Summary of The Hindu 27 August 2023 Current Affairs___


Moon landing spot is now ‘Shiv Shakti ‘

PM Modi directly landed to Bengaluru at ISRO headquarters to congratulate scinetiest for Chandrayaan 3 mission.

The point at which Chandrayaan 3 made its soft landing will be known as ,’Shiv Shakti point ‘

In Shiv there is resolution for welfare of humanity,  and Shakti gives us strength to complete it .Shiv shakti point . The point that where Chandrayaan 2 collapsed with moon surface will be known as ‘Tiranga point ‘  ” Tiranga point will remind us that failure is not the end ” PM said .

August 23 , the day Chandrayaan 3 made its soft landing on lunar surface will  celebrated as ” National space day ” National science day will spread the spirit of science technology and innovation and inspire us for eternity .PM Modi said .

ISRO told that Rover PRAGYAAN has already moved 12 meters and is  expected to take lander VIKRAM photograph , ISRO director said .

ISRO chief said that Chandrayaan 3 has completed 2 of its mission objectives . Like landing on lunar surface and ROVER moving on lunar surface . The third objective of insitu chemical experiment is  under way .

PMJDY account surpassees 50 crore , deposits touch ₹2 lakh crore says Joshi

50.09 crore of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan accounts (PMJDY ) accounts has been opened as of August 16. The accounts It amount to more than ₹2 lakh crore of total deposits .

Govt is looking to labor ministry ‘s e Shram portal data tonwiden coverage of PMJDY .The percentage of zero balance account has dropped from 58% in 2015 to 8% presently .

The govt is persuading to account holders  from banks to go for micro insurance .

 Tangible heritage is history and identity the history , and identity of a nation ,msays Modi

G20 cultural ministers meet took place in Varansi . PM addressed G20 cultural ministers on Saturday .

PM called for restitution of cultural property. “People have right to access and enjoy their cultural property ” said PM . He told how India has brought back hundreds of its cultural property .

Tangible history not only matches but history and ideals , said PM. PM  empathises use of Technology to preserve cultural heritage . 

G 20 nations arrive at consensus over issues of cultural heritage .

A joint document was released after G 20 cultural ministers meet . ” Kashi Cultural Pathway ” .

The document had consensus about protecting destruction of cultural heritage during conflict , curbing of illicit trafficking , Restitution of cultural property and Need to protect living heritage .

However over   ” geopolitical issues ” such as war in Ukraine , Russia has rejected it .


     Nations were united against destruction of cultural heritage ”  whether intended or collateral notable in situation of conflict “.

     TO strengthen global coalition to fight against the illicit trafficking of culture ”

     Cooperation among nations; about strengthening LAW enforcement , inform ation exchange etc

     To enhance research , documentation etc 

Nine killed in Railway coach fire in Madurai

Reason behind blast, was that few passengers making tea with LPG cylinder .The whole coach which burnt was booked .,

Asian Development bank center to open climate change and health center in Delhi

Asian Development Bank will open climate change and health center in Delhi .WHO s gloabls center of tradition medicine Jamnagar will help in its set up .


China sends aircraft towards Taiwan after US okays arms sale

Taiwanese  defence ministry said on Saturday that 32 Chinese aircraft and 9 Navy ships crossed to Taiwanes territory . It has come days after US has finalised a deal to give 500 million dollars of defence equipment to Ukraine.  The crossing of Chinese ships and Aircraft occurred betweenn 6 A.M. Friday to 6A.M Saturday.

Chinese foreign ministry had called the Arms sale as ” gross interference ” in China’s  internal affairs and called it  a ” heinous act ” . Foreign ministry spokesperson said tha China should stick to its position that it will not support Taiwanese independence .

 NASA and  SPACEX’s crew of four blasts off to ISS .

NASA and SPACEX crew of four DRAGON blasted off to International space Station carrying four astronauts with them . FALCON  9 carrying DRAGON capsule lifted off from Kennedy Space Center of Florida . The mission’s name is CREW 7 . The four astronauts belonged to USA , Denmark , Japan and Russia . The four astronauts will carry research in ISS for about 6 months . This is one of the rare platform where Russia and USA are still cooperating . US had sent its astronaut through Russia’s Soyuz from Kazakhstan earlier .

ISS program will end in 2030 .

NASA has partnered with SPACEX to send its astronauts to ISS .

Astronauts on board Dragon capsule


China ‘s Xi stresses ‘ hard won social reality ‘ in rare visit to Xinjiang region

Chinese President on Saturday told public officials to ” strictly guide hard won social reality ” that has been achieved in Xinjiang .

Xinjiang region is home of Uighur Muslims , V

China detains Uighur Muslims and put it in camos to educate about its culture . China calls it an act against terrorism and Islamic extremism . runs several centers that try to educate , muslim Uighurs culturally . Earlier UN had called China’s action in Xinjiang may be called as ” crime against humanity ”

China has been running many camps .


Wagner leader face uncertainty after death of their leader Prigozhin

After death of Wagner Chief Prigozhin in a Plane Crash uncertainty has shrouded about future if Wagner .

Wagner is Present in fighting along with Russian forces in Ukraine . Wagner is also present in several African countries protecting them from Al Qaeda and ISIS .

Kremlin spokesperson on Saturday refused to talk about Wagner .  Russia has asked all Wagner group  militias to sign a oath of allegiance to Russia . Russia would not like to lose its influence in Africa through Wagner . A new chief of Wagner can be established soon.




Noah Lyles creates history securing a 3rd 200m titles .

Noah Lyles won his 3 rd Gold in 200 m race in World Championship. Only  other player to win 3 times Gold is Usain Bolt.


Badminton world : Copenhegen

H.S. Pronoy of India  won Bronze .

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