Summary of The Hindu 19th JANUARY 2024

9 killed as Pakistan launches retaliatory air strikes in Iran

Pakistan’s Air Force launched retaliatory air strikes early on Thursday  in Iran against alleged militant hideouts , killing at least nine people . Pakistan targeted Baloch Liberation Army in Sistan and Baluchestan province of Iran . The province borders Pakistan .

Pakistan Foreign Ministry in its statement said “ This morning’s action was taken in light of credible intelligence of impending large scale terrorist activity “

“ This action is manifestation of Pakistan’s unflinching resolve to protect and defend its national security against all threats “ ,


Iran later summoned Pakistan’s Charge d’affaires in the country . Pakistan already had withdrawn its ambassador over Tuesday ‘s attack.

The risk of escalation remained as Iran’s military began a planned annual air defense drill named “ vilayat 1402 “ from its port at Chabahar to  Iraq .

The Baloch Liberation Army which was targeted in the Pakistani strike said in a statement the strikes targeted and killed it’s people . “ Pakistan has martyred innocent baloch people .“ .

12 school students , 2 teachers killed as Gujrat boat capsizes

14 people – 12 children and 2 teachers died as a boat carrying 30 people capsized in Harni lake in Vadodara . The boat had 20 children and 10 adults .

PM Modi and the President has expressed  concern over this .

Navy helps drone hit Cargo vessel in the Gulf of Aden

The Navy’s  destroyer  INS Vishakhapatnam responded to a distress call by Marshall island flagged merchant vessel MV Genco Picardy , following a drone attack in Gulf of Aden on Wednesday night . The vessel was hit by Drones .

Speaking in Hyderabad last week , Admiral Hari Kumar said that there were 36 drone attacks in last 40 to 42 days of shipping , and the target was Israel owned ships or those linked to Israel , and mainly in Red sea ,North Arabian sea , Central Arabian sea .

8India says it hopes to resolve issue and of troops in Maldives

India on Thursday said it continued to hope for the resolution  of the tussle with Maldives , over stationing of Indian troops , on the Islands , despite the Maldivian govt setting. A deadline , of March 15 for their withdrawal . Answering questions on the tension between the two countries , MEA spokesperson said India remains “ committed “ with its partnership with Maldives .

He said discussion between officials who were part of “  high level core group “ , talks held in Male on January 14 , would continue “ soon “ when a Maldivian delegation travels India.

After arriving from his visit to China Maldivian President Mohammad Muizzue had set 15 March deadline for withdrawal of Indian troops from Maldives . There are currently 84 troops Indian troops working in Maldives .

PM release postal stamps on Ram temple , stamp book on Ramayana

PM Modi released commemorative postage stamps on Ram temple in Ayodhya on Thursday , along with a book of stamps on the Ramayana from around the world .

“ These tickets are smallest form of history books , artefacts  and historical sites and serve as a mixture form of epics of great ideas , “ Mr

 Modi said in a video message . He said the appeal of Lord Ram , Sita and Laxman transcends the boundaries of “ time , society , caste , religion and region “ .

The 48 page stamp book contains stamp released by more than 20 countries , includong the US , New Zealand , Singapore , Canada , Cambodia , and organisations such as UN .

Kejriwal skips fourth summons from ED in excise policy case

Aam Admi Chief a d Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal has skipped fourth notice sent to him by Enfircemwnt Directorate ( ED ) to appear before the agency on Thursday for questioning in Delhi Excise Policy case .

“ All four notices sent to me are illegal and in invalid in the eyes of law “ .

GM crops will make edible oil cheaper : govt

Govt. In Supreme Court said that GM version of Mustard Oil was necessary to make edible oil cheaper in country .

“ Mustard is the most used edible oil . GM oil has been used in India for decades now …. What we are trying to do is to make edible oil cheaper  by growing it indigenously  …. 50 %to 60% edible oil is imported , Interests which are against India gaining food security and reducing foreign dependence are behind these PILs against GM Mustard “  Solicitor General Tushar Mehta said .

A PIL was filed against permission of Open Field Testing of Dhara Mustard Hybrid (DMH -11 ), of  a  genetically engineered variant of Mustard .  The petitioner were citicing environmental damage cause by Open Field Testing . Govt rejected these as half baked claims .

India imported about 55.76 % of edible oil in 2022- 23 .

In 2020 -21 , 54% of edible oil was imported costing govt 1,15,000 lakh crore .

GEAC has given Permission for Open Field trials for DMH11 at six sites .


U.S. hits Yemen after Houthis redesignated  as ‘ terrorist ‘

The United States conducted additional strikes early on Thursday , against a couple of Houthi anti ship missiles . that were being prepared  to fire in Red sea .

National Security spokesperson John Kirby told pressopersons , that American forces had targetted 14 missiles, that Houthis were to launch to Yemen .  Houthi Media Al Mashraih TV said that  Hodeida and city of Taez were among the targets of the first rounf attack by US and UK .

Air strike on Southern Syria , likely by Jordan kills 9

An air strike on Southern Syria early on Thursday killed at least nine people , and was probably carried out by Jordan’s  Air Force , the Syrian authorities said that the strike was in area where cross border sea smugglers are active .

The Syrian authorities have said that those killed had nothing to do about drugs .

There was no immediate confirmation by Jordan about the strike .

Smugglers have used Jordan as a corridor over the last year’s to smuggle highly addictive Captagom amphethetamines out of Syria .mainly to oil rich Arab gulf states .

The Jordanian authorities have managed to stop several smuggling attempts .

China , Philippines  agree to ease tension

China and Phillipines have said that they have agreed to work on lowering tension  after a year of public and tense confrontation , in the South China sea .

 China’s ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Thursday that the two sides agreed to continue to improve communication , and use friendly negotiatoons to manage their differences at sea , “ especially to manage the situation at Ren’AI Reef “ .

Ren’AI Reef is the Chinese name for the what is called Second Thomas Shoal by US . The site witnessed multiple confrontation between the two countries recently .

Second Thomas Shoal is under effective control of Phillipines which China calls its own .


Russia rejects US bid to arms control talks

Russia’s top diplomats Sergey Lavrov dismissed  the US proposal to resume a dialogue on nuclear arms countrol  saying it is impossible while Washington offeres military support to Ukraine .

Mr. Lavrov further said that for it US first has to revise its current policy towards Russia .

NATO to hold biggest drill since cold war to combat flare up with ‘near pear ‘ rival

NATO will be launching its biggest military exercise since cold war .

Some 90,000 troops are due to join the steadfast defender 2024 exercise in May .

More than 50 ships from aircraft carriers to destroyers will take part , as well as more than 80 fighter jets , helicopters and Drones  and at least 1100 combat drones and at least 1100 combat vehicles including 133 tanks and 533 infantry fighting vechilces . The information was given by NATO’s top commander Chris Cavoli .

Though NATO didn’t take Russia’s name , its document identified Russia as the most significant and direct threat to NATO .

The last exercise of similar size was by Trident Junction on 2018 , where 50 ,000 personnals had participated .


Human Pappilomavirus ( HPV )

Human Pappilomavirus infection caused Cervical cancer in women  .

Cervical cancer is second most common cancer for women in India .

HPV vaccine

HPV vaccine is very effective in preventing cervical cancer . In India Serum Institute of India makes HPV vaccine . In 2018 Sikkim became the first state to introduce the vaccine . All girls aged 9 to 14 were given free HPV vaccines .

Center’s Plan

A committee on immunisation and vaccination has recommended Govt of India to include HPV vaccine under NIP ( National Immunisation Plan ) , Central govt would roll out a vaccination programme in six states in June 2023 , targetting gilr between age 9 and 14 , covering 2.55 crore girls .

Globally 100 countries has introduced HPV in their national schedule , but it covers only 30 % of target population .

TamilNadu foucusses on “ walk in “ model that provides all TB services under the same roof

India has stated gola of eliminating. TB by 2025 .

TamilNadu has rolled out Walk In TB center’s as a one stop solution .All services starting from screening to monetary assistance and provision for Nutritional supplements  will be provided under one roof .

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