Summary of The Hindu 02 SEPTEMBER 2023 Current Affairs___

India bloc resolves to hold seat sharing talks

Constituent of INDIA bloc has resolved to initiate talks on seat Sharing arrangement ” immediately ” and conclude them ”  at the earliest’  though without setting a specific deadline .

The Parties under INDIA also announced the names of two committees – a 14 member coordination and elections strategy committee and a 19 member campaign committee along with three working groups for social media ( 12 ) , media (19 ) and research (11) .

The parties also resolved to hold public rallies at the earliest across the country . The five rallies will be in Patna , Nagpur , Delhi , Chennai , and Guwahati .

The theme of election campaigns will be “judega Bharat , jitega India ” in different languages

Agenda for Parliament session

Women reservation Bill and Caste census will be among demands in special parliament session called .

It has been agreed that a vision document for 2024 Lok Sabha election will be released in Raj Ghat on October 2 .

Over govt forming a committee to look into prospects of One Nation One Election  ,  Parties told that it poses a threat to countries federal structure .

Govt panel to study simultaneous polls to LS, State assemblies

The Union govt on Friday said that a committee has been formed under the head ship of former President of India Ram Nath Kovind .

” Right now a committee has been constituted . A report of the committee will come out of which will discuss its prospects . It will be discussed in Public domain and when it will come in Parliament , there will be discussion there too , ” Mr Prahalad Joshi told .

Three. CMs of BJP ruled states  Yogi Adityanath , Hmmata Biswa Sharma and Pramod Sawant has spoke in favour of simultaneous Assembly and Lok Sabha elections .

Holding simultaneous elections would require at least five constitutional amendments . The five amendments include Article 83 – duration of house of parliament , Article 85 – dissolution of Lok Sabha , Article 172 – Duration of state legislature , Article 174– duration of state legislature , Article 356 – Imposition of President Rule .

 India’s first solar observatory mission to be launched today

ISRO on Saturday at 11:30 AM will launch Aditya L1 from Sriharilota . PSLV – XL will be used for this .

It will take 110 days for Aditya L1 to reach Lagrangian point L1 , which is 1.5 million k. away from earth .The satellites established in Halo orbit will continuouslly view the sun .

 Aditya L-1 payloads are expected to provide crucial information to understand the problem of coronal heating, coronal mass ejection, pre-flare and flare activities and their characteristics, dynamics of space weather, propagation of particles and fields etc.

European Space Agency ( ESA ) will provide support to Aditya L1 deep space support to the system .

ESA has 35 m deep antennas in Australia , Spain and Argentina .

 Ensure supply of medicine , food in Manipur ; directs SC

Justice  Gita Mittal committee on Friday said that the situation in Manipur might turn dire with supplies dwindling due to road blockades , coupled with an outbreak of chicken pox and measeles in relief camps .

SC on Friday suggested even airdropping food and medicine in Manipur .

Solicitor General appearing for both Manipur and Center said that the govt would take appropriate steps but the committee should should remain in its ‘ remit ‘ , and out to approach the govt with hiccups rather than court .

Children from void marriages entitled to Parents’ s share in Property says SC

SC on Friday held that a child born by voida le or void marriage can inherit parents property in Joint Hindi Family Property governed by Mitakshara law . However , Child will not be entitled to property of any other member of family , say grandfather or grand mother etc .

Available marriage is one that is made invalid by the husband or wife through a decree . A void marriage is invalid through its inception.

 Some countries are trying to hijack G 20 agenda , says Russia

Russian Ambassador Denis Alipov on Friday came out strongly against western attempts to foreground the Ukraine crisis at the multilateral platform and said that political issues should not be raised in keeping with the tradition of G-20. He further said the language of the Bali Declaration 2022 that had mention of Ukraine will have to change when the G-20 countries meet.

In Bali G20 it was said that ” most members ” condemned Russia’s invasion on Ukraine although ” there were different views and different assessment of situation ” .

Russia and China had objected the use of word ” war ” to describe  Russian military operations .

ED arrests jet Airways founder in bank fraud case

ED on Friday arrested jet Airways Founder – Chairman Naresh Goyal in connection with loan fraud estimated to be around 532 crore of Canara Bank .

An FIR in this regard was first filed I. 2018 when the company had told that it is not ablt to repay its loans . Loan amount that was given for aircraft management and overall was spent on personal use .

 NCERT given deemed- to -be- University tag , says Pradhan

National Council of Educational Research and Training ( NCERT ) has been granted the deemed to be University status by Education ministry .

” NCERT on becoming a research University will offer opportunities for global collaboration Nd contribution to the global educational landscape . Mr. Pradhan said.

 August GST revenue eases to 3 month low to ₹ 1.59 lakh cr.


CCI approved Vistara ‘s merger with Air India

Competition commission of India ( CCI ) has approved Vistara merger with Air India .

It also allowed Singapore Airlines to have 25.1% stake in Air India .

Air Asia is in process of getting merged with Ait India Express .


Thailand King reduces former PM Thaksin ‘s prison term to one year

Thaksin Sinwatra is  former premier of Thailand , is a billionaire and owner of Manchester City football team .His sister is head of Pheu Thai Party which is heading the govt . He was Prime Minister of Thailand between 2000 and 2008 .

He was exiled to UK after corruption charges where he stayed for 15 years . Last week Immediately after return from exile , he was sent to eight years of jail for offical abuse of power .

On Friday Thaksin Shiwatra asked for pardon from king which reduced his sentence from eight years in jail to 1 year .

The offical statement from King’s office says ” He is loyal to the institute of monarchy . When prosecuted , he respected justice system , ” Mr. Thaksin suffers numerous health problem .

“Attack on Russian airport launched from inside Russia “

The drones used to attack the ‘ kresty ‘ airbase in Pskov were launched from Russia .” Ukriane ‘s intelligence chief Kyrolo Budanov said on Friday .

” Four Russian IL 76 millitary transport planes were hit as a result of the attack . Two were destroyed and two were serious damaged ” he added .


The Kremlin said this week that military experts were working to find out which routes drones are taking in order to ” prevent suck situation in future ” .

When asked about Ukrianian claims on Friday , Kremlin Spokesperson Dmitry Peskov declined to comment .

Four soldiers and killed three injured , in fresh clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan


Four Armenian servicemen were killed and three Azerbaijani soldiers are wounded on Friday . The two countries accused each other for the clash.

” As a result of an Azerbaijani provocation , four servicemen were killed and one wounded on Armenian side , ” Armenia defense ministry said .

Ministry earlier had said that Azerbaijan had fired at Aremenkan positions near the town of sotk , less than 10 km from Azeri border . 

” WE declare that all responsibility for the tension and it’s consequences lies with military and political leadership of Armenia ” Azerbaijan defence ministry said .

Nagorno Karabakh is a disputed territory between Armenia and Azerbaijan .

Nepal rejects China ‘s map , asks neighbors to respect boundaries set by its parliament

Nepal on Friday asked the international community to honor the political map that was endorsed by its parliament in 2020 .

The recently released China map in which the Lompiyadhura , Kalapani and Lipulekh areas that Nepal considers its own … were shown as part of India .

Speaking to media persons Nepal’s Foreign ministry said

” Nepal stands firm and clear on its political and administrative map unanimously approved by Parliament in Nepal in 2020 ”

” The government unequivocally believes that this map must be respected by our neighbors as well as international community ”

Nepal PM Prachanda will als. take up matter pertaining to newly released map.

 Altering status quo

Restoring Popular rule in J&k and it’s statehood ought to be priority

The editorial talks about recent reply by govt in Supreme Court regarding restoration of statehood in Jammu and Kashmir

 What court asked and what was govt reply

During hearing of Article 360 the court asked

 govt  to give. A timeline for restoration of statehood in Jammu and Kashmir .

Govt in its reply told that it can not give a timeline , though Jammu and Kashmir statehood will be restored . Solicitor General Tushar Mehta told that govt has invested hugely in Jammu and Kashmir and that has made huge positive change there . He told that incidences of Bandhs and stone pelting which was quite night prior to 2019 has been reduced to nil . He also told that there have been huge reduction in infiltration in Jammu and Kashmir .

The court however has made it clear that he will decide only on Constitutional validity of removal of article 370 and development activities by govt in J&K will have no role to play in this .

What is editorial view ?

Editorial tells that improvement in security situation just signs that. statehood should be restored at earliest .

 An uneven rebound

Inflation ,monsoon pose fresh risks even as residual stress lingers in economy

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