Summary of The Hindu 12 JULY 2023 Current Affairs — — —




ð  SC
asks ED chief to quit but upholds amendment.

ð  What
is the case ?

is about extension of ED (enforcement Directorate) chief’s tenure.

term of CBI and ED chief is for 2 years which after central vigilance commission;
Act 2021 can be given up to a maximum 3 consecutive 1 year extension.

ð  What
were concerns of petitioner ?

wanted the end of tenure for current ED director sanajay kumar Mishra who is om
3rd term of his extension. His term would have been ended on
November this year any where petitioner are saying that Ed is being misused by

is not given by any committee, unlike posting for new CBI or new ED chief
extension can be used by govt to get farvours and govt becomes sole authority
to give extension.

ð  SC

on Tuesday asked ED chief Sanjay Kr. Mishra to quit four months before the end
of his term to quit office. i-e. quit before 31 July. Bench says back-to back
service extension given to Mishra is 2021 and 2022 were invalid and illegal;
“extension can be granted by the govt only if the committees, which are
constituted for recommending their appointment, recommend their extension
interest and also record the reason of writing”.

ð  Centre’s
view on Kashmir situation has no bearing on Article 370 case ; says Sc.

a fresh affidavit be submitted by the union govt and the current affidavit
filed does not hold “any bearing on the constitutional challenge” to repeal the

ð  About
the petition

was filed against govt revocation of Article 370 under Jammu and Kashmir
reorganisation act, 2019.

petition challenges J&K Reorganisation act, 2019. They have also challenged
the proclamation’s of Presidents Ruler in the state in December 2018.

ð  Centre’s

in a 20 pages offiden it filed told how J & K has transformed after
abrogation of article 370 in economy safety, etc.

SC told that govt
saying that J K has witnessed” unpre cedented era of peace, progress and
prosperity” holds no bearing, and the current case in a “constitutional

ð  Kerala revires its plan for semi-high speed rail line

ð  About kerala semi-high speed rail line project

The 530 km Thira vannath puran- Kasragod semi high speed standard gauge
railway link could cost 64,000 crore and would require large tracts of land.

ð  Why
project has been amended

protest concerning environmental damage, bifur cating the state, luke-warm
response from centre led to revising it in a new project.

New project

expert E. Sreedharan had been roped for new project.

new project 95% of line would run on elevated structure and remaining
underground, allaying fears of environmentalists.

will be built between thiravannath puran and Kannur and can be finished in 5-6

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ð  GST
council to impose 28% tax can online gaming firms

meeting of GST council was held on Tuesday


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 (1)  Reduced
or clarified the tax rates on times ranging uncooked or unfinished snack
pallets to special utility vehicles (SUVs).

(2)  Imported
drugs to treat cancer and rase diseases has been exempted for GST.

(3)  Online
gaming, involving bets and wagers will attract 28% GST leva.

(4)  On
states proposal to set up 50 benches of GST Appellate Tribunals – Govt has said
that GST Appellute tribunal will start functioning in 4 to 6 months and benches
will be set up in major cities. Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) value
within this period.

other countries include Cambodia, china, Congo, Houndrous, India, Indonesia,
Morocco, Serbia and Vietnam.


ð  Rain
toll points to man-made disaster in Himachal Pradesh.

unsustainable construction have intensified damage caused by ran related events
even as unprecedented downpour has caught the stage off guard.

24 June to July 10, over 41 incidents of landslips has been reported, 29 flash
floods and one cloudburst have occurred in Himachal Pradesh at least 80 people
have last their lives in rain related incidents in H.P .




ð  No
timetable set for Ukraine’s membership says NATO chief

summit is being held in vilinus capital of Lithuania following were major
activities in summit on Tuesday.

ð  ON

a major goodwill geture Turkey agreed to advance Sweeden’s bid to join


ð  On
UKRAINE to be a NATO member

leaders agreed on Tuesday to allow Ukraine to join “when allies agree and
conditions are met” Jems Stoltenberg the NATO chief said.

reaffirmed Ukraine will become a member of NATO and agreed to remove the
requirement for a membership action plans” NATO secretary general jens
Stoltenberg told reporters.

Ukraine’s president Zelensky doesn’t look happy with decision, and   he called not fixing a time for Ukraine to
be a NATO member “Absurd” “It’s unprecedented and absurd when a time is set
neither for the invitation nor for Ukraine’s membership” Zekensky said.

zelensky tweeted “Ukraine also deserves respect” “Uncertainty is weakness and I
will openly discuss this at the summit”.

membership – for a country ton become NATO membership, it must be agreed by all
members on NATO currently there are 31 NATO members, Finland being added most
recently in case of Ukrainian membership there is divide among NATO members. In
case of

only Turkey was not in favour due to Sweeden in past supported Kurdish movement
in Turkey. All members must agree to induct a new country in NATO. Evan if a
single member disagreed.

country can not be inducted.

ð  First
French long run missile reach Ukraine

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Tuesday French president announced that first French long-range missile SCALP
has reached Ukraine. A Mr. Macron said that missile delivery to Ukraine would
allow Ukraine to hit “in depth” the Russian occupation forces during counter
offensive by Ukraine kremlin spokesperson Dmitry peskov loarned that French’s
decision to send the missile” is a mistake with consequences for Ukrainian
side, because this will of course force us to take counter offensive”.

missile is air-to-ground cruise missile. Its range is 300 km

is known as “STORM SHADOW” in UK.

developed by UK and France

ð  Saudi
deposits 2 billion in pake central bank.

Arabia has deposited 2 billion in pakistan’s central bank, the Pakistan govt
said on Tuesday.

in fusuion is not a lone but will remain in Pakistani central bank; for a year.

has come on the eve of IMF’s executive board meeting which is expected to
approve 3 billion loan to Pakistan.

ð  Israel
Judicial reforms crosses first stage

ð  Protests
erupted in Israel after parliament adopted in a first reading a key clause of
the govt’s Judicial overhaul package which opponents say democracy.

ð  President
Netanhyahu had to stay on his decision to implement Judicial reforms due to
wide spread protest against bill.

 ð  Twitter
better for “Freedom of sppech”, says Afghanistan Taliban. After taking over
Twitter, elon Musk has brought charges regarding censorship on Twitter.

This probably has brought appland by “Afghanistan-Taliban”.

ð  Azerbaijan closer vital road link to breakaway region of KARABAKH.

Azerbaijan on Tuesday temporarily shut down. The only road linking
Nagorno-karabakh region with Armenia.

Nagarno-karabakh is disputed between Azerbaijan and Armenia.


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Green Washing


Changes to consternation laws must be backed by scientific evidence.

ð  What the editorial is all about?

The editorial is regarding Forest conservation act, Amendment, 2023.
Which amends few provision of forest conservation act, 1980.

ð  Forest conservation Amendment Bill, 2023

In forest conservation act, 1980 defines forest as protected area by

In 1996, in a landmark Judgment in T.N. Godavarman case SC broadened the
Scope of forest to convers even those not officially registered as forest.  The forest conservation Rules; Amendment 2023
has following important features only land recorded as ‘ forest’ on or before
1980 would invoke provisions of the act.

Forest land authorized by states for non foresty was between 1980-1996
would not invoke provisions of the act. Means, states can no

longer classify an classified forest land or patches of trees with
forest like characteristics as ‘forest land’.

The forest land, up to the look near India’s borders, to be
appropriated, without central approval, for “strategic and security” purpose


The provisions can rather can increases commercial exploitation of

ð  What does data says?

ð  The increase in forest cover in “Forest” confined areas is stagnant.

ð  It is tree cover in orchards, plantations and villages that is
rising,  and is a good part of India’s
claim of 24% area under forest and tree cover.

India has committed to increase this cover to 33% by 2030, as parts of
international dimate commitments.

Way forward

New forest rules favours grooming private  forest. Any policy in this matter must be
backed by scientific evidence.

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