Summary of The Hindu 27 june 2023 Current Affairs — — — —


THE HINDU 27-06-2023




  • Centre will ensure execution of pact with KUKIS : Biren.

Manipur CM N. Biren Singh on Monday said that HM Amit Sah has promised  that the centre would ensure the implementation of the suspension of oberations (500) agreement with kuki insurgent group in Hill areas.

500 – was signed between Kuki insurgent group and govt. of India in 2008. The Kuki insurgent group agreed to drop weapons and drop their demand for a separate Kuki state.

However during recent Manipur violence several insurgents are supposed to operate their arms against CM said out of 10 districts only 3 – Kang Kopki, Teng noupal and chururachadpur has seen violence in recent time.

Armed Forces (special power) Act (AFSPA) removal from 19 Police station is coming as a challenge for Armed Forces to operate in a short  time and they have to depend on civil govt for many things.

  • Deadline to apply for higher PF pension extended to July”

The employees provident fund organised (EPFO) has extended the deadline for employees and Pensioners to aplly for high PF pension Fill July”

  • Tribal union not on aggrieved party, says Manipur govt. all Manipur Tribal Union (AMTU) had filed a petition against Manipur HC’s March 27 order to state govt to respond to govt of India’s question wheter Meitei’s should be added to STs or not.

On June 26, the case was heard in Manipur HC.

Manipur govt said in court that AMTU is not an aggrieved party and it has no locus stand to file an appeal against March 27 order.

Meitei group was demanding ST states for years so the matter is between Meitei group and Parliament which has power to include or exclude a group from ST list.

AMTU is totally a 3rd party. This is what Manipur govt meat.

  • Dismiss Biren Singh first congress chief urges Prime Minister.

The first thing PM Narendra Modi should do is to sack Manipur CM N. Biren Singh, congress chief Mallikarjuna Kherge said on Monday as he questioned the PM’s silence on the violence in the state.

  • Modi holds meeting to review Manipur situation

PM Narendra Modi on Monday held a meeting on Manipur with senior cabinet colleagues Amit Shah, Nirmla sitharaman and Hardeep singh puri participating in it fuel availability, assenment of lass and a financial package for Manipur are supposed to be discussed.

  • Women activists aicling risters are blocking routes in Manipur’

The army on Monday said that women activists in Manipur were accompanying armed rioters deliberately blocking routes, and interfering in the operation of security forces.

In an video pasted by army shows women blocking roads and ambulances being used to transport armed insurgents.

The video titled “demystifying myth of peaceful blockade led by women in manipur’ narrates three incidences where women are seen blocking roads and aiding the rioters .

  • Assam will have fewer Muslim-majority constituencies, say opposition leaders.

All India united democratic front (AIUDP) has said that the draft proposal limits Muslims majority constituencies to 22 from 29 earlier.

  • Draft delimitation by ECI.

Legislative Assembly



New division

Old division











126 Seats




In draft delimitation proposal no change has been done on total Lok Sabha seats (14) or total assembly seats (126).

  • The numbers of ST assembly seats has increased from 16 to 19.
  • SC seats has increased from 8 to 9.
  • Withdraw Sikh gurudwaras bill or year up ti face stir, SGPC tells Punjab govt.
  • The shrimoni Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC) on Monday passed a resolution condemning the Punjab govt’s interference in sikh Gurudwara act, 1925” at a special session held at Amritsar.

SGPC – It is prime sikh body responsible for management of Guradwaras.

Gurubani broad cast rights are granted by SGPC and are currently with G-Next media (PTC channel), which is owned by sukhbir singh Badal (Shrimoni Akali Dal chief)

Punjab assembly recently passed Sikh Gurudwara (Amandment ) Bill,2023 it freed the rights to telecast Gurbani (Sacred hymn)” from the Golden temple.

SGPC chief Harjnder Singh Dham told that before making any amendment, the approval if 2/3rd majority of SGPC members can not be ignored. He said govt was working with “anti sikh ideology”.

CM Bhagwat man’n accussed SGPC president of acting as the “chief spokesperson” of the SAP.

  • NMC rolls back latest rule for MBBS admission.
  • The national medical commission (NMC) has withdrawn the recently the recently issued Graduate medical education Regulation, 2023 for MBBS admission.

On June 12, NMC had issued guidelines with the new rules on competency based medical education (CBME) curricular, recruitment of manpower for research facilities in a medical college, admission to student under disabled category, and format for submission of admission.

It had told Medical colleges to wrap up  admission before August 30. Also National Exit test (NEXT) had to be conducted in December and January each year.

The latest NMC circular says that 12-06-2023 circular stands cancelled with immediate effect.

  • Hundreds straded as flash flood landslip disrupt Himachal highways

Chandigarh – Manali National Highway was blocked following flash floods ad landslip.

  • NHRC sends notice to Maharashtra over torture of “workers:-
  • Since April, 149 char dham yatris died from ailments and accidents.

Char Dham in Uttrakhand

Yamunotri, Gangotri, Kedarnath, Badrinath.




The pilgrimage season started on April 22 and will last till November.

Till now 31.78 lakh people have visited char Dham this year.

Estimate is to cross it 50 lakh people. Last year, the yatra saw a record number of 40 lakh pilgrims In first 65 day season 149 have died. 72 in Kedarnath, 28 in Yamunotri, 27 in Badrinath and 16 in Gangotri.




  • Prigozhin issues defiant statement as uncertainty swirls after muting

In an 11 minute video released, HR prigozhim denied trying to attack Rusian state and said he acted in response to an attack on his force that killed 30 of his fighters. “we started our march because of injustice” Mr. Prigozhim told.

On Monday putin held calls with the leaders of Iran and Qatar.

Sergei shoigue military chief also appeared first time after muting amid speculations hat he has lost Putin’s confidence. Wagner muting shows Russia’s of Ukraine was a “strategic mistake” : NATO chief.

NATO head Jens Stoltenberg on Monday said the mutiny by mercemary trooks in Russia showed that Russia’s invasion to Ukriane was a “mistake”.

  • Sri Lanka to restructure its domestic debt amid challenges :-

Srilanka will shut down its banks and financial sector for five days beginning on Thursday, ahead of an extraording ‘Weekend debate in Parliament on the govt’s plan to restructure its domestic debt.

IMF had given 3 billion bailout package to Srilanka.

The debt is 41 billion on Srilanka.

Restructuring debt can mean extension of tensure of maturity. An haircut. Domestic lenders getting haircuts, could adversely affect the elderly




What led Russia into an unprecedented internal security crisis? Why has the chief of wagner private military company involved in this ?

How Did putit deal with this ?

Has it shown Putin’s loosening authority?

The story so far :-

Yevgeny prigozhin, the chief of Russia’s wagner private military company, staged a short-lived muting against country’s defence establishment on June 24.

Prigozhin demand was that defence chief sergei shoigue be removed. This created situation of civil war. Mr. prigozhim called of rebellion, but he left several unaddressed issues that can hount kremlin.




  • What happened on June 24?

On 23 June Night Mr. prigozhin released a video, accusing defence leadership of ordering strikes on wagner and killing many of its forces.

Hours later, he released another video claiming that his forces have captured RUSIOV-On-DON, Russia’s southern military dist headquarters.

Mr. Prigozhm said wagner would start a march to justice” towards Moscow.

The convoy started moving to main highway connecting ROSTON to Moscow wagner forces shot don six Russian helicopter and a command centre plane, killing 13 serviceman. Roads and bridges were damaged when Russian troops tried to stop wagner.

On Saturday night.

It was one of the bloodiest battle of 21st century.

Wagner though captured BAKHMUT last around 20,000 men.

Prigozhin said “five times more guys than had been supposed to have died” he accused MoD leadership for this loss of men. Later Mr. Prigozhin said that his men come under fire while retreating from BAKHNUT.

June 10 : – Defence minister issued an order asking all armed volunteers to sign contracts with MoD before July 1 . Mr. Prigozhin Protested there events led to 24th June muting.

  • What was Putiris response

In a TV, address Russian President said the armed muting as “betrayal” some 200 km from Moscow, Mr. prigozhim released another video telling “it’s over” just before this Belarus. PM lukashenko announced that a truce has been reached.




  • Why did prigozhin launch the mutiny?

He difference between ministry of Defence of Russia and prigozhin appeared first in February when he accussed ministry to supply only limited arms and ammunition to wagner.

Battle of BAKHMUT

And a “step in back” he said he had ordered he security services to crush the rebellion.

But it seems Putin was still in dilemma.

Wagner has proved very effective for Russia so president chose a face saving exit over a bloody civil war.

He turned to Belorussia Lukashenko who negotiated with prigozhim and a deal was reached.

What was the deal ?

Criminal charges were slapped over prigozhin, once he started muting. These chrges had to be dropped prigozhin will be exiled in Belaras wagner forces who didn’t participate in muting were allowed to sign MoD ciontract.

What’s Next

The muting exposed Mr. Putins weakening authority such situation can arise in future also as few can look to prigozhin’s muting to start their own.

Russia’s poor battle field performance, internal feud, corruption allegation remained  unaddressed.

If the war drags on further without any concrete result Mr. Prigozhim could face more challenges with this




Sholedar and Bakhmut – Two main cities captured by Russia in 2023.

Wagner played major role in capturing there two.






  • India and Egypt have re-established close ties in recent years.
  • What the editorial is all about?

The editorial is about PM Modi’s visit to Egypt, that was an asprec-edented success.

  • About PM’s visit and important agreements signed ?

Decisions taken and agreement signed during PM’s Egypt visit

  • Egypt and India agreed to upgrade their ties to strategic partnership.
  • The two countries agreed to closer cooperation in green energy, pharma cuticles and defence
  • MOUs over agriculture, urchaeology and antiquities and competition law was also signed.


PM met egypt’s Grand Mufti to disped misgivings about his govt’s policies towards the Muslim World.

PM was accorded with Egypt’s highest honour “The order of the mile”

Egypt is a special invite in G-20 in  Delhi in September.

  • About India and Egypt’s historical ties
  • India supported Egypt, during suezland crisis in 1956
  • Both Egypt and India were Founder member of Non-aligned movement (NAM)
  • Both countries have similar partition over Russia Ukraine war.

Last year India supplied record amount of wheat to Egypt after supplies were hit due to Russia-Ukraine war.


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