Summary of The Hindu 23 JULY 2023 Current Affairs — — —

1.Headline: As tension rise , Meities forced to leave Mizoram.

Manipur people living and working in Mizoram started leaving the state on Saturday . Exodus was followed by a diktat issued by former extremist organisation who told Meities to leave Mizoram ” for their own safety ” .

                    The Peace accord MNF returnees association (PAMRA)  on Friday issued a statement following increasing tension in Manipur . Most of the Mizo is supposed to have same ethnicity as Kuki Zomi tribes of Manipur . Following this around 60 Meities left for Imphal from flight while unidentified number by buses and other transports . Manipur CM has told that flights will be arranged for those willing to leave . Mizoram has around 2000 Meities working while around 12,800 have taken shelter after Manipur violence . 

                     Manipur police held meeting with PAMRA in which , PAMRA told that it’s statement were just advisory and nobody needed to panic .


2.Headline : 18 year old gangraped by armed men i Manipur , Police book case .

A 18 year old who was assaulted , abducted and raped in Manipur on June 15 in East Imphal filed a FIR on Friday . Police has filed a zero FIR .

                    On 15 june the 18 year old was abducted by Meira Paibos and then handed over to four armed men who raped her .

Zero FIR – can be filed by any Police station irrespective of area o crime committed .


3.Headline: INS KRIPAN decommissioned from Indian Navy , handed over to Vietnam as present .


INS kripan


4. Headline : Russia accepts a para on Ukrainian war .

G 20 leaders meet will be held on September 9 and 10 in New Delhi . India has been trying to build a consensus so that a joint declaration be released following final meet in Delhi .

Recently in three meetings India put great efforts to bring a consensus . G-20 labour ministers meeting in Indore , G 20 energy minister meet in Goa and G 20 Sherpa meet in Hampu are these three meetings .

Russia accepted a para :

Russia’s objection had been on two paragraphs one which talks about Russia role in Ukraine war . However Russia accepted to remove objection on pargraph which talks on need to ” uphold international law ” .


China’s objection :

China is in opposition to including any geopolitical issue in final statement . Which ofcourse include Russia Ukraine war . According to China G20 is not the platform to deal with geopolitical issues .


Contention regarding “phase down ” and “phase out ” :

India and developped countries are in favour to ” phase down ” , regarding non renewable energy , whole those of G 7 are in favour of “phase out “.

Developing countries are not in favour of quickly shitting down their coal plants , while advanced countries are pushing for quickly getting rid of these . The differences emerged in recently concluded G20 energy ministers meet .


5.Headline : Heavy burst of rain turns Junagadh street into rivers , cars and cattle swept away .

Heavy rain on Saturday in southern Gujrat created flood like situation in urban areas where cars and cattles swept away in gushing waters . In Junagadh alone 241 mm rainwater recorded in 12 hours . About 250 people were rescued . 2 NDRF teams has been deployed in Junagadh .


South gujrat got heavy rain causing flood in Junagadh 


6Headline : Navin Patnaik equals Jyoti Basu’s record of second longest serving CM . 

1.Largest term as CM – Pawan Kumar Chamling (Former CM : Sikkim ) , 24 years 166 days .

2. 2ndnlargest CM term – Navin Patnaik ( Odisha , 23 yrs 138 days )

3. Jyoti Basu …..(;West Bengal : 23 yr 138 days ) 



1. Headline : Reservists threaten to quit over Israel Judicial revamp .

More than 1142 Air Force reservist … including righter jet pilots threatened to suspend volunteer service if the current bill on judicial reforms is passed in parliament . 

                      The judicial reform which is still a bill has sparked biggest protest in Israel history .On Friday 1142 Air force reservists whose signartories include 235 fighter pilot, 173 drone operator and 85 commando soldiersnin a declaration  said . ” we all share a responsibility to stop the deep division, polarization and rift among the people ” . 

About Reservists in Israel forces :

Most Israelis who complete their mandatory military service are expected to attend reserve duty every year for a specified period of time .

About judicial reform bill : 

The bill is in their final stage of reading in parliament and is expected to get passed coming week . One of the contentious issues is that the bill restricts judicial review of parliament ‘s decision .


2 Ukraine drone attack on Crimea caused ”  detonation of  ammonium depot ” .

A Ukrainian drone attack on Crimea caused the ” detonation ” of a Aluminum depot on Saturday , Moscow installed leader of the peninsula said . Ordering the evacuation of people living within five kilometres of the attack and halting rail traffic.  The attack came just five days after the Kerch Bridge connecting Russia mainland and Crimea was hit killing 2 persons . 

                      Crimea was annexed by  Russia i. 2014 in recent times the couteroffensive of Ukraine on these has increased .

Russian attack :

Russian attack on 11 regions across overnight killed at least eight civilian many wounded . Areas nearby Zaprozhia Nuclear Power Plant was also attacked .


Crimea is on Ukraine’ s target


3. Protesters try to storm Baghdad’s green zone over burning of Koran .

Protesters in Iraq tried to enter heavy fortified green zone  which houses foreign embassies in capital city Baghdad . Security forces pushed back protesters .

Why protest :

Protest is going on due to discretion of Quran before Iraqi Assembly two days ago . 

Police had given its permission . 


4.Afghan Taliban ask Pakistan govt . to pursue peace talk with banned TTP.

Pakistan had sent a special envoy to Kabul to ask Taliban govt to take decisive action against TTP ( Tahrrek e Taliban Pakistan ) , but after several meetings media reports says that Taliban govt told Pakistan to prefer peace over war .

TTP is a banned organisations in Pakistan . it is involved in several bomb blasts at police installations . It wants to bring Sharia Law in Pakistan . 


5. NorthKorea fires ‘ several cruise missiles ‘ into yellow sea .

6. In a show of strength , China sends dozens of Warplane to Taiwan .

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