Summary of The Hindu 14 may 2023 Current Affairs — — — —


 THE HINDU 14 05 2023


2023 Assembly Election Results

Congress surge topples BJP in Karnataka
on Saturday Poll result for Karnataka – Assembly came
                                       Total Seats 224
                                        Congress     BJP                  JD(s)                others


Seats                          135                 66                    19                    4

Vote %                                  42.%                36%                 13.3%  3%

                                                + 4/9%            -.3%                 -5%

                                                From 2018


2018 results                         80                    104                  37

Former CM siddharamaih and Karnataka congress chief D.K. Shiv kumar is in the race to become next CM of Karnataka.

Beaning of BJP’s and says : Mamta

Karnataka result offers a lesson for BJP, Congress in a packed polling


Triumphant Congress looks at battles ahead.


Karnataka DGP Prveen

Praveen sood’s name was binalised on Saturday by a three-member panel comprising PM Narendra Modi, CBI Dy Chandrachud and leader of opposition (Congress)) in Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan chaudhary.

  CBI Chidf Selection =

The three member panel chooses

Narweker to decide after everyone gets fair china

After Eknath Shinde govt. cvt. came

To power it had appointed Mr. Narwekar as Speaker of Maharastra assembly.

Mr. Narwekar had taken following decision which SC in its recent judgment invalidate.

1.      He appointed Ekanth Shinde as leader of Shiv Sena.
which cancelling Ajay chaudhari (Mata vikas Aghadi) as leader of Shiv Sena.
As Eknath Shinde had been disqualified by earlier deputy speaker, SC in its judgment directed Mr. Narwekar to choose the new Shiv Sena leader.

2.      Deputy speaker prior to Eknath Shinde had disqualified 16 MLA as including Eknath Shinde.
once Eknath Shinde came to power and Mr. Narwekar was appointed as speaker he reversed SC in its judgment had called Narwekar to start proceeding to disqualify the 16 MLAs within reasonable time.
      on Saturday speaker Narwekar said that setting the matter on party whip or petitions can not be rushed. It will take some time.

Eknath In June 2023. Eknath Shinde along with several MLAs had rebelled from MVA govt. in Maharastra.


Not planning large – scale request to U.K. for return of Cultural property : Centre.


Recently a news was published in UK’s telegraph. It titled “India to force Britain into colonial ‘reckoning’

“With treasure demands”

The story reported that New Delhi was prepaning to make “The largest repatriation claim faced by the UK, on a scale that would dwarf greed’s demand for Elwin Marbles.” It also said that India displomatic and ministerial staff were being “mobilised” to recure “potentially thousands” of artifact, including KONINOOR diamond.

            Indian govt. has denied it govt. said the headline of story was “unfortunately misteading”. Govt also said “It is not true that Ministerial and Diplomatic resources are being mobilized towards securiva the return of thousands of artifacts from India”.

 India and U.K. care in advanced stage of finalizing their trade deal

          and signing a free trade Agreement (FTA).

KOHINOO DIAMAND  was taken from India by Britishers during  
colonial time. It used to on the crown of queen Elizabeth – II

In recent coronation ceremony the Kohinoor diamond was replaced with some other Gem from the crown of queen Camilla.

The reason of this was thought that it can bring extreme dissent along Indians.

Gaganyaan : parachutes for re-entry capsule sent to ISRO facility in Bengaluru.

The Aerial Delivery Research and Development Establishment (ARDRE), The Agra based laboratory of DRDO has developed parachuted for the India’s first manned space flight programme.

            The parachutes will helps in bringing the capsules which will
            carry astronaut safely back to earth.

 GAGANYAAN  Under this India will send 3 Astronaut in space in lower earth orbit for 6 – 7 days.




                                  5 – 7 day
                                   in space



             GSLV MK III                                                       Parachute        
               Will be used lift off                                                     Open


                                         Crew Module (Astronaut reside in this)

                                                  Servia Module                              Splash down
                                                                                                                       in sea

           ORBIT MODULE (Fuel for return Journey)



Gaganyaan launch has been delayed from December 20121 to no earlier than 2025.

  BJP wins big in UP local body polls; victory signified faith in pro-people policies, says CM.


  1420 councillor seats in Municipal corporation → BJP is leading in more than half the seats.

544 Nagar Panchayat chairman →has won 30 1 and was leading on more than 100 seats 17 Mayoral seats → BJP is winning or leading on all 17 eats.

Mayor → Head of Municipal corporation
                                                       Big town, cities

Councillor in Municipal Crporations supplied by Britain.


NCB and navy make biggest seizure of drug in India


          In a joint operation ,2500 kg of methamphetamine valued at around ₹ 15000 cr was seized.

                   The drug has its origin in Pakistan and was loaded in mothership in Makram cost. The drug was meant for india , srilanka and Maldives . the drug was seized off kochi coast.


Myanmar, Bangladesh brace for cyclone Mocha

cyclone Mocha is expected to make landfall between COX BAZAR (Bangladesh) and SITTWE (Myanmar) on Sunday morning.

           Authorities of both Bangladesh and Myanmar have shifted people to safe areas .  COX Bazar is home of about 1 million Rohingyas who had fled from Myanmar.

Cyclone Mocha is most powerful cyclone in decade . wind  speed can be upto 220 km/hour in this cyclone ,it is expected to bring heavy rain which can trigger landslide .

COX BAZAR— Home of about 1 million Rohiyangia refugee from Myanmar .

SITTWE——— INDIA  has build a part  here to transport goods to north.

Sharif wants those  who incited violence arrested.

Pakistan PM Shahbaz sharif orderd authorities on Saturday to identify and arrest all those involved in violent act after former PM Imran khan’s arrest this week sparked deadly least eight people has ben killed in violence against arrest of Imaran khan supreme court of Pakistan has termed the arrest as”invalid and unlawful” and released him.

    “I must say that I expected this from judiciary , because the only hope now left ——— the only thin line between the banana republic and a democracy is judiciary” Mr. khan had said earlier.

Ukraine used long range storm shadow missiles from Britain to attack LUHASK CLAIM RUSSIA

Russia defence minister said on Saturday that Ukrainian aircraft  had struck two industrialist  sites in Russia  held city of Luhamk in eastern Ukraine with storm shadow long range or  wise missile supplied by Britain. On Thursday Britain became first country to say that it  had started supply of long range cruise missile . British defense ministry had said  that Kyiv had assured that the target will inside Russia internationally  accepted territory .

The Russia minister had said  that “storm shadow air- to –air missiles  supplied to Kyiv regime by Britain were used for strike , country to London’s statement  that these weapon would not used against civillion target

  Moving forward along BAKHMUT front says  ukrainr

A senior Ukrainian military commander said on Saturday that Kyiv’s forces were advancing along the Parts of the front line against Russian forces near Bakhmut.

               Earlier on Saturday the Germany defense minister said that the country was preparing  new weapons package  for Ukraine worth 2.7 billion euros.

Palestinian millitants, Idrael trade fire in Gaza

Israel and Palestinian millitants unleashed salvos of fire for fifth day Saturday with Islamic Jihad millitants group launching dozens more rocket  and the Israel  pounding target inside Gza strip.

On Saturday Egypt’s Al-Qachera channel said that cease fire would take affect. However t
here was no immediate comment


Raid leaves civilian , 7 troops ,6 militant dead Pakistani army

Millitants had attacked camp of soldier in Qila Saifullah district of northern Balachistan

Blast rock Khartoum as warring sides affirm humanitarian pledge 



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