Summary of The Hindu 09 JULY 2023 Current Affairs — — —

THE HNDU 09-07-2023




ð  12 killed as violence mars panchayat polls in Bengal

At least 12 persons were killed and 92 injured as large – scale violence  erupted during polling for the Panchyat elections in West bengalan Saturday. This is the highest singleday toll of poll related violence in west Bengal in recent times.

Incidents of malpractices and deaths were reported from various districts that included coach Behar, Purba Bardhman Nadia, Uttar  Dinjapur, South 24 parganas.

Forces Absent

Due to Belong by state election commission (SEC) to requisition of forces only 649 companies were deployed.

While 822 companies were required.

Chaos, Rigging, ballot capturing, violence wee repoted from several district.

SEC rajiv sinha said that maintance of law and order was responsibility of district officials while state was busy making arrangement for polls.

Governor C.V. Anada Bae visited North 24 Parganas on Saturday “this is the most sacred to democracy —– election must be through ballots not bullets”.

ð  Coming, women only courts for alternate dispute resolution

The union govt is set to launch an initiative under which women-only courts will be set up act village – level as an alternative resolution forces for issues such as domestic violence and property rights, and to counter patriar chal system  the scheme initially will be launched in 50 villages each in J & K and Assam in August and will be extended to rest of country within 6 months.

The court Known as NARI ADALAT (women’s court) will not only address women’s and girl’s grievances but also raise awareness to  govt scheme and legal rights and entitlement of women “The shrives provided will include alternative dispute resolution and grienance redrassal, coansselling, evidence based decision making, pressure-group taction, negotiation, mediation, reconciliation with mutural consent for accessible or offodals Justice.”

It will have nine members, helf chosen by Gram Panchyat and rest Social Workers, teachers etc.

Type of members

NYAYA SAKHIS (legal friends) – Nominated or elected by gram Panchyat Mukhiya NYAYA SAKHIS – Elected by NYAYA SAKHIS among NYAYA SAKHIS.

The period of these members will be six months.

The scheme comes under ministry of women and child development under SAMBAL sub-scheme of Mission Shakti.

ð  US sends top human rights official to Delhi

US under secretory for civilian security Democracy and Human Rights, and US special co-ordinator to Tibet issues, UZRa zeya is on vista to India and Bangladesh. In India she will meet civil society members and senior officials she will also meat Dalai-Lama in Dlehi, from where she will go to Bangladesh .

ð  Lift ban on Internet services with safeguards, Manipur HC tells state.

On Friday Manipur high court Home Department of Manipur to lift the ban on internet with certain restrictions, providing Internet through internet lease lines (ILL) throughout the state, provide limited access to internets for the public and to consider fibre to the home

(FTTH) connection on the case to case basis provided the safeguard put by expert committed is provide with.

Some safeguards agreed by a 12 member panel on court’s direction are :

·         Limiting speed to 10 Mbps.

·         Securing undertaking from intended users that they will not do anything illegal

·         Subjecting the users to physical monitoring to “Physical monitoring by authority concerned”

ð  Pro-Khalisan Protest outside Indian  High Commission passes off without incident.

A pro-khalistani protest in London was relatively subdued, the protestors were less in number and protest timing was less. Some protesters in London had also posters supportive to Pakistan and Kashmir.

Earlier NSA Ajit Doval had met british counterpart for strict action – Such as deportation against those threatening Indian officials.

Hardeep singh Nijjar, a Khalisani separatist, designated as terrorist in India was killed o 18 June. Khalistani supporters had called for protest before India embassis in London Toronto,  san Fransisco and Melbourne.

ð  Centre adding more services to Ayushman Bharat health centres

The Ayushman Bharat-health and wellness centres (AB-HWCS) programme, which has grown to more than 1.6 lakh centres and registered over 178.87 crore beneficiaries (as of June-end) in five years since its inception, is undergoing biggest expansion in services health ministry Union govt is adding services like screening prevention, control and management of non communicable diseases (diabetes, hypertension etc), care for common ophthalmic and ENT problems, basis oral health case services, emergency medical services and screening and management of mental health ailments.

“the expansion is under was and will cover all health centres by August – end” A senior official said.

AB – HWC, was started in 2018, to provide universal health coverage by bringing in promotive, preventive, curative, palliating and rehab illative aspects of universal health coverage.

“The goal is to provide comprehensive Primary, health care (CPHC), including both maternal and child health services and non-communicable diseascs as well as free essential drugs and diagnoastic services through AB-HWCs closer to home” the official explained

ð  States fail to get top grade in school education

On Friday education Ministry released performance Grading Index (PGI). It has 10 grades, with Daksh being the top (940-1000 points)



No of states/UTs

Text Box: DAKSH	-	























·         None of the states has top 5 grades

·         Punjab and Chandigarh reached PRACHESTA-2, highest among other states

·         6 states Gujrat, kerala, Maharasthra, Delhi, Puducherra, and Tamil Nadu are PRACHESTA-3

·         The five paro

·         Five parameters measure it .

1.   Outcome – How children do in Language, Maths, Science, Social & Science and so on

2.   Access to education – Net enrolment ratio retention, transition from primary to other level of education and secondary. Mainstreaming of out-of school children.

3.   Infrastructure – Availability of Science labs, computer labs, book  banks, National education subjects, supply of mide-day meal, functional drinking water, availability of uniform and textbooks

4.   Equity – Student Performances between minorities, SCs, STs and those general category. Whether schools have disabled – friendly toilets etc.

5.   Educational Governance and management – Digital capture of daily management of education of Single – teacher primary school, vacancia in educational pasts, inspection and teacher evaluation

ð  Indian court turns down pepsi co’s appel against revocation of Fc5 potato located.

Delhi HC dismisses pepsi Co’s appeal against can order that revoked a patent for a potato variety grown exclusively you it’s popular LAY’s potato chips.

PepsiCo used to use FC5 variety of potato for its are. In 2019 it sued some farmers cultivating FC5 veriety.

Kavita kurganti a farmer’s right activist claimed that PepsiCo cannot claim patent over seed variety.

In 2021, the protection of plant varieties and farmers’ right (PPVFR) revoked intellectual property protection protection granted to PepsiCo FE5 potato variety saying that India’s rules do not  allow a patent on  sid varieties.

PEPSICO – It is us based soft drink, chips etc making company,

ð  Congress a combination of plumber deceit, says Modi.

“PM Modi was addressing a BJP rally after indurating projects worth 24, 300 crore.

PM Modi dedicated Six-lane greenfield expressway section of the Amritsav Jamnagar Economic corridors 1 phese 1 of Inter state transmission cone for Green energy corridor (Bikanare Bhiwandi) and a ESIC hospital was also inaugurated.




ð  Zelensky hails ‘brave’ Ukraine on 500th day of war; 8 killed in attack.

Ukrainia President on Saturday on 500th day of Russia’s involves said in a video released an social media, he was shown visiting snake island.

“Today we are in snake island, which will never  be conquered by the occupier, like the whole of Ukraine, because we are the country of the brave,” he said,”

Meanwhile, Russia’s foreign ministry said on Saturday that Washington’s decision to supply cluster munition is an” act of desperation” that will have no effect an Moscow’s campaign in Ukraine.

British PM Modi Rishi Sunak on Saturday said that his country “discourages”  the are of munitions Us govt has decided to provide Ukraine with multination weapons Munitions weapon drops multiple bombs that explodes when comes in ground cantact

ð  US china should work against climate change’

US treasury secretary Jund yellow urged closer communication between china and usa to improve economic decision maling and challenged china join global initiative to help prover nation address climate change.

She further called for communication to be the solution of various challenges. She called for a health competition with “fair set of rules” that will benefit both countries.

ð  Dutch governor collapses over bitter migration row; election not until November.

Dutch PM Mark Rutte’s coalition govt collapsed on Friday over “insurmountable” differences on how to tackle migration.

Mr. Rutle was in favour of tightening curbs on reuniting families of asylcome seekers, a bid to curb over roweling at migration centres.

He wrote that as differences among coalition partner over migration is insurmountable and Hence he was resigning .

ð  Iran hangs two over shriner shooting four ‘terrorists’ two police officials killed in clashehs.

Iran hanged two men in public an Saturday over a shooting at a revered shrive in the southern city of shiraz lost year that killed more than a dozen people the Judiciary said.

ð  22 killed as Sudan army launches air strikes.

At least 22 persons were killed and scores injured in an air strike by Sudan’s Army on western Omdurman, the Khatour state health ministry said.

ð  Pakistan to work with Switzerland on managing natural disasters.

The two nations announced they will “pull resources” to help strengtheved “pull resources” to  help strengthened Pakistani’s response to natural disaster.

ð  IAEA chief meets south Korean foreign minister amid protest.

Rafael Grossi  – Chief of IAEA met with south Korean Foreign minister park in on saturaday on Saturday. Protest is going on in S.Korea over japan’s Plan to dischjarge treated water.



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