Declaration Russia was held as aggressor in Russia Ukraine war .

About a question of grain deal he referred demand of restoration with SWIFT payment system and insurance to its exporters . He accused UN of negotiating unilaterally gir West .

New Delhi declaration does not point any such thing .It talks about Russia only in reference to Black sea deal that Russia pulled out in July .

 Any grain initiative isolates Russia is bound to fail : Erdogan

Any initiative that isolates Russia in black sea grain Initiative is bound to fail , Turkish President Erdogan told at the Press conference here in New Delhi talking to pressoersons .

He further added ” Any step that may escalate tensions in the Black sea should be avoided ……we are going to have continuous talks ….’

Giving the facts he said that out of 33 million tonnes of grain that had been exported by Russia through Black sea corridor , 33% went to West , 14% came came to Turkey and African. Nations got only a small amount .

Russia demands of restoring SWIFT payment system and allowing exporters  from Russia to avail insurance .

 Tensions over Khalistani violence , ‘foreign interference’  mark Turdeau Modi meeting

India’s concern for ” anti India ” Khalistani violence in Canada , and  Canadian concerns over ” foreign interference ” from India , were appeared  in bilateral talk between PM Modi and Canadian PM Justin Turdeau .

Mr. Modi conveyed ” strong concerns ” about ” extremist elements in Canada ” to Mr. Turdeau .” They are promoting secessionist and inciting violence against Indian diplomats , damaging diplomatic premises , and threatening  the Indian community in Canada  and their places of worship ” MEA said in a statement .

PM Turdeau raised the issue of “foreign interference”  in Canadian elections by Indian intelligence agencies .

Relations between India and Canada has been strained because of Khalistani issue . Canada is hub of Punjabi Sikhs , Indian govt accuses Canada of giving wings to secessionist activities against India in Canada.  Canadian  had criticized India over Farm bills . Canada has put ” pause ” on trade deal and and Free Trade Agreement ( FTA) .


Morocco quake toll rises above 2100 , Al- Haouz province suffers most death

Death toll in Morocco earthquake rose to 2100 people . More tha 2400 are injured in which many are serious  .

Friday’s 6.8 magnitude earthquake was hit with its epicenter 72 km south west to tourist hub at Marrakech . The mountain village Tafegjaghe was completely destroyed .

Biden assures Xi to that QUAD is not about  isolating China

US President  Joe Biden reached Hanoi ,capital of Vietnam after completing G20 . Here in a press conference he  said that QUAD grouping is not about containing China but  about stability in the region .

 Junta accuses France of plotting armed intervention in Niger

France’s military leaders has accused France of amassing forces for a military intervention in the country following coup the coup in July .

French President however on told that he would only take action on the demand of deposed Niger President leader Mohammed Bazoum .

Niger’s Junta spokesperson told that ” France continues to deploy it’s forces in several ECOWAS countries as part of preparations for aggression against Niger ” .

 Yorgos Lathimos and Emma Stone ‘s Poor Things won top prize at Venice

Movie poor things on Saturday  was awarded as the award for Golden lion award for best film award .

 Golden lion is world’s oldest award 

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