20 July 2021 Current Affairs English

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  1. Government launches National Logistics Excellence Awards.

  • With a view to turn the spotlight on the logistics sector, the Government announced the launch of National Logistics Excellence Awards. The framework of awards has been finalised in consultation with the logistics associations and forum user industry partners.


  • The awards are in two categories, the first group includes logistics infrastructure/service providers and second one is for various user industries. There was wide scale appreciation from user industries for giving the due recognition to various players involved in the logistics supply chain.


  • The awards will highlight best practices including consolidation, process standardisation, technological upgrade, digital transformations, and sustainable practices.
  • For user industries, the awards will showcase efforts towards supply chain transformation, supplier ecosystem development, skill development, automation, and other similar endeavours”.
  • the Indian logistics sector has been growing at a CAGR of 10.5%, reaching approximately USD 215 billion in value in 2020, there are systemic, interconnected problems that must be addressed to enhance its efficiency. Comprehensive logistics costs amount to almost 14% of India’s GDP. Closing India’s competitiveness gap vis-à-vis the global average of 8 percent, would make the Indian logistics sector advanced, organised and efficient, on par with global peers with the ambition of being amongst the top 25 countries in the global Logistics Performance Index (LPI).
  • The winners will be announced on 31 October 2021. All case studies by finalists in the National Jury round will be showcased in the Logistics Excellence Gallery.
  1. Indian Institute of Heritage.

  • The government has decided to set up the ‘Indian Institute of Heritage’ at Noida, Gautam Buddha Nagar. This will impact higher education and research in the field related to rich Indian heritage and its conservation leading to Masters and Ph.D courses in History of Arts, Conservation, Museology, Archival Studies, Archaeology, Preventive Conservation, Epigraphy and Numismatics, Manuscriptology etc. as well as conservation training facilities to in-service employees and the students of the Indian Institute of Heritage.



  • The Institute is being set up as Deemed to be University by integrating Institute of Archaeology (Pt. Deendayal Upadhyaya Institute of Archaeology), School of Archival Studies under National Archives of India, New Delhi, the National Research Laboratory for Conservation of Cultural Property (NRLC),


  • Lucknow, National Museum Institute of History of Art, Conservation and Museology (NMICHM) and Academic Wing of Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA), New Delhi. These shall become various schools of Institute.


  • Indian Institute of Heritage will be a world-class university that would focus on the conservation and research in India’s rich tangible heritage, while offering research, development and dissemination of knowledge, excellence in the education of its students and activities associated with heritage that contribute to the cultural, scientific and economic life of India. This would be a standalone Institution of its type in the country.



  • INS Tabar, on completion of port visit to Brest, France undertook maritime partnership exercise with FNS Aquitaine, a French naval Frigate in the Bay of Biscay on 15 and 16 Jul 21.


  • A twin engine helicopter (NH 90) from FNS Aquitaine and four Rafale fighter aircraft from French Navy also participated in the exercise.


  • A wide range of operations like Anti – Submarine, Surface Manoeuvers, Replenishment at Sea approach, Firing on target, Visit Board Search & Seizure (VBSS), Steam Past, Air Defence, Air Picture Compilation, Vertical Replenishment and crossdeck operations were exercised ​by the ships.


  • The exercise was mutually beneficial in enhancing interoperability and towards consolidating combined operations against maritime threats.


  1. Oxygen generation facility inaugurated at INHS Dhanvantari, Port Blair.

  • An oxygen generation facility was inaugurated by Commander-in-Chief, Andaman and Nicobar Command (CINCAN) Lieutenant General Ajai Singh at Indian Naval Hospital,INHS Dhanvantari in Port Blairon July 19, 2021.


  • The plant has been installed to augment the medical and support facilities in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands amidst the COVID-19 situation.


  • The setting-up of the plant was taken up by the Andaman and Nicobar Command through M/s ITD Cementation India Limited, which is undertaking a major marine infrastructure project in the Command.


  • The firm took up this venture as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative. Despite COVID-19 restrictions, a new oxygen generation plant was procured from Chennai and was installed at INHS Dhanvantri in a short span.


  • The facility will be only captive/in-house facility within the hospital for generation of medical grade oxygen. It would ensure continued supply of medical oxygen to specified beds, thus providing huge support in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and significantly enhancing self-sufficiency.


  1. Government sets up Dairy Investment Accelerator to promote& facilitate investments in the Dairy sector.

  • The Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying (DAHD), Government of India,with a view to provide dedicated focus towards promoting & facilitating investments in the Indian Dairy sector, has setup Dairy Investment Accelerator under its Investment Facilitation Cell. This Investment Accelerator is a cross functional team constituted to serve as the interface with investors.



It shall provide support across the investment cycle:

  • Offering specific inputs for evaluation of investment opportunities
  • Addressing queries about application to govt. schemes
  • Connecting with strategic partners
  • Providing on-ground assistance with state departments & relevant authorities


Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development fund (AHIDF)

  • Dairy Investment Accelerator is also generating awareness among investors about Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development fund (AHIDF).AHIDF is one of the flagship schemes by DAHD, Government of India whereby Rs. 15,000 crorefund has been setup for offering financial support to entrepreneurs, private companies, MSME, Farmers Producers Organizations (FPOs), and Section 8 companies.


  1. India Inequality Report 2021.

  • Sharp inequalities exist across different caste, religious, class and gender categories on various health indicators, according to a report by Oxfam India.


  • The report titled “India Inequality Report 2021: India’s Unequal Healthcare Story” shows that the “general category is better off than the SCs and STs, Hindus are better off than Muslims, the rich are better off than the poor,
  • men are better off than women, and the urban population is better off than the rural population” on most health determinants, interventions and indicators.
  • The findings are primarily based on secondary analysis from rounds 3 and 4 of the National Family Health Survey and various rounds of National Sample Survey.
  • The report shows that while women’s literacy has improved across social groups over the years, SC and ST women lag behind the general category by 18.6% and 27.9%, respectively. There exists a gap of 55.1% between the top and bottom 20% of the population in 2015-16. Though the female literacy rate among Muslims (64.3%) is lower than all religious groups, inequality has reduced over time.
  • As far as sanitation is concerned, 65.7% households have access to improved, non-shared sanitation facilities in the general category while SC households are 28.5% behind them and ST are 39.8% behind them. While 93.4% of households in the top 20% have access to improved sanitation, only 6% have access in the bottom 20 % — a difference of 87.4%.
  • immunisation in ST households at 55.8% is still 6.2% below the national average, and Muslims have the lowest rate across all socio-religious groups at 55.4%.
  • Life expectancy based on wealth is 65.1 years for the bottom 20% of the households,
  • while it is 72.7 years for the top 20%. Similarly, on an average, an upper caste woman lives 15 years longer than a Dalit woman.



  1. Implementation of CoE Recommendations Related to Defence Reforms.

  • The Committee of Experts (CoE) constituted by the Ministry of Defence under the chairmanship of Lt Gen (Retd) DB Shekatkar to recommend measures to enhance combat compatibility and rebalance defence expenditure of the armed forces, submitted its report in December 2016.


The Report was taken up by the Ministry of Defence to frame key action points and roadmap for implementation. Measures recommended by the Committee and taken up for the implementation include:-

  • Optimisation of Signals Establishments to include Radio Monitoring Companies, Corps Air Support Signal Regiments, Air Formation Signal Regiments, Composite Signal Regiments and merger for Corps Operating and Engineering Signal Regiments.
  • Restructuring of repair echelons in the Army to include Base Workshops, Advance Base Workshops and Static/Station Workshops in the field Army.
  • Redeployment of Ordnance echelons to include Vehicle Depots, Ordnance Depots and Central Ordnance Depots apart from streamlining inventory control mechanisms.
  • Better utilisation of Supply and Transportation echelons and Animal Transport Units.
  • Closure of Military Farms and Army Postal Establishments in peace locations.
  • Enhancement in standards for recruitment of clerical staff and drivers in the Army.
  • Improving the efficiency of the National Cadet Corps.

The implementation of certain recommendations of the CoE involves redeployment/restructuring/optimisation of approximately 57,000 posts, both military and civilian.

Full details are not being placed in the public domain as they include operational aspects of the armed forces, disclosure of which is not in the interest of national security.

  1. Funds Under Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project(DRIP) Scheme.

  • Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP) is a State sector scheme formulated to bridge the funding gap and provide urgent finance to States for repair and maintenance of Dams.


  • The scheme closed on 31st March, 2021. It facilitated loans from World Bank to participating states when they agreed to terms and conditions of the lending agency. Andhra Pradesh did not choose to be a part of it.
  • Next phase of DRIP i.e. DRIP Phase – II & III approved by Cabinet, is at an advanced preparatory stage.
  • Government of Andhra Pradesh has expressed willingness to be a part of DRIP Phase -II & III and submitted an estimate for 667 crore to rehabilitate 31 dams.
  • However, they are yet to fulfill Project Readiness Criteria of World Bank to merit sanction and disbursement of loan.
  • The project was launched in 2012 by Central Water Commission (CWC) under Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation with assistance from World Bank.

Objectives of DRIP:-

  • Rehabilitation of old dams in country experiencing distress and are in need of attention for ensuring their structural safety and operational efficiency.
  • Strengthening institutional capacity and project management in this area.
  • Bring greater awareness on dam safety issues and finding novel solutions to address them by pooling best knowledge, technologies and experience available around world.


  1. Mineral Exploration Corporation Limited (MECL) signs MoU with Directorate of Mines & Geology (DMG), Goa.

  • Mineral Exploration Corporation Limited (MECL) a premier notified mineral exploration agency under the aegis of Ministry of Mines, Govt. of India signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Directorate of Mines & Geology (DMG), Government of Goa, offering integrated mineral exploration and consultancy services at New Delhi.



  • With the signing of MoU, MECL will assess mineral resources by conducting an array of geo-scientific exploration and will finalise the mineral blocks to be auctioned and establish the state’s mineral inventory.
  • The recent amendments to the MMDR Amendment Act 2021, Mineral (Auction) Second Amendment Rules, 2021 and Minerals (Evidence of Mineral Contents) Amendment Rules will further pave the way for states to fast track the auction process of their mineral acreages,
  • thus making role of DMG, Government of Goa pivotal in the process of assessment and allocation of their mineral acreages.


  1. Status of Green National Highway Corridor Project .

  • The Government had signed loan agreement with the World Bank to develop Green National Highway Corridors (GNHCP).


  • The project include Upgradation of about 781 km length of various National Highways passing through the states of Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh.
  • Out of total length of 781  km, work on 96 km having Civil Cost of Rs. 1664.44 cr. has been awarded.
  • The schedule date of completion is December,


  1. Deaths Due to Road Accidents.

  • As per the data received from Police Departments of various States/UTs the total number of persons killed on all roads in the country for the calendar year, starting from 2017 to 2019

Year      Number of persons killed

2017       1,47,913

2018       1,51,417

2019       1,51,113


The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways has notified “Member of Parliaments’ Road Safety Committee” in each district of the country to promote awareness amongst road users under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) from the district.


The Ministry has formulated a multi-pronged strategy to address the issue of road safety based on Education, Engineering (both of roads and vehicles), Enforcement and Emergency Care. Accordingly, various initiatives have been taken by the Ministry



The Ministry implements a scheme for undertaking publicity measures and awareness campaigns on road safety to create awareness among road users through the electronic media, print media, NGOs etc.

Observance of National Road Safety Month/Week every year for spreading awareness and strengthening road safety.

A Certification Course for Road Safety Auditors has been commenced in Indian

Academy of Highway Engineers (IAHE).




  1. Engineering (both of Roads and vehicles)

 Road engineering

High priority to identification and rectification of black spots (accident prone spots) on national highways.

Road safety has been made an integral part of road design at planning stage.

Ministry has delegated powers to Regional Officers of MORTH for technical approval to the detailed estimates for rectification of identified Road Accident black spots.

Guidelines for pedestrian facilities on National Highways for persons with disabilities have also been issued to all States / UTs.

 Vehicle engineering

Safety standards for automobiles have been improved.

Ministry has notified fitment of Speed Limiting devices on all transport vehicles.

Scheme for setting up one model Inspection & Certification Centre in each State/UT with Central assistance for testing the fitness of vehicles through an automated system.



The recently passed motor vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019 provides for strict enforcement through use of technology and further provides for strict penalties for ensuring strict compliance and enhancing deterrence for violation of traffic rules.

Issue of Guidelines for protection of Good Samaritans and draft rules as per MV (Amendment) Act, 2019 has been published.


  1. Emergency care

The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019 provides for a scheme for the cashless treatment of victims of the accident during the golden hour.

The National Highways Authority of India has made provisions for ambulances at all toll plazas on the completed corridor of National Highways.

Further, out of this, 297 ambulances have been upgraded to Basic Life Support as per AIS-125 and upgradation for the remaining is under process.


  1. Startup India Showcase Platform.

  • 104 startups from different sectors currently on boarded on Startup India Showcase Platform


  • A total of 104 startups from different sectors have currently onboarded on the Startup India Showcase Platform.
  • Startup India Showcase is an online discovery platform for the most promising startups of the country.
  • These innovations span across various cutting-edge sectors such as Fintech, EntrepriseTech, Social Impact, HealthTech, EdTech, among others.
  • Ecosystem stakeholders have evaluated, nurtured, and supported these startups.
  • These startups are solving critical problems and have shown exceptional innovation in their respective sectors.
  • Each startup has a profile page with detailed pitch about their product, innovation, and USP in forms of Videos and PDF links.
  • This provides unique visibility to them in front of the entire startup ecosystem. The startups act as the flagbearers of good quality of Indian startups.




13.                       Shripad Yesso Naik :-takes charge as Union Minister of State for Tourism, Ports, Shipping & Waterways


  1. Oregon Bootleg Fire.

  • Oregon Bootleg Fire: Wildfire burns through more than 3 lakh acres, prompts thousands of evacuations


  • In the US state of Oregon, the nation’s largest active wildfire has burned through more than 3 lakh acres, prompting thousands of evacuations. Over 2,000 fire-fighters are tackling the so-called Bootleg Fire – one of the largest blazes in Oregon’s history.
  • Since starting on 6 July, it has already scorched an area larger than the city of Los Angeles. It is one of more than 80 major fires raging across 13 US states, spurred by heat waves and high winds.



  • The Bootleg Fire, named after the nearby Bootleg Spring, has forced at least 2,000 residents from mostly rural areas to abandon their homes. At least 160 homes and buildings have been destroyed so far. Authorities said that a quarter of the fire’s perimeter had been contained.
  • Wildfires have already torn through more than 1.2m acres of the country this year, mainly in western states, according to the National Interagency Fire Center. More than 4,000 blazes have been recorded by the organisation so far in 2021, which is almost double last year’s total.




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