Summary of The Hindu 17 JULY 2023 Current Affairs — — —




ð  Govt set up new panel to review all NSO

The union govt has created a new internal over sight mechanism for
official data, revamping a standing committee on economic statistics (SCES) set
up in late 2019, soon after the findings of least leg of household serves on
consumption expenditure and employment.

SCEC will new be replaced by standing committee on statics (SCoS)  has borader mandate to review the frame work
and results of all surveys conducted under the aegis of National statistical
office (NSO).

Apart from survey Design improvements SCoS will identify data jups and
strategies to plug them.

ð  AAP confirms it will join opposition meet in
Bengaluru today.

AAP confirmed that it will participate in opposition meet in Benguluru
to be held today.

The decision came after congress said that it will not “Support” ordinate
by centre over Delhi.

ð  India to push G-20 to raise MNC tax share

India will push its G-20 partners to raise the share of taxex
multinational companies pay to countries where they earn “excess profits”, govt
officials said.

More than 140 countries are support to implement next year a major deal
to overhaul decades old tax system. The new rules defined by the deal would
levy a minimum 15% tax on large global firms, plus an additional 25% tax on
“Excess profit” as defined by OECD.

“India has made suggestions to get its due share of taxing rights on
excess profits of multinational companies” the suggestion has been made
“extensity”  during G-20 meetings.

ð  Panel wants Kuno cheetah to undergo medical

Following death of two more cheetch at kuno National park in Madhya
Pradesh over the past week, the export advisory committee overseeing the
implementation of profit cheetah has recommended that all the animals undergo a
thorough physical and medical review. This will involve recalling even the
animals relased the wild and investigation if the radio callars dangling from
their neck were indirectly abetting infection, source said the Hindu.

Recently Surya died from a wound on its neck that was then infected with
maggots whether wounds were from abrasion of collars is a dispute just as a
precentionany measure all radio collars will be investigated.

ð  Manipur : 2 killed in fresh Manipur violence

ð  In a two separate incident, a NAGA women was
killed in east imphal, while another me died in kangkoplli, here the man was

 Naga organization has called for 12 hour shutdown.

ð  Lighting not a natural disaster, says

The Union govt is not in favour of declaring lightening a natural
disaster, as deaths caused by it can be prevented by making people more aware a
govt official said.

The states Bihar and west bangal are demanding that lighting be included
inn Natural Disaster’ category once this is notified, victims will be entitled
to compensation under state disaster response fund (SDRF). The centre makes 75%
contribution to SDRF. Cyclone, drought, earthquake, fire, flood, tsunami,
hailstorm, and landslip, avalanche, cloudburst, pest attack, frost and cold
wave comes as disaster category India is only 
among five countries which has early warning system for lightning.

National crime Record Burow (NCRB) data shows deaths of people from
lightning as:

 Year           Deaths

2021           2880

2020           2862

2019           2876

ð  Mod for multi-role chopper by early 2024;
safran, HAL to set up firm in Bengaluru

The project sanction for Indian Multi Role Helicopter (IMRH) is expected
to be within thins financial year.

IMRH is expected to be ready within this decade will replace the mi-17s
and will also have a Naval Version. Project will cost around 10,000 croe.

ð  Russia has sufficient stockpile of cluster
bombs, says Putin.

Russian President vladmir Putin said in an interview on Sunday that
Russia has a “sufficient stockpile” of cluster munitions, and warned that
Russia “reserves the right to take reciprocal action” if Ukraine uses
controversial cluster weapons.

The pentagon on Thursday told that cluster munitions provided by Russia
had arrived Ukraine.

Cluster weapons is being provided to Ukraine by USA. It has been
criticized by Humanitassian organization and other nations. Cluster munitions
have high “duct rate” that cause heavy damage to civilians

ð  Dangerous heat wares felt across globe as
wildfires rage scorching heat has gripped Asia, Europe  and US.

Japan has issues heatstroke alerts to terms of millions of people
between the age group of 20 and 47.

The united states national weather service has reported that a powerful
heat wane stretching from California to texas was expected southern California
is fighting mymerous wildfires.

Italy has also issued warning for “the most intense heat wave of the
summer and one of the most intense of all time”. Red alert has ben issued in 16
cities including Rome, Bologra and Florence

ð  UK Formally signs up to trans-pacific
trading bloe.

The U.K. government on Sunday hailed what it said was highest trade deal
since Brexit, asit formally signed the acusion protocol for the comprehensive
and progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific partnership (CPTPP) in New-Zealand.

The CPIPP umprises Canada, japan, Australia, New Zealand, Brunei, chile,
Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam it was created in 2018.

ð  Shahbaz to hand over power to intension govt
before end of tenure.

Pakistan PM Shahbax Sharif on Sunday announced that his government would
hand over the power to a care taker set-up before the completion of ensure
next-month, indicating the  National
Assembly is going to be dissolved days before the completion  of his tensure. His term is ending on August
13 polls are to be held with 60 if Nationals assembly completes its term,
however if it doesn’t thon polls are going to be held in 92 days. 

ð  Iraq PM in Damascus in first trip since
Syrian war.

Iraqui PM Mohd Shia Al-Sudan Begur its official visit to Syrian Sunday,
the first Iraqi premier since 2011 to visit Iraq. The two nations share 600 km
border. Preventing flow of drugs and 
preventing infiltration of Islamic state (IS) militants are going to be
major issues to be discussed.

ð  Oil to be pumped from  decuying yemon tanker

A UN-owned tanker arrived off war torn YEMEN on Sunday for a risky
operation to pump more than a million barrels of oil from a decaying tanker.

1.14 million barrer of Marib light crude will be transferred from Marib
light crude to the mautica.

UNDP had warned that the tanker could explode resulting in a major oil
spill could occur causing ecological disaster which could take 20 billion to
clean up .

The spill would reach Saudi Arabia, Eritrea, Djibouti and Somalia





ð  Wimbledon

Men’s singles

Carlos Alacarz (Spain) defeated Novak Djokovic to become Wimbledon Men’s
champion 2023.

ð  Duleep Trophy

South Zone defeated west zone Duleep Trophy finale


Berkshire Heathway acquisition of occidental petroleum.




Something special


ð  India’s relationship with France is unique
and multi dimensional

ð  What the editorial is all  about

The editorial is about PM Modi’s visit to France. The editorial talks
about the agreements signed on this tour,. It also talks about joint statement
further it talks the reason India France relation has been so successful.

ð  About PM Modi’s visit to France

PM Modi’s two day visit to France as chief guest at bastille Day parade
can be seen as at momentous occasion of completion of 25 years for India-france
strategic relationship “Horizon 2047” the strategic road map for next decades
talks about cooperation is space, defence nuclear energy, climate change, green
transmit ion and people to- people ties. The tri-services of Indian Armed


 forces this time participated in Bastille Day celebration.

Agreement signed

·         Procurement of 26 Rafale-M, 3 more scorpene submarine was signed.

·         Agreement between HAL and SAFRAN to develop Jet engines.

On Indo pacific, military and Naval exchanges along with formation of a trilateral development fund to help small island nations in Indo-pacific.

ð  Reason’s behind successful relation between India and France

The strategic partnership India France is built on respect for each other’s strategic autonomy.

France has taken lead in Pushback by Ukrainian forces to Russian Forces, but it has not pushed India to change it stance on Russia.

During 1974 and 1998, France did not   joined west to sanction India after nuclear tests. Even PM Modi’s visit came at a time when EU parliament passed a resolution on Manipur, but none was discussed on Pm’s visit. India also didn’t discuss recent Violence in  France after killing of 17 year old in Paris in respecting the two sides has done well in respecting each other .





ð  States must coordinate to evolve a joint strategy to compact floods

ð  What the editorial is all about?

The editorial is about recent flooding after heavy rain in Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Delhi.

It particularly talks about Delhi, which generally is thought to be immune of flooding. Its drainage system and blame games between states.

ð  About recent floods in North India

Himachal Pradesh, Hryana, Pujab and Delhi were worst hit by the recent floods. It took more than 60 lives.

IMD told that Delhi received ‘evcess’ and ‘ large excess’ rain for five out of eight days from July 3-10. On July 9, it recorded 221.4mm of rain more than 209. 7mm that is the average for all July.

ð  Reason behind Delhi floods.

Delhi officials has told flooding of system region of Yamuna agar in Haryana with barrages of Delhi unable to regulate Yamuna’s flow effectively another reason can be that development in Yamuna floodplain has not been stopped large scale concretization  of state is on but desalting of  drains ahead of monsoon has not been provtized. Riverbed mining in Haryana creates huge amount of silt that prevents natural flow of Yamuna with climate change, Delhi can see more such floods in coming in coming years and it should prepare itself for that

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