Summary of The Hindu 28th OCTOBER 2023

Panel hold back its report on crime bills

Parliamentary standing committee that was given three new bills Bhartiya Nyaya Samhita , Bhartiya Dand Sanhita , and Bhartiya Sakshya Adhiniyam has postponed adoption of these bills , after pressure from opposition’s n parties seeking more time to adopt the bill.

The three members in d standing committee Adhir Ranjan Chaudhary , Digvijaya Singh and N l Erangi of DMK have so far filed dissent notes , sources said .The are demanding several changes in Bhartiya Nyay Samhita 2023 .One key contention , the Hindi nomenclature of the bill , has not been accepted in draft reports as text if the bills is in English .

Some other recommendations regarding the bill by committee is :

     It recommends that handcuffs should not be used on economic offenders

     Section 377 of article be retained for cases on non consensual intercourse with adults , all acts of carnal intercourse minors .

     Section 497 on adultery be retained , making it gender neutral

Dark patterns , sales by airlines , online agents deemed ‘cybercrime ‘

Following. Practices by airlines and online travel agents that entail tricking… consumers into making unintended purchases such as paying for seats while booking flight tickets , which one government official called cybercrime .

Ministry of civil aviation has asked low cost carrier IndiGo to rectify it’s websites .

Dark Pattern is prectices which private companies use to trick consumers to buy their products .

Example of Dark Patterns are :

     “X” is so small that you accidently click to the ad and is redirected to Ad website

     Fake timer for counting time by internet websites .

     Ads one can not figure out ,how to come out .

     Trial period streaming services automatically charging once the period expires , without sending any warning

Shelling in Pak triggers scare in Jammu and Kashmir Arnia

Pakistani Rangers violated ceasefire pact , and opened fire in Arnia town of Jammu and Kashmir hitting civilian houses and crops in Arnia sector of Jammu and Kashmir ..BSF retalliated , the skirmish went fot about eight hours .

A day before army had killed five terrorist in kumowara district of Jammu and Kashmir .

Can’t appear on Oct 31 : Mahua to Panel

TMC MP Mahua Moitra has told ethics committee that she would not be able to appear before it on 31 October due to priror committemtns .

80% of India’s urban population has accessed to high speed internet connectivity

PM Modi on Friday inaugurated seventh India Mobile Congress event in New Delhi .

PM Modi hailed telecom operators progress in spreading 5G coverage in the urban center’s saying that about 80% urban India has access to high speed internet .He also told that India is moving fast to become a leader in 6G technology .He hailed India’s electronic exports that crossed ₹2 lakh crores .

He also cited Google’s plan to assemble it’s pixel linue up in India .

Vikram Kicked up two tonnes of Lunar dust , says scientist

Vikram landing on lunar surface has generated an ” ejecta Halo ” on lunar surface while making a touchdown on lunar surface .

Ejecta Halo is the dust and other similar particles that gets away when lander touch down celestial bodies. The information is part of a study about Chandrayaan 3 mission .

Mizoram has highest cancer incidence raye in India , finds study

According to a study titled ” Cancer awareness and diagnosis and treatment needs in Mizoram India : Evidence from 18 year trends ( 2003 -2020 ) ” which has published in the lacet regional health – Southeadt Asia shows that despite being second least populated state across country Mizoram has highest cancer incidence rate .


Li Kequaing ,China’s reformist Presodent sidelined by Xi died .

Li Kequaing , previous premier of China died of heart attack at the age of 68 .

The communist party paradise Li as ” an excellent CPC member  , a time tested and loyal communist soldier and an outstanding proleteranian , revolutionist and statesman and leadership of party of the state ” .” After retiring from the leadership position , he firmly supported and embraced leadership of the XPC central committee with comrade XinJinoing at its core , cared about the development of the party and the country’s cause and firmly supported the construction of the clean government and fight against corruption . ”

Li was a different style of politician than Xi . Li was a technocrat , reformist and more for cussed on economic of the country .

Ground. forces ‘ expanding ‘ operation in Gaza says Israel

Internet and Phone services collapsed in Gaza under intensified bombing on Friday . Cutting 2.3 million population outside the world . Red Crescent said that it lost all contacts with its operation team and medical rooms .

Israel military said that it was ” expanding ” its ground operation in Gaza . This signalled that Israel military is moving closer to all out invasion to Gaza .

Earlier foreign minister of Israel Yoah Gallant had told that ”  it would take a long time to dismantle Hamas “.

Hamas operates from lots of tunnels that is built underground the Gaza City . To crack these network of tunnels is bit complex .

US jets strikes in Syria in retaliation to strike on troops

US fighter jets launched airstrikes early of Friday on two locations on in eastern Syria linked to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps ( IRGC ) , it was in retaliation to few Drone and missile attack against US bases .

Officials have said that on the site of airstrike only IRGC  people were on board and no other civiliain.

Mystery trial

India must leverage it’s ties with Qatar to free its citizens facing death penalty

The editorial is about the death sentence given to eight Indian Navy officalis by Qatari court .

The former Indian Navy officials working in Qatar has been charged with giving stealth technology of submarines they were working on to a third country . The officials and their family members have denied these charges .

This will be a test for India’s diplomatic skills to take these Navy officials from getting sentenced .

The official were arrested in August 2022 , Indian government has been trying to engage Qatari govt since then over this issue but to no avail . India’s relation with Qatar is good , India imports 40 % of LNG from Qatar . India is also third major source of import for Qatar .

To resolve this issue will require Diplomatic c skill .

Another Honeymoon

Nawaz Sharif deal with military is unlikely to last long

The editorial is about  return of Nawaz Sharif to Pakistan after going in 4 years of exile .

In 2017 he was ousted from PM post and jailed on corruption charges . The editorial says that the reason was unhappiness among military generals . At that time Pakistan military favored Pakistan Tehreek E Insaf ( PTI ) led by Imran Khan . Later Imran Khan himself went against army ,which led to falling of PTI govt .

Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz ( PML-N ) then formed govt with Shahbaz Sharif , younger brother of Nawaz Sharif as PM . Military this time is not in favor of PTI , reason being Imran Khan’s criticism to military .


Nawaz Sharif has faced similar situation even earlier ,but last time when in such situation he came in Power it resulted it coup by Perwez Musharraf . What happens this time will be closely watched .

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