Summary of The Hindu 21th FEBRUARY 2024

SC declares AAP leader mayor of Chandigarh

·         The Supreme Court on Tuesday set aside the results of the Chandigarh Mayor election and declared the Aam Aadmi Party ‘s candidate as new Mayor of Chandigarh .

·         The court used its power to do complete Justice under Article 142 .

·         The BJP demanded fresh polls but the court rejected it saying that it would be a  ‘ serious misdemeanor ‘ .

·         The Bench said that it would not tolerate ‘subterfuges ‘ that destroy democracy even at local level.

·         A three Judge bench initiated action on returning Officer for ‘ defacing ‘ ballots and later giving wrong information that the ballots were defaced beforehand .

Maharashtra clears 10% quota for all Marathas

·         Maharashtra assembly has passed a legislation to give 10 % reservation to Maratha community in government jobs and education.

·         This brings the total reservation pie in Maharashtra to 62% , which is above the limit fixed by the top court at 50%.

·         Few months back the Maharashtra govt had issued Kunbi OBC certificates to Marathas who had documents showing them Kunbis . The new legislation will include Non Kunbi. Marathas only.

·         Jarange Patil who has been on multiple hunger strikes in past  for demand of reservation said that he was unsatisfied with the legislation terming it to be betrayal of the community.

·         He is seeking a Maratha quota carved out from existing reservations from other backward classes .

·         There Is the possibility of a bill to be challenged in higher judiciary and then it be struck down.

J&K on path of progress says Modi : launches projects worth Rs.32,000 crore

·         Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone of several projects worth Rs. 32,000 crore in Jammu and Kashmir . The sectors included were education , health ,aviation , roadways and railways .

·         Mr. Modi inaugurated two key railway projects: the 48 km Banihal – Khari – Sumber – Sangladan stretch and an electric train between Sangladan – Baramulla section.PM Modi expressed satisfaction over removal of Article 370 over “ with gulf countries showing keen interest in investment “.

·           More than 2 crore tourists visited Jammu and Kashmir last year , PM Modi said that this number is going to increase further with expansion of the train network from Jammu and Srinagar  , a new expressway between Jammu and Delhi is also under progress.

India to seek 26 BN dollar in nuclear power sector

·         The Govt of India is talking to four private companies to invest more than. 26 billion dollars in the nuclear energy sector .

·         Govt is in talks with five private companies including Reliance Industries Limited , Tata Power , Adani Power , Vedanta Power Ltd  to invest 5.3 dollars each .

·         The arrangement will be made through  which these companies will build nuclear power plants but it will be operated by NPCIL . The combined will earn by selling electricity generated .

·         Country’s current nuclear power capacity is 7500 MW ,  the new arrangement will add 11,000  additional electricity capacity .

Rules that set out women for Jobs illegal : SC

·         SC on Tuesday termed rules that bully women employees out of their jobs for getting married or ha I g domestic issues amount to “ coarse gender discrimination “ and are plainly unconstitutional .

·          The Supreme Court also directed the center to pay ₹60 lakh in ten weeks to a Nursing staff on a permanent job in the army for those who were discharged for getting married . There are no such rules for men .

·         The Supreme Court observed “ Terminating employment because a woman has got married is a coarse case of gender discrimination and inequality. Acceptance of such patriarchal rules undermines human dignity , right to non discrimination and fair treatment . Laws and regulations based on gender bias are constitutionally impermissible . “ .

800 Athletes reach Jammu for Khelo India winter games

·         Gulmarg in Jammu and Kashmir is host of Khelo India Winter games this time .

·         The sports that will be featured under this are snowboarding , alpine skiing , Nordic Skiing and Ski Mountaineering.

·         About 800 athletes from across the country has reached Gulmarg for this .

Tharoor gets highest civilian award of France

·         Congress leader Shashi Tharoor was conferred the “ Chavier de La Legion d “ Honneur , the highest civilian award  of France , at an intimate ceremony at the French embassy  this year ..


Shahbaz to be the Pakistan PM , Zardari to be the President

·         PML – N ( Nawaz Sharif ‘s party ) and PPP ( Bilawal Bhutto’s party ) has reached an agreement on formation of govt and power Sharing . According to the agreement , Shahbaz Sharif is set to assume the role of Prime Ministership . While Asif Zardari, co chairman of PPP will be the next President .

·         “ The PPP and PML – N has achieved the numbers and we are in a position to form the govt . “ said Bilawal Bhutto Zardari .

US vetoes UN vote for Gaza ceasefire , pushes alternative

·         The United States vetoed a UN Security Council resolution on Tuesday that called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza .

·         The resolution was moved by Algeria who had demanded “ an immediate humanitarian ceasefire that must be respected by all parties “ .

·         US reasoned that the current resolution might affect the ongoing talk with Hamas and Israel that can result in release of Hostages .

·         “ Proceedings with a vote today  was wishful and irresponsible …. We cannot support a resolution that would put sensitive negotiation in jeopardy “. said Washington’s Ambassador to US Linda Thomas Greenfield  , while advocating an alternate resolution drafted by US .

·         The US has  already voted on two resolutions that talked about a ceasefire in October and December  .

·         UNSC has 15 members , 5 permanent members have veto power .

India , Srilankan moving forward with a trade agreement

·         India and Sri Lanka are set to take ongoing discussion on the Economic and Trade Agreement ( ECTA ) forward with. Ext two rounds of bilateral talks scheduled  for this  month .

·         A month ago Srilanka signed a Free Trade agreement with Thailand . The trade agreement progressed after the arrival of Wickramasinghe . Earlier government had lots of issues with India , which are being looked at this time .

Kremlin rejects claim by Navalny’s widows that he was killed by Putin

·         Russia President Vladimir Putin did not see a video of Alexie Navalny’s wife in which she had accused  Putin of killing her husband . Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov also dismissed her allegations that Mr. Putin had killed her husband .

·         Russian authorities have not handed over the body of Navalany to authorities yet also the results of any investigations are likely to be questioned abroad .

South Africa accuses Israel for Apartheid in Gaza

·         South Africa in the United Nations on Tuesday said that Israel is responsible for Apartheid against the Palestinians .

Kremlin arrests US Russian woman on charges of treason

Hamas chief arrives in Egypt for negotiation in ceasefire in Gaza


·         Hamas Chief Abdul Hanniyeh has arrived in Cairo for talks with  Egyptian officials over truce with Israel . 

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