Summary of The Hindu 21 SEPTEMBER 2023 Current Affairs

Lok Sabha passes historic women’s

reservation bill

Twenty seven years after the women reservation Bill was first introduced in Lok Sabha , Lok Sabha on Wednesday passed woman reservation bill . The bill being constitutional amendment bill required more than two third of majority , 454 members voted in favor while only two voted against bill . ” two third member present and voting occurred as easily met ” . The bill now will be sent to Rajya Sabha where it is expected to be passed within two days of the remaining present session .

The bill took eight hours of debate , Congress demanded immediate implementation of bill from 2024 lok Sabha election and OBC quota within women reservation .

Women reservation will pave the way for ⅓ rd of reservation in Lok Sabha and Assemblies .

India issues a tit for tat travel advisory for Canada

India has issued travel advisory to Indians residing in Canada , and those who are going to travel Canada , citing the reason of politically condemned violence .

Travel advisory to all Indians nationals in Canada , urging to register with Indian missions .

” In view of growing anti India activities and politically condoned hate crimes and criminal violence in Canada , all Indian National residing and those contemplating to travel to Canada are urged to exercise utmost caution ” the MEA advisory said .

Sikh for Justice leader , Gurupatwant Singh Pannu , who has launched a online campaign ” Indo Hindus leave Canada ” , without citing this , MEA advisory said ” Recently , threats have particularly targeted Indian diplomat and section of Indian community who oppose anti India agenda “

Earlier Canada had released a travel advisory for its citizens not to travel Jammu and Kashmir . Persons from Canada embassy said that the advisory has been for a long time since 2021 .

Census and delimitation work after Lok Sabha polls , says Shah

Home Minister Amit Shah in Lok Sabha said that Census and delimitation bill will be only conducted after immediately after the general election  in 2024 .

Census was to start in 2020 but was postponed because of CoVID19 Pandemic .

Delimitation is a process of fixing boundry of Lok Sabha , assembly constituencies . In 1976 the process and delimitation took place last time , the process was fixed for 2026 .

Govt has said that Women reservation bill will be implemented only after census and delimitation exercise . Means in Lok Sabha , only from 2029 Lok Sabha these will be implemented 

White House backs probe into ‘ serious allegations ‘ : John Kirby

US President Joe Biden is ” mindful ”  about “serious allegation”  by Justin Turdeau over killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar , White house Strategic Communication chief John Kirby said on Wednesday . He further urged India to cooperate with investigation .

” Certainly the President is mindful of these allegations …. and they are very serious … and we support Canada’s effort to investigate this “

He further said that US is going to stay with both its partners US and Canada 

‘Serious allegation ,’ says Australia on Turdaeu remarks on killing of Nijjar

Australian FM Penny Wong talking to a news channel told that the allegation made by Canadian PM Turdeau is  ” serious allegation ”   . She further said that Australia support is for ” Rule of Law ” .

US considering Modi’s invite to Biden to be chief guest at Republic day , says envoy

PM Modi has sent invitation to Joe Biden for Republic day 2024 . US has told that it it is considering the invitation .

US president will visit India for QUAD summit , India is making efforts so that QUAD summit be scheduled around same time  India is in talking to Australia and Japan in this regard . Last time US Barack Obama had visited India as republic day guest 

Turkliye raises concern over Kashmir issue during UNGA

Addressing 78 th UNGA Turkiye President Erdogan raised Kashmir issue .

” Another development that will pave the way for regional peace , stablity and prosperity in South Asia , will be established of just and lasting peace in Kashmir through dialogue and Cooperation between India and Pakistan “

” As Turkiye we will continue to support the steps to be taken in this direction “

Implement women reservation Bill Immediately says INDIA bloc

Congress and other opposition parties demand that implementation of quota be declined from delimitation to avoid delay , they called for provision of quota within quota for SCs , STs and OBCs 

Constitution Bench to examine validity of extending quota

Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud has formed 5 judge constitutional bench to examine whether clockwise extension granted to the reservation of seats to SCs and STs in Lok Sabha and the assemblies were constitutionally valid .

Constituent assembly had given reservation to SCs and STs only for 10 years . But it was extended from time to time , after competing period of every 10 years .

104 th constitutional amendment had extended the period till 2030 .Article 334 talks about extension of terms of SCs /STs for reservation in Lok Sabha and Assemblies .

ADB lowers India GDP growth outlook for this fiscal to 6.3%

Asian Development Bank has declined it’s forecast about India’s growth outlook this financial year from 6.4% to 6.3% .

Asian lender has viy d weak exports , erratic rain as the reason . But it has not changed the forecast for 2024 – 25 and retained it 6.7%.

It says that increase in Private output and Industrial output will  help to lift the growth for next fiscal year .


Karabakh operation halted : Azerbaijan

Armenia and Azerbaijan reached a ceasefire agreement on Wednesday to end two days of fighting in Nagorno Karabakh region .

Both sides signed an agreement of truce , both sides have agreed ” reintegration”  of Nagorno Karabakh region with Azerbaijan . The agreement also tells Armenian side in Nagorno Karabakh to lay down arms , withdrawal of local military units and equipment from Nagorno Karabakh region .

Nagorno Karabakh is surrounded by Azerbaijan , but majority population here is Armenia 

Strip Russia of veto power , Zelensky says in UN address

Vlodmyr Zelensky in his address to United Nations has called UN to end Russia’s Veto Power in security council .Zelensky called to end Russia’s Veto and reform in Security council to include permanent representation of some  developing countries in security council .

” It is impossible to step the war because all efforts are vetoed by the aggressor or those who condone the aggressor “

Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov addressing UN defended veto power as a ” legitimate took 

Women faces tougher penalties as Iran MPs pass dress code bill

Iran’s legislator has approved ” support for the culture  of hijab and Chasity ” bill for a trial period of 3 years .

The bill calls for –

 a. Women breaching the dress rule ” in cooperation with foreign or hostile government , media groups and organizations could face five to ten years of prison   ” 

  b. Those seen ” half naked in public spaces ” will be heavily fined .

 c. Fines has also been imposed for ” promoting nudity ” and ” mocking the hijab ” .

6 Palestinians killed in latest in latest fighting with Israel

Israel military operations in the occupied west bank and Gaza strip has killed six Palestinians .


British PM delays ban of new petrol and diesel cars by five years

British PM Rishi Sunak said that he is delaying a ban on new Petrol and Diesel cars that had to take effect from 2030 for five years .Mr. Sunak cited ”  unacceptable cost”  on.ordinary citizens .

Imran Charged Under criminal conspiracy in May 9 violence case

Pakistan ousted PM Imran Khan has been charged with ” criminal conspiracy ” , which carries a penalty upto death for ”  masterminding ”  the may 9 attack on military installation , a senior Punjab Police official said on Wednesday 


Legislating change

The women reservation Bill must be implemented without delay

The editorial is about Women Reservation Bill , 2023 that is passed by Lok Sabha .

About the Bill

The bill named ‘ Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam ‘ was passed by Lok Sabha  .

It will be 128 th  constitutional amendment if passed .

The bill will be implemented only after delimitation process gets completed in 2026 , and the only in Lok Sabha elections 2029 it will get implemented .


The oppositions parties are demanding that delimitation process be kept aside from current bill and itnge implemented from 2024 itself .

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