Summary of The Hindu 08 SEPTEMBER 2023 Current Affairs___

African Union to G20 , as Sherpas reach a deal

The African Union is set  to join G20 as negotiators agreed on this . Sources from Sherpas meeting has confirmed this . This was India’s proposal .European Union ( EU) is the only regional block which is G20 memeber . Whether the group will be known as G21 or not is still not clear .

Differences has been about final declaration of G20 regarding certain Paragraphs that contain reference of Ukriane war . Even among the issue of climate change there are differences in final wording in joint declaration . Sherpas are burning midnight oil to reach a final consensus .

Sherpas are delegates of G20 leaders negotiating on behalf of them. 

Delhi may turn the venue for dialogue on reviving black sea grain initiative

UN secretary of General Antonio Guterras who aill arrive New Delhi on Friday will be pressing hard to establish Black Sea Grain Initiative ( BSGI ) on the sidelines of G20 .

Turkey President recently visited Sochi , Russia to broker a deal but Russia didn’t agree citing ” unkept promises ” by European. Countries ” . Few months  back Russia had withdrawn itself from BSGI .

BSGI consisted two parts :

One signed betwee. Russia. , Ukriane , UN and turkey for the resumption of hrians and other foodstuffs , and fertilizer including ammonia through ” safe maritime humanitarian corridor ” , from three key Ukrianian ports , – Chrinomorsk , Odesa and Yuzney . The other is MoU between Russia. And Ukriane for promoting Russian food and fertilizer in the world markets , without the agreement , food prices in the Africa. Countries is set to soar .

Russia and Ukraine combinedly export 21.9% of barley , maize and wheat worldwide .

Modi puts 12 point proposal to expand India–ASEAN relations

PM Modi attended ASEAN – India summit on Thursday . He put 12 point proposal to expand relation between India and ASEAN in areas such as connectivity , trade and digital transformation.

     PM announced a multi modal connectivity and economic corridor linking Southeast Asia , India , West Asia and Europe

     PM offered sharing of digital public infrastructure stack with ASEAN countries .

     The proposal included PM Modi’s collective fight against terrorism , terror Financing and cyber disinformation .

Addressing meeting of East Asian Summit ( EAS)

     Addressing EAS PM Modi called for joint efforts to strengthen. Sovereignty and territorial integrity , of all nations even as he said that India believes a code of conduct for All nations in South China Sea . He told that nations should complaint with UNCLOS ( UN convention on law of seas ) .

 It was with the reference of China’s muscle flexing in South China sea and China publishing ” standard map ” which showed large part of South China Sea as it’s territory

     PM reiterated that ” today’s era is not of war ” . And differences should be resolved through dialogue and diplomacy .PM said ” terrorism ” , ” exteemism ” and ” geopolitical conflict ” as big challenge for all .PM asked nations to stick to international laws that is necessary for sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations

 India keen of having QUAD leaders for republic day parade

India  is mulling over Inviting QUAD member counties USA , Japan , Australia for republic day parade . It is looking at the possibility of holding QUAD meeting on 25 th January , o e day before Republic day ,offical sources has said .

There is possibility that US President Joe Biden be Chief guest at Republic day Parade .

Australia day is celebrated on 26 January , and because of this  presence of Australian PM Albanese on republic day can be tricky . Also Japan will have ‘Diet’ session going on , so even though India is looking for possibility of all QUAD leaders to participate in Republic day Parade . The participation is very unlikely . 

Convert of rare instruments planned at president. dinner

President Draupdi Murmu will host dinner at Bharat Mandapam for G20 delegates . It will witness a unique musical extravaganza . It will feature 78 artist playing some rare Indian instruments , such as Surbahar , and Jaltatarnag and the Rudra Veena .

The concert ” Bharat Vadya Darshanam ” will feature 34 Hindustani musical instruments , 18 Carnatic musical instruments and 26 folk musical instruments . Some major instruments which will be payed are Kamaicha , Nal tarang and Rudra Veena .

 Modi , Biden to discuss trade issues , jet engines , drone deals during meeting

PM. Modi will hold bilateral meeting with Joe Biden on Saturday . The issues to be discussed will be progress in ICET ( initiative on Critical and Emerging technologies ) , the drone deal and transfer of technology to make engines of helicopter that was signed during PM Modi’s US visit will also be a part of discussion .

French President to meet Modi on Sunday

French President Emanual Macron  will arrive here on Saturday . The bilateral meet with PM Modi is expected to be on Sunday afternoon.He will leave for Bangladesh on Sunday afternoon . 

Meetings with Modi , Saudi Prince on Hasina ‘s Delhi Agenda

Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina will hold bilateral talk with PM Modi as she will reach New Delhi . Bangladesh is one of the nine guest nations in G20 . Russian Foreign minister Lavrov will visit Bangladesh in Thursday . In India ,Bangladesh PM will hold bilateral meetings with , Saudi Prince Mohammad Bin Salman , UAE prince Al Nahyan , Nigerian President , Argentian President and South Korea. President  . She will return Bangladesh on 10 th  September as she has to welcome French President Emanual Macron on 11 th September .

Center to stop sites from weaving ‘ dark patterns ‘ to  misled buyers

Center is going to bring law to curb ” dark patterns ” on internet. Particularly on to prevent and regulate false urgency , baker sneaking , confirm slaming , forced action , transaction trap etc .

Ministry of Consumer affairs has asked for public comments till October 5 .

The draft guidelines defines ” dark pattern ” as : any practice or deceptive design pattern using user interface or user experience interactions. On any Paltform , designed to trick or mislead users to do sometbing they originally not intend to . …”

E commerce companies use dark patterns to increase their sales , to advertise   , the practice violates consumers right . 


At ASEAN summit , Indonesia warns against new summit

” Every leader has an equal responsibility to not create a new conflict  , to not create new tensions , and at the same time we also have responsibility to lower heated tensions ,” Indonesian PM and host of  East Asia. Summit told in a remark. .The meeting was attended by leaders of 18 nations . Among these were 10 ASEAN + India , China , Australia , New Zealand , South Korea , Russia , USA nd Japan .

US was participated by Vice President Kamala Harris , Russia by Foreig. Minister Sergei Lavrov and China by its premier Li Quing .

Ms Harris spoke about * Russia illegal occupation to Ukraine “, maritime ceges in South and East China seas and the growing threat of North Korean Missile programme .

Mr. Lavrov toalwd about ” militarisation of East Asia ” , accusing NATO alliance moving in the region , Russia ‘s foreign ministry said .


Phillipines oppose ” Militia vehicles ” in South China sea

Phillipines President Macros in East Asia Summit told leaders to oppose the use of ” coast guard and and maritime militia vessels ” .

” We are concerned over consistent action that are in violation of obligation  under international laws ” Mr. Maxris said .

Phillipines based ships in recent months have been harrassed by Chinese vessels . Om August 5 Chinese based coast guard vessel fired water cannons . Phillipines ship was resupplying essentials to World war 11 era ship Thomas shoal on which some philipinos live . The Phillipines haa deliberately parked the sea to claim over areas around shoal .

China tells that all these areas under South China sea  belong  to him .

 China may be using AI , to sway away US voters , says Microsoft

Microsoft researcher said on Thursday , they found what the believe is a network of Fake , Chinese controllwd sicoa accounts seeking to influence US voters by using Artificlai Intelligence.

A Chinese embassy spolesperson in Washington said that such accusations were ” full of prejudice and malaciois speculation ”


French court bans Abaya ban in schools

France’s top admisitrative  court on Thursday upheld a ban on Abaya in schools .

Anaya is traditional dress of Muslims .

Rejecting the petition filed by some Muslims court said that Abaya ” follows the logic of religious affiliation ” adding that French law does not allow anyone wearing religious affiliations in schools .

UK rejoins EU’s science research programme

Britain is rejoining EU’s 100 billion dollar programe named ” Horizon Europe ” . It will also join other programmes of European Space Agency like ” Copernicus ” . After Brexit , Britai. was expelled from membership of such programmes which comprises do EU countries .” The EU and UK are full strategic partners and allies and today’s agreement proves that point ” EU president Ursula Van Der Leyen said .


Building consensus

The success of G 20 summit hinges on griece between fractious parties

About the editorial

The editorial talks about major issues at this G20 . What India did to organise this .

About G20 Delhi

India. held it two months before the scheduled time in November . About 220 meetings of G20 delegates were held in different parts of country , showcasing India and not just one city  .

Issues under G20

PM Modi made it clear in the beginning that India would not take sides over Ukriane conflict in G20 .

The focus areas is Global South . India has proposed African Union to be a part to G20 . Issues of food , fertilizer and energy security is on Agenda as well .

Though there has been displeasure among different blocs among G20 . Like Russia and China  playing against EU and USA . But India’s presidency has handled it well . We can just hope for meaningful outcome from the meetings held on September 9 and 10 .


Restoring order

ASEAN did well to call out the Myanmar Junta’s repression of the west


The editorial is about ASEAN meeting in which Myanmar was heavily crricised by ASEAN memebers . Myanmar even after being a ASEAN member didn’t get invitation for recent meetings . Myanmar was to host ASEAN in 2026 but this has been given to Phillipines .


ASEAN has ” strongly condemned ” continued acts of violence .And has asked army and other parties involved to stop ” targetted attack on civilians “.

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