Summary of The Hindu 6th DECEMBER 2023

Congress anno nfes Ravath Reddy as CM of Telangana

INC has chosen K. Revanth Reddy as the new CM for Telangana . Mr. Revanth Reddy was Telangana Congress chief before elections.

Michaung makes landfall in Andhra Pradesh , wreaks havoc

Life was thrown out of gear on southern Andhra Pradesh coast due to cyclone Michuang . The Cyclone Michaung lashed out at Bapatla and nearby villages , uprooting trees and electric poles . The severe cyclonic storm made its landfall South of Bapatla town . Wind speed was between 90 kmph to 100 kmph .

5 person were killed in different incidents related to rain .


“ The cyclone is moving towards North , and is likely to weaken in next few hours . However heavy rain will continue “ the AP disaster Management Authority said .

T.N. death toll rises to 7 ; more moved to camps

The death toll due to Cyclone Michaung related related incidents in Chennai and related districts rose to seven on Tuesday .

Over 61,600 people have been moved to relief campsn, across the states .

Global stockade draft call for phasing out fossil fuel

For the first time a key document being negotiated at UN’s climate has underlined the need for the world to do away with all fossil fuel in its draft text .

After first week of negotiation at CoP 28 , Global Stockate ( GST ) includes all signatories to “ stable and just phase out of fossil fuels “ .

Global stockate is a mechanism to measure progress in  work done by different countries under climate laws .

Glaciers shrank 1 m a year in a decade : WMO

The 2011 – 2020 decade though warmest ever recorded in history , saw the lowest no of deaths from extreme deaths , from the extreme events , said a report of World Meteorological Organisation ( WMO ) in Tuesday .

     The agency said that the drop in deaths is due to early warning systems and disaster management .

     This was also the first decade that the depleted Ozone holes first showed recovery .

     Heatwaves caused the highest human casualties and tropical cyclones inflicted the most economic damage .

The report The Global climate 2011 – 2020 : A Decade of Acceleration  said that  2011 – 2020 was the first decade since 1950 in when there was no single short term event with more than 10,000 deaths or more .

US official raises Pannun plot case , asks India to Probe

US Principal National Security Adviser ( NSA ) Nohnasen Finer is in Delhi . On Tuesday he met NSA Ajit Doval and Foreign Minister S Jaishankar . Mr. Finer acknowledged India forming a committee of enquiry to investigate lethal plotting in the United States ,  and the importance of holding accountable anyone found responsible .

Earlier US Justice Department had accused India of plotting to kill Sikh For Justice leader Pannun in US . India denied any such involvement and found a committees to investigate .

SC asks if unmarried women having  children through surrogacy ‘ accepted norm ‘

The Supreme Court on December 5 questioned whether a single unmarried woman having a child through surrogacy “ is an “ accepted norm “ in Indian society in Indian society .

“ A single woman bearing a child is an exception and not a rule in. Indian society because our society says to have children within marriage . A single woman bearing child outside marriage that is not accepted norm of Indian society “ , SC judge BV Nagratha orally observed .

The petitioner 38 year old single woman and mother want to become a mother through surrogacy .

India provides 250 million dollar Line of Credit to Kenya

Kenyan President William Samuel Ruto is in India . On Tuesday India extended 250 million dollar Line of Credit ( LOC ) for modernisation of agriculture in Kenya . Announcing the initiative ,PM Modi said that both sides will carry out military exercises and will collaborate  on counter terror projects .

Kenyan President Ruto described Indian community in Kenya as “ bridge “ between two countries and said that Indians residing there thinks India and their “  first country “.


Israel strikes Khan Younis in a bloody new phase of war

Israel Intensified it’s bombardment in and around Gaza’s second largest city Khan Younis on Tuesday .Because of US pressure Israel said that it is being more precise as it widens offensive in southern Gaza .

Residents said troops had advanced following heavy airstrike to Bank Suheila. , a town in the east of Khan Younis .

Palestinians says there are no place where they are safe .

UK tightens immigration rules to curb record high migrants number

UK home secretary James Cleverly , on Monday announced a significant tightning of rules to country’s immigration polies .

The policies include the increase in “ threshold salaries “ for skilled workers visas from 26, 200 euroes to 38,700 euroes starting with spring .

The income requirement for certain family members for certain family members of British citizens of those ‘ settled members ‘ will also increase .

An annual ‘ health surcharge ‘ to support British National Helath System will increase from 624 euro to 1035 euro .

A list of ‘ shortage occupation ‘ would be reviewed and 20 % lower salary for those employing employing foreign workers in this category will end .

International students except those in postgraduate research courses will not be able to bring dependents from January 2024 .

Net immigrants in UK in 2022 were 7,45,000. in December 2022 .

New policy will make about 3,00,000 emigrants

pushing ineligible.

Indian citizens makes largest chunk of these emigrants

Myanmar Junta Chief seeks political solution with rebels

Afghan Taliban must reform before full diplomatic ties : China

China said on Tuesday that Afghanistan’s Taliban government will need to first introduce political reforms , improve security and mend relations with its neighbors before receiving full diplomatic recognition .

Beijing doesn’t recognise Taliban rulers though both maintain diplomatic relations.

Myanmar Junta chief seeks political solution with rebels

Myanmar Junta Chief has called on ethnic armed groups battleong in different parts of the country  to find a political solution . junta chief talking to Global News warned that if the ethnic armed groups keep fighting with military Junta residents of respective regions will suffer badly .

Since October ethnic armed groups along the borders of China , India and Thailand has started a coordinated fight with Junta . Bordering state with China is Shan State while bordering state with India is Chin state that is part of fighting . UN reports says that 250 civilians have died since October in Shan State due to fighting .

At least 85 confirmed dead due to ‘ mistaken ‘ army drone attack in Nigeria ; 66 injured

At least 85 have died confirmly after a “ mistaken “ army drone has attack on a religious gathering in North West Nigeria , the authorities said . The military said that it was targetting a armed terrors group . .

Nigeria’s army often conducts raid in northern part as it fights extremist violence in northern Part of country .

United Nations says ‘ not possible ‘ to create ‘ safe zone ‘ in Gaza

United Nations warned on Tuesday that it was impossible to create safe zone for civilians inside Gaza strip . Israel had earlier dropped leaflets  telling civilian to leave for South , this time again they dropped leaflets telling civilans to leave southern part and move to some other part .

Death toll rises to 23 after eruption of Indonesia’s mountain Merapi

Rescuers searching for hazardous slopes of Indonesia’s  mount Merapi found more bodies among the climbers caught by surprise eruption on mount Merapi Climbers .


Honest reckoning

Major world economies seems unwilling to move away from fossile fuels

During COP 28 , 128 countries has signed a agreement to triple their renewable energy production by 2030 . India and China are not part of this agreement. India had its own pledge during which it did during 2030 climate summit .

Global temperature has risen by 1 degree celcius . To contain the temperature from increasing by 1.5 degree celcius at the end of this century world requires three times more renewable energy by 2030 . This accounts to at least 11000 GW  .

For India one of the major problem is reduction in use of coal , as most power plants in are driven by coal .

Shared blame

Cyclone Michaung alone was not responsible for Chennai’s troubles

The  journey towards a plastic free world

Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee ( INC )  of UN Environment Programme ( UNEP ) met on November 13 to 19 in Nairobi for third round of negotiation to decide about Plastics .

The committeee wants international binding instrument to end plastic world wide  . Under the UN Environment assembly resolution 5/14 INC is responsible for delivering a global plastic treaties by 2025 .

Most countries were in favor of ending plastic pollution totally . But many countries such including Russian , China , Japan , Saudi Arabia asked for more time to end plastics .

Also African Group of Countries and Small Island Development Nations ( SIDS ) stood out from rest and we’re totally against plastic ban as their nations are still under development t stage .


No consensus was reached thus on plastic ban related international agreement .

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