Summary of The Hindu 19 August 2023 Current Affairs — —

No SC stay on publication of Bihar Caste Survey data

The SC on Friday refused to stay the uploading of data in recently concluded Bihar Caste Survey .

Following clearance by High court on August 1 , survey was completed on 6 August .

Petitioner has raised that Caste Survey defies privacy of individual . They also raised that survey comes under Central govt authority and state can not do that . SC rejected all these claims .It said privacy was not violated as data collected is not made public and only certain results are made public


The Bihar Caste Survey came at cost of ₹500 crore .

Innovation in Health care is not for public good : PM

The Global initiative on Digital health … will allow countries in the global South to close the gap in healthcare delivery . It will take us one step closer of achieving universal healthcare coverege ” Mr. Modi said as a part of G20 health minister summit in Gujrat .

Innovation in digital health should be opened for the public good ,PM Narendra Modi said on Friday .  PM urged G20 health ministers to avoid duplication in funding and facilitate equitable availability of technology .


Effect of CoVID

Calling resilient as the biggest lesson from CoViD . He told ” we must be ready to prevent , prepare , and respond to the next health emergency. ” he said .


Holistic approach

PM said that in India foucs is being given on expanding healthcare infrastructure , promoting traditinal system of medicine , and providing affordable health care system to all .He further said that India is well above it’s


WHO global summit on traditional medicine is being held in Gandhinagar along side G20 health ministers meet .PM Modi also called for joint effort for global repository of traditional medicine .


Persons who forward abusive post cannot escape liability : SC

The SC made it clear to actor and foremer MLA S. Veekaran on Friday that a Person who is mechanically forwards abusive social media posts and  messages without actually reading and thinking them through is liable to face consequences , which may extend to criminal action .

Mr. Shekhar is accused of sharing vulgar post about women and journalist in 2018 .

Earlier Madras High court had refused to quash multiple criminal cases filed against him .


Hate speech will be prosecuted equally , no matter the faith : SC

The supreme court on Friday said that instances of hate speech would be prosecuted equally no matter the faith of offender .

Recently a rally was held in Kerala in July where one of the slogan was ” death to Hindus ” We have made it very clear , hate speech will be treated very equally , no matter which side is doing it ” justice Sanjeev Khanna emphasised .

In October 2022 , Supreme court had directed police and authoriies to immediately registers cases of hate speech offenders .


8 militancy supporters held near LoC , terrorist body found in RAESI : Army

The body of a militant was recovered during a search operation in the Pir Panjal  Valleys  Raesi district on Friday . Meanwhile eight militant supporters were arrested and


Meitei Pangals fear they will be ‘ pulled ‘ into Manipur conflict


Himachal Pradesh govt . declares incessant rain as state calamity

Following heavy loss of property and life that triggered landslip and floods in Himachal Pradesh , CM Sukhvinder Sukhu declared Himachal Pradesh as ” Natural Calamity Affected areas ” .

Torrential rain , floods , landslips  killed around 330 people , with over 12,000 house damaged . The state has suffered over 10,000 crore .” Road connecting villages to highways has been damaged . Water and power supply schemes were badly hit .Agriculture and Horiticulture sector too suffered heavy losses ” CM said .


SC reserves order on whether children from invalid marriages can inherit ancestral properties .

SC on Friday reserved its judgment whether a children born out of any void or invalid marriage can inherit parents property .

Hindu marriage Act , section 16 ( 3) deals with , the provision of inheritance of property by children in void or invalid marriage .Section 16(3) doesn’t provide any children in void marriage ” any rights in or to the property of any person other than parents ”

Means a children from void marriage can claim property only of his parents and not any other like grandparents .

In 2011 in a judgment SC had held right of children from void marriage to own parental property .

Currently the contention in court that is going on is about acquisition of interest …means when does ancestral property become property of parent for the purpose of section 16(3) .

A void marriage is unlawful marriage that is not valid under law.


Three killed in Manipur’s Naga dominated  area

Three village volunteers were killed by unidentified armed miscreants at Thwai Kuki village in Ukhrul districts of Manipur .Ukhrul districts is a Naga dominated area . It is adjacent to Kongkopki district which is Kuki dominated . Many kukis from Kongkopki had fled to Ukhrul during recent violence in Manipur.

Also An Assam Rifles unit posted near the village is withdrawn a few days ago .and there were no other security  forces present in the area .


Karnataka to set up panel to probe ‘40% commission ‘ charge during BJP regime

The Karnataka High court has constituted a committee headed by retired High court Chief Justice H.S. Nahmohan Das to probe the “40 % commission ” leveled by Canrataka state contractors association during the  previous BJP regime .The committee has been asked to submit its report within 30 days .

President of the association D. Kempana had written to PM Modi and CM Basrak Bommai in 2021 about how the contractors were forced to pay 25-30% bribery to some officials .


TamilNadu CM calls for retrieving Katchatheevu

Addressing fisherman community in Ramanathapuram TN CM MK Stalin said that retrieving Katchatheevu  from  Sri Lanka alone would not put an end to the problems in Sri Lanka would put a permanent end to the problems of fishermen in TamilNadu .

Katchatheevu is a small island between India and Sri Lanka . Currently it is administered by Sri Lanka . In 1974 the then PrimeMinister , Indira Gandhi accepted Katchatheeveu as Srilankan Area under ” Indo Srilankan Maritime Agreement ” aimed at resolving maritime boundary in Palk Strait .

Fisherman from TamilNadu crosses boundary and are held by Srilankan Navy . This is current problem .

Katchetheevu creates problem for India. fisherman


Three killed in Manipur’s Naga dominated district



Will not support ‘ forces of darkeness ‘ says Pakistan’s caretaker  PM Kakar

Pakistan’s caretaker PM Anwar Ul Haq Kakar on Friday said the interim govt would not support ” the forces of darkeness ”  in the society as he took strong exception to the unprecedented attack on minority Christians in the Muslim – majority coutry’s Punjab Province .

Am enraged mob  ranscked and torched 21 churches and 35 homes of Christians in Wednesday over blasphemy allegations in Jaranwala town of Faisalabad district , 130 km from Lahore .

” The minorities will stay protected in this country . There may be an attempt to harm them from a section of marginalised and peripheral group s of people , but that would be responded sternly and strictly ” Mr. Kakar said during his maiden federal cabinet meeting .

” Pakistani state and society (do) not align with such elements . They may be from us but they are divorced from us , they are divorced from our identity process . We do not stand for forces of darkness ” .

” We would strongly discourage  rigidity , be it in any form of society . We do not stand with forces of darkness ” he said .

When one group is in majority , they should ensure that minority is protected . ” But not on the basis that they would convert to your worldview … their sustainace should be ensured ” , he was quoted as saying by Geo News .

Meanwhile Pakistani Police have arrested two prime suspects involved in attack on 21 churches and nearly three dozen homes


Mr Kakar is interim. PM , means he wil be pM till election is complete and new PM gets elected ”


Russia said it destroyed Ukrainian drones targetting Moscow and Black sea fleet

Russian defence ministry said that it’s air forces downed a Ukrianian drone over the capital  at about 4:00 on Friday .

Drone was also destroyed at 237 km of Sebastopol , a Russian army base at black sea .

IRAN MINISTER meets Saudi Prince

Iran’s Foreign Minister met Saudi Arabia ‘s Crown Prince on Friday during his first visit since the two country started mending ties after years of conflicting relationship.


Xi to pay state visit to South Africa attend BRICS summit next week

BRICS will be held between 22 – 24 August in Sandton near Johannesburg in South Africa .


Over 2400 killed in Haiti gang violence since January , says UN


Taliban say woman ‘ lose value ‘ if faces are visible to men in public

Women ” lose value ” if men can see their uncovered faces in public , Moulvi Mohammad Sadiq Asaq , the spolesperson of Taliban Regime of Vice and Virtue said on Thursday .




FIFA female World Cup , 2023( Australia Nz)

Spain and England in Final .



Junior World Wrestling Championship (Under 20), Amman

India has won 7 medal , including 3 Gold

Gold – Women , Priya Malik and Antim Phangal

Gold – Men. , Mohit Kumar


FIDE world Chess Championship

Pragannada in semi final .

Magnus Carlsen is other semifinalist



In the name of God

Violence in the name of blasphemy exposes secteranian fault lines in of Pakistan

About the editorial

The editorial talks about recent sectarian violence in which around 21 churches has been vandalized and more than 3 dozens Christian houses targeted after blasphemy charges . The editorial talks about attitude towards suck violence by Pakistan govt


About recent attacks on Christian Churches

After messages spread on social media about a Christian family tearing pages of Koran , which there are chances was not true .Violence erupted  Christian homes were targetted and Churches burnt and vandalized . Videos of church vandalism could be seen . 129 has been arrested till now, including two master mind of violence . Pakistan newly elected Interim  PM has talked tough on such violence .

Blasphemy has tough punishment in Pakistan , and it can lead punishment to death penalty .


Problem with Blasphemy charges

Many of the accusations of Blasphemy are false and that draws immediate public violence like mob lynching and burning and bamdalizong property . Even administration acts very slowly in such cases . Mob generally comes into action even after rumours .

Pakistan court had told that govt should bring tough laws about such Violence ,but instead Pakistan govt brought tough punishment for blasphemy .


Material Consideration

The search for a room temperature superconductor is far from over .

About the editorial


Recently South Korean researchers claimed that they have made a material LK 99 that is superconductor at room temperature and ambient pressure . But these claims have not found to be true after verification by Scientific community . The editorial is about that .

About the Author

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