Summary of The Hindu 31 August 2023 Current Affairs___

Karnataka starts releasing water on CWMA

In compliance with the directives of Cauvery Water Management Authority ( CWMA )  Karnataka has started  releasing water from its reservoir in TamilNadu .

CWMA has directed Karnataka to ensure 5000 cusecs of water at Billiungudu on inter state boundary every day up to September 12 .

The outflow from Krishnaraj Sagar dam in Mandya and Kanini in Mysuru combined crossed 6698 cusecs on Wednesday which was even further increased to 7392 cusecs .

China double down on new map

China on Tuesday published a map in which Arunachal Pradesh was shown as China’s part . Chinese ministry of foreig. Affairs spokesperson Wang Wenbin when asked about it told ” It is routine process for China ” to exercise sovereignty in accordance with the law ” ” We hope the relvent side can stay objective and calm , and refrian from over interpreting ” .

On Tuesday EAM spolesperson had told that the claims are absurd and it makes the resolution of boundary disputes even more complicated . 

Aadhaar based payment plan for MGNREGS put off again

With 41% of MGNREGA  job card holders still unprepared for Aadhaar based wage payments , the Union govt has extended such payments till the year end .

To curb corruption Govt has  made it necessary to link payment system with Aadhaar .

Energy ties between India , Russia to increase this year , says Moscow ‘s trade chief

Marking the 70 th anniversary of commercial ties , Russia and India will launch major energy initiatives and a business club to connect big businesses on both sides more closely , Russia. trade commissioner Alexander Tybas has said .

Mr . Rybas who is the highest ranking Russia trade representative in India , said withdrawal of western companies from Russia had opened opportunities for Indian Pharmaceutical , .

energy and food industry and that fertilizer sector was one of the priorities from both sides .Mr. Rybas dismissed the possibility of western sanctions could hurt bilateral businesses between India and Russia .

Indian’s more likely to believe nation’s influence is growing : pew survey

Pew Research survey is an American based organisations. Pew survey report was released on Wednesday .

     India enjoyed a positive image across 23 countries , with a median of 46 % adults holding a favorable view of India .

     79% of India. Residence had a positive view of PM Modi with a majority 55% very favorable view .

The pew Research is based on a nationally representative survey of 2611 adults in India , 3756 American Adults and 24674 adults in othe countries .


Rebel Soldiers in Gabon claim to have ousted their President

Soldiers in Gabon seized power after putting President under house arrest . hours  after he was declared the winner in the elections .

President Ali Bongo Ondiba’s father had ruled Gabon for 41 years , and after that he was ruling from 2009 . Lots of Charges of corruption

Is on Mr. Bongo and his family members .

People came to the streets and celebrated it on streets .

The coup is thought to be inspired by Niger coup one months ago .

Gabon is a oil rich nation and is a memeber of OPEC .


Russia says Ukraine drones struck deep into its territory

Ukriane sent waves of drones deep into western Russia in night time attack that lasted more than four hours .and struck military assets . Russian military and media reports said on Wednesday .

The drones hit an airport in Pskov near Russia”s border with Estonia and Latavia , causing a huge blaze and damaging four 11 – 76 military trasport helicopters which can carry heavy machinary and troops , Russia. state news agency TASS reported .

There was no immediate comment from Ukraone official , who generally refuse  to take responsibility of any attack on Russia .

Imran will be in jail for two more weeks

Pakistan’s former PM Imran Khan will remain in jail for at least another two weeks despite being granted bail on previous day , as court extended his detention on Wednesday in a case involving the revealing of official secret documents

 Business in China could be ‘risky ‘ : US

Business in China could become ” top risky ” for US. firms without can be to the regulatory environment , US commerce secretary Vinay Raimondo warned .Ms. Romondo was on four day tour to China . Ms Romondo told that she raised some ” tough issues ” with US counterparts . The business environment in China ” has to be predictable , there has to be a level paying field , there has to be due process , there has to be transparency  ” she told in a press conference near Shanghai .

US firms in China has long complained about what they see as unfair business environment. . with preferential treatment to business companies .

 Global Fund secures deal to slash HIV treatment price ; to benefit over 19 million

The Global fund announced on Wednesday a deal with generic pharmaceutical manufacturer to significantly slash the price of cutting edge HIV drug , in a move it said would save lives  The Global fund , a partnership best up in 2002 to battle AIDS , Tuberculosis and Malaria said the agreement would make it possible to advanced pill known as TLD for under 45 dollar per person per year .” This improved pricing –a 25 % reduction. will allow govt in resource setting to expand excess to critical HIB services .”

Around 19 million people more  people  living living with HIV in resource constrained setting are receiving TLD .

 10 killed in anti UN peacekeeping protest in DR Congo’s Goma

Japan PM eats ‘safe ‘ Fukushima fish days after wastewater dump .

In a video clip on social media Japanes PM Fumo Kishida called ” safe and delicious ” fish from Fukushima while eating it .

China has banned seafood import from Japan after release of Nuclear wastewater from Fukushima in Pacific .  

Playing out a farce

The Manipur assembly disregards duty by adjoining sine die at a time of crisis

About the editorial

The editorial talks about recently heldrAssembly session in Manipur . It tells that the way session was conducted , was not good for current situation of Manipur .


About recent held Manipur assembly session

Last time Assembly session took place on March 3 and govt was bound to call assembly before session before September 3 .


 174 tells that the gap between two assembly sessions should be less than 6 months .

Manipur govt on August 4 had recommended assembly session on August 21 . It created a constitutional crisis when governor didnt issue orders for assembly session .Finally governor issued date 29 August for assembly to be called .

On 29 August Assembly session just ended 48 minutes before it was adjourned sine die by the speaker . None of 10 kuki zo community members  MLAs was present in the assembly 

Concern about the assembly session

There are lots of pressing issues that could be discussed in assembly such as rehabilitation of those who migrated because of ethnic violence , the way forward to end ethnic violence etc .

Ending assembly only in 48 mins without any discussion shows that lots of work needed .

BJP govt would have done better if the assembly session was elongated .

Share the distress

The plight of Karnataka , TamilNadi shows the need of distress sharing formula .

About the editorial

The editorial is about recent order  of Cauvery Water Management Authority ( CWMA )   to Karnataka to relase 5000 cubic feet per second ( cusecs ) of water to TamilNadu .

 About Cauvery dispute

Cauvery water dispute between Karnataka a, TamilNadu is very old . CWMA was formed to resolve any dispute in this regard .On August 11 , in a meeting of CWMA TamilNadu left the meeting demading 24000 cusecs of Cauvery water from Karnataka .

Karnataka  was in favour of releasing not more than 3000 cusecs of water citing less rain and water needed for its farmer .TamilNadu went to Supreme Court which is going to hear it further on September 1 .

CWMA has ordered to release 5000  cusecs , of water till till 12 th September .

On the directives of CWMA ,  Karnataka has started releasing water . On Wednesday it released around 6300 cusecs of water to TamilNadu .

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