Summary of The Hindu 1st JANUARY 2024


Aadhaar link payment system made ,mandatory for MGNREGA workers .

From the new year wages under MGNREGA ( Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Scheme ) will be paid only through Aadhaar based payment system ( ABPS ) .

This was the fifth extension of the deadline to make system mandatory .

34.8% of the registered workers and and 12.7% of active workers still not eligible  for the new payment system . 7.6 crore of job cards are deleted , since , April 2022 .

Curfew back in Moreh as armed men fire at Police

Curfew was reimposed on India Myanmar border of on Sunday, following intermittent gunfight between armed miscreants and state police , commandos since Saturday .

Moreh is in Kuki dominated in Tegnuopol one of the Manipur affected by Kuki Zo and Meitie communities .

Panagariya to head 16 th Finance Commission

The Government on Sunday , recommended Arvind Panagariya chairman of the 16 th Finance commission .

Finance Commission recommends sharing of revenue between center and state .

The 16 th Finance commission will submit its report on October 2025 , its recommendation s will be applicable from April 1 , 2026 .

R day tableau center dismisses Mann’s claim

The center on Sunday rejected “  baseless”  , Punjab CM Bhagwat Mann’s criticism for not including the state’s tabaleau for Republic day parade .

The defense ministry issued a statement , saying tableau , proposals are evaluated by an “ expert panel “ .

Geelani – funded outfit , declared “ unlawful body “

The Union Home Ministry on Sunday declared  Tehreek E Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir ( TeH ) an “ unlawful association “ under section 3 of the anti terror law , the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA ) .

The TeH is constituent of All Party Burriat Conference ( APHC ) and was founded by separatist Syed Ali Shah Gillani , who died in 2021.

Home Minister Amit Shah Posted on X : “ The outfit is involved in forbidden activities to separate J&K from India and establish Islamic rule . The group is found spreading anti India Propaganda and continuing terror activities to fuel secessionism in J&K “ .

Navy deploys frigates. destroyers  to assist commercial vessels .

Against the backdrop of increasing attack on commercial ships in transiting Red Sea. gulf of Aden and Arabian sea Navy said on Sunday that it had enhanced surveillance operations .

“ Task Groups containing destroyers and frigates have been deployed to undertake maritime security operations and to enhance security to commercial vessels in case of any incident “ Navy said in a statement. .

4G services will be provided at 1117 border outpost in six years .

The Union govt has approved 4G mobile services for more than ,1,100 border outposts along India”s international border , including border with China .

Including the border with China , at a cost of ₹1545 crore .

The Minsitry said that It has signed agreement with Department of Telecommunication and BSNL to complete the project in Six years .

The Minsitry said that 48.03 kilometres of road has been constructed along the China border. While four border outpost and three helipads had been added in 2023 .

184 km road has been added along Bangladesh border and 120 km road along the Nepal border .

88 new border outpost was constructed along the border outpost .The 2.4 km border outpost with Myanmar and 18 km border with Pakistan has also been added .

SC’s translation projects picked up good governance in 2023

The Supreme Court’s monumental project to translate all 36,000 judgements , in scheduled language achieved unprecedented speed in 2023 .

The E- SCR portal started with just 2238 translated Judgments in January ended with over 31,000 .

Currently the highest number of translated Judgements are in Hindi ( 22,396 ) followed. Y Punjabi ( 3572 ) , Kannada ( 1899 ) and Gujrati ( 1112 ) .

India records 841 new COVID 19 cases , 3 deaths in one days .

India logged 841 new cases of CoViD19 , the highest in 227  days , in 24 hours . The number cases recorded  is 4309  since the Pandemic has emerged .

Three deaths one each from , Kerala , Karnataka , and Bihar .

During Pandemic 4.3 crore people had fit infected and 5.3 lakhs death were  reported .


Gaza war will continue for months , says Netanyahu

Israeli strikes in central Gaza killed at least 35 people on Sunday. Israel’s PM said that war will continue for “ many more months “.

Israel’s unprecedented air and ground offensive has killed more than 21,800 Palestinians .

Israel’s PM Netayahu has said that Israel must maintain open ended security control over Gaza strip .

The view is opposed to two state solution proposed by many countries . Under two state solution there is proposal of Israel and Palestinians territory to be existed side by side based on 1967 lines .

Israel says that Hams has smuggled wraps from Egypt , but Egypt oppose this .

Egypt opposes any presence of Israeli military at its border .

Israel ready to let ships bring aid to Gaza’s shores : Cohen

Israel is prepared to let ships deliver aid to war ravaged Gaza strip “ immediately “ as part of proposed sea corridor from Cyprus , the ISraeli foreign mister said on Monday .

 Under the arrangement  Cargo ships will undergo inspection in the Cypriot security port of Larnaca before being ferried to the Gaza coast 370 km away . Earlier supply in Gaza  used to pass through Egypt or Israel .

Earlier , Gaza Naval was under Israeli blockade and had to use  Egypt or Israel for any shipment .

Foreign  Minister changed

Israeli government on Sunday approved the appointment of new foreign minister Israel Katz replacing Eli Cohen .


Cyprus to Gaza shipping route

US shoots Houthi rebels  after latest use on container ship in Red sea

The US military said on Sunday that it’s forces opened fire on Houthi rebels after they attacked a Cargo ship in Red sea , killing several of Houthi fighters .

The UD central command said the crew  on US gravely destroyer first shot down two anti ship ballistic missiles . fired at the Singapore based Maersk Hangzhou . Then three of four small boats that was chasing the ship was drowned in US strike .

North Korea’s kim orders military for a second term

North Korea’s Kim  Jong Un has given fresh threats of Military attack on Seoul . and orders for a military arsenal build up to prepare a war that can “ break out any time “ .

Plans is to launch three more soy satellites , build drones , and develop electronic warfare capabilities .

China’s reunification with Taiwan is inevitable , says Xi in New year


China’s reunification with Taiwan is “ inevitable “ , President Xi Jinping said in his new year address .

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