Summary of The Hindu 02 june 2023 Current Affairs — — —

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THE HINDU  02-05-23


Ø Judicial Panel to probe Manipur Violence

Union Home Minister of Thursday said that a Judicial Commission would be set up to conduct a probe into the violence of Manipur. The commission would be headed by a retired High Court Chief Justice and would find “Causes” of violence and “fix responsibility”.

Home Minister termed the recent violence as “ethnic violence”. He also told that CBI will conduct its own probe of all the cases registered CBI will select five and register a general case of compiracy.

Warning to Millitants

He warned Kuki militant group of stern action. If the terms of Suspension of Ooperation (SoO) were violated.

SoO – It was signed in 2008 between govt. of India and Kuki umbrella bodies ‘The United People’s Front’ and ‘Kuki National Organisation’ which Jointly represent 24 injurgent groups.

It had 2,200 armed Cadres whose weapons had to be surrendered as per SoO.

However, it has been alleged that Kuki group used there weapons in recent violence.

He asked members of “Aarambai Tenggol” and “Meitie Leepan” which looted around 1420 weapons from police to surrender it. Telling that strict action will be taken on those who do not surrender.

He blamed Manipur, He verdict for recent violence


Ø GST collections cross ₹ 1.5 lakh crore for the fifth time, up to 11.5% in May.

GST collection grew 11.5% in May and crossed ₹ 1.57 lakh crore.

With revenue from domestic transaction 11% and imports yielding 12% more taxes than a year earlier.


Ø Farmers leaders to “Carry forward” Wrestlers’ protest against WFI Chief, meet President.

Farmers leaders from across Haryana, PunJab and Western UP on Thursday gathered for mahapanchayat and took a decision to meet President Duaupdi Murmu. The meeting was called by Naresh Tikait of Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU).


Ø India Nepal signs pacts on Energy transport.

Nepal’s PM Pushpa Kumar Dahal ‘Prachand’ is on 4 day visit to India. On Thursday he met PM Modi and agreements on energy and transport, including export on Nepal’s hydropower to Bangladesh through Indian territory was signed.

Transport related agreements : –

·        Cargo train from Bathnaha in India to Nepal Customs yard was inaugurated.

·        Integrated checkpast (ICP) at Nepalganj in Nepal and Rupaidiha on Indian side. This will open a new route for transmit between two countries.

Power related agreements : –

·        A long term power trade agreement has been signed under which, India has target to import 10,000 HW of electricity from Nepal in coming years.

·        New Pipelines will be constructed from Siliguri to Jhapa in Nepal.

·        MoU signed between NHPC and VUCL ( Vidyut Utpadan company limited ) Nepal, for the development of PHUKOT KARNALI Hydroelectric Project.

·        MoU between SJVNL and Investment Board Nepal for Lower ARUN hydroelectric Project.

·        Gorakhpur-Bhutawal transmission lines will be created.


Ø India and China hold talks on LAC issue in New Delhi.

27th Meeting of the working mechanism for consultation and Co-ordination on India-China Border Affairs (WMCC) held on Wednesday suggested no major headway in the slow-moving talks. Last time New Delhi hosted WMCC talks was for the 13th round on January 2019.

A statement from MEA said “the two sides reviewed the situation along the LAC in western sector of India-China border areas and discussed proposal for disengagement in remaining areas in a Frank and open manner.”

Chinese MFA statement has sought to delink border from rest of relationsip ; a stand that India has rejected.


Ø Sedition law can be retained but with safeguards : Law commission

Supreme Court in 2022 in its inerium order banned case of IPC 124 A which deals with sedition related laws. Govt had formed Law Commission to look into that

IPC 124 A – Eracted in 1860. Whoever, by words, either spoken or written, or by signs or by visible representation, or otherwise, brings or attempt to bring into hatred or contempt or excites or attempts to excite disaffection towards, the Govt. established by law in India shall be punished with fine and imprisonment.

What law commission report said

The section 124 A of IPC dealing with sedition needs to be retained but certain amendments could be made for greater clarties, regarding its wage.

The commission said sedition being a “colonials legacy” is not a valid ground for its repeat but in view of the misuse of section 124 A, the panel has recommended that the Centre issue model guidelines to curb any misuse.


Ø ‘Half of electricity to be from renewable sources by 2027’.

India has interrationally committed to half its installed electricity  being sourced from renewable sources by 2030.

Central Electricity Authority (CEA) on Wednesday told that the target can be achieved as early as 2026-27.

April 2023 electricity from renewables – 42.5%

2026-27 expected electricity from renewables ( Solar, wind etc ) – 57.4%

2031-32 expected renewables electricity – 68.4%


Ø NCERT in ‘rationalisation‘ move drops periodic table chapter from C lass X book.

NCERT in conducting9 ‘rationalizest’exercise, to lower syllabus.

Periodic table will still retain in Class XI.






Ø South Africa mulls legal options on ICC warrant against Putin.

BRICS Foreign Minister meet is going on in South Africa. BRICS head of states will meet in August in Durban (South Africa).

International Criminal Coast (ICC) in March accussed Mr. Putin of war crimes, forcibly deporting children from Russian occupied territory in Ukranie to Russia.

South Africa is a member of ICC. And theoretically it will have to arrest Russian President Vladmir Putin when he visits for BRICS in Durban.

Replying to these questions South Africa’s foreign Minister Naledi Pandor said “Our government is currently looking what options we have with respect to this matter”. The answer is that President will indicate what the final position of South Africa is

Currently invitation for BRICS has been sent to all the member states. Kremlin has told that Russia would take part at proper level.

Ø US and Taiwan ink trade deal as China issues warning.

US and Taiwan signed a trade deal on Thursday signed a trade deal on Thursday aimed at deepening economic relations between both sides in a move that has separted a warning form BeiJing.


The US-Taiwan initiative on 21st century looks to boost trade by streamling customs cheeks, improving regulatory procedures, and establishing anti corruption measures between US and Taiwan.

China on Thursday warned China on signing any such deal . It said the US” must not send the wrong signals to Taiwan independent forces in the name of Trade”.

China calls Taiwan its own region. The US and Taiwan has no diplomatic ties but they maintain unofficial ties. “the America institute of Taiwan” in Taipei.


Ø US Puts diplomatic pressure as Serbs rally in north KOSOVO.

Why tension emerged in KOSOVO ?

Clash between ethnic Albanian and Serbian had emerged when an Abanian was chosen Mayor in Serbian dominated region of Mitrovica.

Ethnic serbs are protesting against this They have also clashed with NATO led Peacekeeper Force ( KFOR ).

US Secretary of state of Thursday urged both Pristina and Belgrade to ease tension

Two Albanians got injured in clash with Serbian in Mitrovica.

KOSOVO – 92% Albanian 4% Serb KOSOVO was a part of SERBIA on February 2008, KOSOVO unilaterally declared itself independent from Serbia.

One of main reason of KOSOVO declaring independence was that the region was dominated by Albanians.

101 UN countries including USA recognize KOSOVO as soverireignation, Russia, Serbia and many other nation doesn’t recognize KOSOVO.

KOSOVO population – Around 18 lakh (2022)

Capital –  PRISTINA

1 – Mitrovica  ( Serb dominated )

2       – Pristina ( Capital )

Ø Pakistan posts record for second consecutive month.

Pakistan’s inflation rate in May rose 37.97% setting up a national record.

In April it was – 36.5%

Pakistan statics bureau said on Thursday The bureau said Vegetables, Pulses, Wheat, Wheat flour, rice, eggs and chicken in food item and fuel and  gas prices caused the increase.


Ø US defence Chief laments China’s refusal for meeting.

US Secretary of Defence Llyod Austin on Thursday told that it was unfortunate that his Chinese counterpart was refusing to meet him in upcoming security conference in Singapore.

Shangri-La – Is annual security dialogue held in Singapore.

It is similar to Raisina Dialogue in India, Munich Security conference in European Union.


Ø US slaps sanction on Sudan rival factions as ceasefire crumbles.

US announced economic and visa sanctions on Sudanese leaders.






Ø Who should own world’s lithium ?

Importance of Lithium

Lithium is used in making Lithium ion batteries. These batteries run Electric Vehicles (EV); All gadgets like mobile phone, and other which run on batteries which charges from electricity uses Lithium ion batteries.

The global push for transition to zero carbon emission has increased the need of Lithium ion to be used in vehicles and other equipment.

India’s Lithium reserve

Recently India found a large lithium reserve in Jammu and Kashmir.

Earlier India used to import Lithium batteries. In 2019-2020, it had imported 450 million units of lithium batteries worth ₹ 6600 crore.

In India these minerals are owned by Govt. only.

About Lithium reserves worldwide

Chile, Boliiva has largest Lithium reserves.

 Ø How has Dhaka reacted to the US threat on Visas ?

On May 24, US announced a “New Visa Policy” that will help the US to impose Visa restrictions on individuals in Bangladesh and their immediate family members who may free and fair election in Bangladesh.

US is 3rd largest trading partner of Bangladesh. Nasina govt. has maintained clear distinction between economic and political relations with US Bangladesh maintain neutral stance in Ukraine crisis.




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