Summary of The Hindu 27th SEPTEMBER 2023 Current Affairs

Judiciary is losing talent as govt sits on names : SC

Prospective candidates shortlisted for judgeship in High Courts ( HCs ) give up as months tick up to . Many have fallen victim of segregation of names by govt who prefer one names over other , this was observed by bench of Justice SK Kaul and Sudhanshu Dhulia addressing Attorney General of India R. Venkatramani .

70 recommended for Judgeship in High courts is pending for 10 months . No words have come by govt on transfer recommended by Supreme Court ( SC )  collegium .

SC is heari g a petition filed by few advocates , Petitioner allege that ” segregation of certain names to be recommended for High Court Judges is very embarrassing ”  , and contempt charges should be filed on government .

Next hearing is on 9 th October 

CWRC directs Canada to release 3000 cusecs of water to T.N. till oct 15

The Cauvery Water Regulation Committee ( CWRC ) at its meeting in New Delhi decided to release at 3000 cusecs to TamilNadu between September 28 and October 15.

In the meeting Karnataka told it’s inability to release water while TamilNadi demanded release of 12,500 cusecs of water .

Earlier 15 days spell of 5,000 cusecs of water ended on .

Internet suspended , schools shit in Imphal over protest

Many students injured in Imphal as police fired tear gas on protesting students .

Students were protesting as photos of death bodies of two students missing in July surfaced on internet .

All schools has been shut down on September 27 and September 28 .Internet services after getting restored on 23 September has been shut down for five days .

Police has said that it used minimum force and fired tear gas in which some people got injured 

Cheetahs may be flown in from new countries

Due  to death of six Cheetahs out of 20 that was brought from Namibia and South Africa .

Wild life experts are thinking to bring next batch of Cheetahs from some other country than Namibia or South Africa . A decision on this will be taken in December or January .

DadaSaheb Phalke award for Waheeda Rahman

Union Information Boradcasting minister Anurag Thakur on Tuesday announced Waheeda Rahman to be given DadaSaheb Phalke Lifetime Achievement Award for 2021 .

Waheeda Rahman has acted in films  Pyaasa , Kagaaz ke phool , Guide , Khamoshi ,

Days when few nations set agenda are over ; Jaishankar tells UNGA

On tuesday S. Jaishankar addressed

Addressing the 78 th United Nation General Assembly on behalf of India .

S Jaishankar spoke of ” new , ” equitable and democratic ” world order emerging , one that was more reflective of diverse interest . He linked these diverse interest to India’s G20 presidency , saying the days ” in which few nations set the agenda ” were over .

” A fair , equitable and democratic order will emerge , once we all put out minds to it . And for a start , that means ensuring rule makers do not subjugate rule takers . He added that ” vaccine apartheid ” should never be allowed to and climate address must address historical responsibilities ( the idea that wealthy must significantly finance the response of climate change ) .

” Nor we must countenance that political convenience determines responses to terrorism , extremism and violence ” Mr. Jaishankar told which siglled to recent conflict with Canada , Pakistan and China.

Signaling to recent conflict with Canada  , and Pakistan and China.

Mr. Jaishankar argued that India has moved from Non aligned era to one Vishwa Mitra ( a freid of the world ) . This reflected India’s ability to work with the diverse set of nations and ” harmonize ” interest whenever necessary .

” the goal we have set for ourselves will make us different from all those whose rose preceded ours ” , he added refereeing presumably China , US and Britain’s rise at different times .




Indian eat more salt than WHO recommendation

A study by India Council of Medical Research ( ICMR ) has found that mean daily salt intake in India stands at 8 g ( 8.9 g a day for men and 7.1g a day for women ) agianst WHO recommendation upto 5 g daily .

Salt intake was higher among rural and those obese . The study also finds that salt intake is higher among employed people ( 8.6g ) , and tobacco users ( 8.3g ) , and those with high blood pressure ( 8.5g) .

High sal intake causes High blood pressure and Cardiovascular diseases which accounts for an estimated 28. % of total deaths in India .




Nepal says ‘No’ to China’s security initiative

Nepal PM Pushpa Kumar Dahal ‘Ptacjanda is on China’s visit .

On Tuesday Nepal signed a  number of security projects while it kept itself away from Xi Jinping’s Global Security  initiatives ( GSI ) and agreed to take forward cross border connectivity projects .The joint statement released talks about a number of connectivity projects and Nepal Joining Global Development Initiative ( GSI ) of China .

Global development Initiative ( GDI ), Global Security Initiative ( GSI ) and Global Civilization Initiative ( GCI ) is three  foreign policy tools used by Xi Jinping in his third term .

Nepal said ” it will never allow any separatist activity against China on Nepal’s soil ”

China said it ” firmly supports Nepal to upholding it’s sovereignty and territorial integrity ” .

Connectivity projects

     Cross border railway from Lhasa to Kathmandu will be built .

     The statement says ” agreed to strengthen connectivity in areas such as ports , roads , railways and Airways and grids ” in an orderly manner .

     ” Jointly built trans Himalayan multi Dimensional connectivity networks ”

     Opening of Lizi Neching ports , opening of Zhagmu Khasa ports . Opening of Chetang Kimathenka and Riwu Olangchingola at early date .

     Araniko Highway maintenance project

     Construction of a 220 KV cross border transmission line from Jilong keyring .

     Feasibility study of Keyrung Kathmandu cross border Railway

For friendship gesture Nepal will provide China a pair of  unicorn Rhinos as a gift .




Canada’s PM prone to outrageous allegations

Srilanka’s foreign minister Ali Sabry in an interview with New York Times on Tuesday .

” Canadian PM has a way of coming with these outrageous allegations without any supporting proof . I am not surprised the same thing they did with Srilanka , with accusations on genocide of Tamils .


Boost of Solar energy and electric vehicles sales gives hope to climate goals : IEA

World Energy Investment Report 2023 , a report released by International Energy Agency , IEA has told that adoption of electric vehicle sales worldwide , a report said on Tuesday .

However it  told that for climate to keep global warming at 1.5 degree celsius over end of this century it need to that it will triple down by 2030 .

Investment in climate action will also need to rise from from 1.8 trillion dollar by 2023 to 4.5 trillion dollar annually by the early 2030s.

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