Summary of The Hindu 15th DECEMBER 2023

Terror charges invoked in security breach case

Delhi Police has invoked section of Unlawful activities prevention act ( UAPA ) , an anti terror law , against four accused persons . The sixth person was arrested on Thursday evening who was filmed the protest outside parliament and uploaded the video on social media platforms .The police has called the act as well planned “ conspiracy “ , adding that the accused might be linked with terrorist outfits .

The Lok Sabha secretariat has suspended eight security personnals for the incident .

14 opposition MPs suspended from house amid faceoff

14 opposition members 1 from Rajya Sabha and 13 from Lok Sabha were suspended from proceedings of houses for remaining period of winter session.  The MPs suspended were raising slogans demading statement by Home Minister on security breach in Parliament .

Allahabad High Court allows survey of Mathura’s Shahi Idgah Mosque

The Allahabad High Court on Thursday allowed court monitored survey of Shahi Idgah Mosque adjoining Krishna Janmbhoomi temple in Mathura . The inspection will be done by a three member commissioners and modalities will be decided on 18 th of December .

The Petitioners have claimed that the mosque was built over Krishna Janmabhoomi land , on the orders of emperor Aurangzeb in 1670 .

Archaeological Survey of India ( ASI ) is currently already conducting scientific survey of Gyanvapi Mosque .

Shahi Idgah Mosque side by Krishna temple Mathura

Urgent need to control use of e cigarettes , says WHO

WHO director General Dr. tedros said that E cigarettes with Nicotine is becoming a major health concern .

E cigarettes with Nicotine is highly addictive and can lead to cigarette use . Till now 34 countries has banned it , while 88 countries have no minimum age while 74 countries have no regulation .

In India possession of e cigarette and similar devices is a violation of Prohibiting of Electronic Cigarette act , 2019 .

WHO has urged countries to take strict measures to protect children and young people .

Activist Ali Abu Awaad and pianist Baeren Barenboim win Indira Gandhi Peace Prize

Classical Pianist Daniel Barenboim and peace activist Ali Abu Awaad has been named for Indira Gandhi Peace Prize . Indira Gandhi Peace  Prize is awarded for Peace , disarmament and Development .


Israel bombs Gaza as rift with the US widens over civilian casualties

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has reached Jerusalem for talks with Netanyahu and his war cabinet , a sign of US’s growing pr ssure in Israel .


Mr  Sullivan in an interview told that he would discuss timetable to end the war and to move away from current high intensity offensive by Israel .

US President Joe Biden on Wednesday said that Israel’s “indiscriminate bombing” on Gaza was eroding international support .

But Israel PM Netanyahu has vowed to carry on “ until victory and nothing less than that “

.Israel Foreign Minister has told that war would continue “ with or without international support “ . Death toll in Israel attack has crossed 18,600 .

No peace in Ukraine as goals are achieved

Russian President Vladimir Putin vowed on Thursday that there would be no peace in Ukraine until his goals are  achieved . He said that the objectives remains unchanged over the year.

Putin dismissed the need for second wave of mobilization of reservist to fight in Ukraine .

Putin is in power for last 24 years , and he is running for re election . It is the first time after Ukraine that Putin will take questions from western media . A similar press conference last year was abolished

US house launches Republican impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden

The US house of representative on Wednesday formalized an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden .

President cas termed it as a baseless ‘stunt ‘ .

Corruption charges of President Biden is because of controversial dealings of Now Biden ‘s son , hunter Biden .

Hunter Biden is accused of using his father’s position fo trading on family name during his dealings in Ukraine and China .

Seoul scrambles jets after Chinese planes approach

South Korea’d military said that it scrambled fighter jets as two Chinese and four Russian military jets entered the air defense zone in East sea , also known as Sea of Japan , Seuol ministry informed .

China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning described the incident as routine activity .


An Air defense Identification Zone ( ADIZ ) iss broader area than country ‘s airspace in which it tries to control aircraft for security reasons ,but it is not defined in an international treaty .

European Union agrees to open membership negotiations with Ukraine

The European Union on Thursday decided to open accession agreement with Ukraine and Moldova on Thursday  . The decision was announced at a summit gathering of EU leaders in Brussels .

Ukrainian President Vlodmyr Zelensky welcomed the decision as “ a victory for Ukraine . A victory for all of Europe “

Meanwhile , Hungarian President Victor Obon insisted that EU should not start talk with Ukraine jointing the bloc , Mr. Orban is also blocking giving 54 billion dollar in financial aid for kyiv .

Ukraine badly needs support from its western allies in its fight with against Moscow ‘s invadsion


Keeping it relevant

COP meeting must use climate sicnece to promote justice and equity

The editorial is about CoP 28 summit which concluded on Wednesday .

Some of the outcomes of this summit are :

     Loss and Damage Fund ( LDF ) – LDF was formed . The fund  will be used to finance countries which are facing devastating effect of climate change . Initial commitment under this fund is 750 million dollar .

     128 countries signed a agreement in which they have talked to triple renewable energy by 2030 .

     The terme “ phase out of fossil fuel “ has been changed to “ transition away “ from fossil fuel .


Despite being the most important summit related to climate change , still it looks not much action were taken to reduce  the threat of global warming .

Developed countries which are responsible for most of the climate damages are still not much interested in finding small island countries for claimate devastation they are facing . This needs to change in upcoming CoP events , only then robust decision to

Principled shift

India must take a more vocal position on Gaza with Israel

On December 12 , In UNGA India voted in favor of a resolution that called for immediate ceasefire in Israel Hamas war .  The resolution demanded Immediate Humanitarian ceasefire , an observace of International law , the unconditional release of hostages as well as “ ensuring humanitarian access “ .

The resolution was voted in favor by 152 Countries .

On October 26 , In a similar resolution that call ed for immediate ceasefire , India had abstained from voting . India had cited that the resolution didn’t contain “ explicit condemnation “ of the October 7 attack by Hamas .MEA had called it the recent voting in favor as part of India’s principled stand .

Some reasons that is behind the India changing its stance are : Casualties has crossed 18,000 . More than 80 % Population of Gaza has become homeless causing huge humanitarian crisis .


The editorial says that Modi govt should be more vocal on situation and try hard to stop Israeli strike 

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