Summary of The Hindu 31 JULY 2023 Current Affairs — — — —

PSLV puts 7 satellite into orbit ; four more missions this year .

ISRO on Sunday successfully launched the PSLV -C56 carrying Singapore’s DS – SAR and six other satellite from SDSC Sriharikota

 at 6:30 AM. To reduce the space debris , PS4 stage brought to a lower orbit so that it re enters atmosphere in less than two months .

Despite age rating , film ‘ censorship ‘ to continue to stay .

African leaders leave Russa summit without deal .

Russia Africasummit was attended by 20 African Nations rather than 43 in previous gathering in 2019 .    Russian axing black sea agreement was one of the major focus of talks . Apart from African leaders also put proposal before Putin to end Russia Ukraine war .

                   Putin said that he was studying the  African proposal . He further said that Chinese or African proposal could end the war but the onus lies of Ukriane who are in their counteroffensive .

                    On request by African Nations to implement black sea opening proposal . Mr. Putin promised to start shipping 25,000 to 50,000 tons of grain for free to each six African Nations in the next three to four months . …an amount dwarfed by the 725000 tons shipped by the UN World Food program to several hungry nations . Under the grain plan Russia plans to send free grains to Burkino Faso , Mali Somalia , Eritrea and Central African Republic .

                    South African president Cyril Ramphosa being among the most vocal said ” We would like the Black sea initiative to be implemented and that the Black Sea should be open ,”. He further said ,” We are not here to plead for donations for the African Countries ” .

                Russia.recently had pulled out of an agreement by which it would not attack Ukrainian ship exporting grain from its port in Black sea . This has raised difficulty for African Nations , as they were sole dependent on these exports .

Decoupling from China is mere ‘an illusion ‘ says French Finance Minister

France’s Finance minister Le Maire is on China visit . On Sunday he said that cutting all ties with China was “an illusion” , as some countries questions their alliance .

                         ” We are totally opposed to the idea of decoupling . Decoupling is an illusion ,”.

“There is no possibility of having any kind of decoupling between America , European and Chinese economies ” He said . He elaborated that ” derisking ” means that France be not dependent on China too much on some specific items .

                     America and Europe and largest trading partners of China . Both America and Europe’s largest economy Germany has been taking about decoupling and desrisking  from Chinese economy these days . France relatively had its own approach and generally tells that Europe should align neighter with USA and not with China .Here France brings US in same category as of China , which is not by other European countries .

Sunak backs new oil exploitation plants in UK.

UK PM Rishi Sunak backed plans  for new fossil fuel exploration in. North sea . His govt is expected to approve the development of Rosebank , near Scotland’s Shelter islands as well as other sites in North sea .

                       The prospect has infuriated  climate activists and environmental campaigners , which are demading to stop use of oil and gas to save planet . The opposition labour party had earlier told that if it comes to power no new license for oil drilling will be given.

Chinese vice premier arrives in Pakistan .

Chinese vice premoer  on Sunday arrived Pakistan to attend ceremony on completion of 10 years of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC ) . He will meet PM and President of Pakistan .

Joining China BRI was an atrocious act : Italy Minister

Italian defence minister Guideo Corsetto on Saturday said that joining Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) four years back was ” improvised and atrocious ” decision . The decision has multiplied China’s exports to Italy but Italian exports to China has not improved much .

Supporters of Junta’s coup attack French embassy in Niger

Thousands of Junta that took Niger administration taking Russian flag and chanting Putin name marched to French embassy where its door was lit on fire .

                    Niger was a French colony till 1960 . Wagner group is thought to be supporting military coup and supplying assistance . France and Other European countries have criticised it.

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